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MSDN Search Sample

Demonstrate how to extend Quick Launch with custom search providers in Visual Studio.

  • Technologies: Visual Studio 2015 SDK
  • Topics: MSBuild, VSX


This sample demonstrates how to extend Quick Launch to include additional search providers that search outside of the built-in providers. The list of search providers can be found at: Tools > Options > Environment > Quick Launch

  • This sample implements MSDN Search functionality into Quick Launch



Visual Studio 2015

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Clone the repo (How to):

git clone

Run the sample

  1. To run the sample, hit F5 or choose the Debug > Start Debugging menu command. A new instance of Visual Studio will launch under the experimental hive.
  2. Once loaded, click on the Quick Launch search bar in the top right corner of Visual Studio
  3. MSDN is now one of the search providers that will display results in Quick Launch
  4. MSDN Search now appears in the list of search providers. Tools > Options > Environment > Quick Launch
  5. To reduce the scope of a search to only include MSDN, prefix the search string with @msdn. Ex: @msdn hello world

Project Files

  • MSDNSearchPackage.cs

This file contains the ExtensionPointPackage implementation. Declares the supported extension points (the Quick Launch search provider). It also is responsible for declaring About Box registration data.

  • MSDNSearchProvider.cs

This file contains the search provider implementation. The class implements the IVsSearchProvider interface that enables Quick Launch integration.

  • MSDNSearchResult.cs

This class represents a search result from MSDN Search category. It exposes properties such as DisplayText, Tooltip, and implements the action to be executed when the search result is selected by the user.

  • MSDNSearchTask.cs

This class derives from Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.VsSearchTask and implements the task used to perform the actual searches. It queries the MSDN online server, process the returned RSS feed and creates search results to be displayed in the Quick Launch popup.

  • VSPackage.resx

This file is used to support localized strings and images for About Box registration

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