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File metadata and controls

154 lines (104 loc) · 4.99 KB

First Example of Dotnet Core 6 GRPC (Client And Server)


I was curious about GRPC. So I developed simple GRPC Client and Server projects via .NET Core 6.


Main goal is: Develop a API that has GRPC. Stream large files for example excel files etc. In this project I used excel file.



  • Developed via .Net Core 6
  • Uses GRPC for streaming large files for example excel file etc.


Currently I use Docker version 20.10.21 and Docker Compose version v2.6.0
Currently I use Linux Ubuntu 18.06 LTS machine on Google Cloud.

Docker installation

Docker Engine and Docker Compose must be installed. Check out on Docker's offical site.

Excel File to Stream Large Data

Services (API Endpoints)

GetSalesData Method


Name Required Type Description
n/a n/a n/a


Content of Excel file will be streamed to client. You can see from console.

❗ ❗ ❗ I used deadline as 5 seconds from Now. You can remove it or change it to whatever you want ❗ ❗ ❗

Business Logic

I didn't use any design patterns. This project is for learning about GRPC.

GRPC Client

  1. Connect to GRPC Server.
  2. Invoke GetSalesData Method without filter. I used deadline but you can change or remove it.
  3. Read messages until all the messages are fetched. Actually read excel file line by line (one row at a time) via GRPC Stream and print on console.
  4. If stream ended print total number of records from excel file that streamed via GRPC.
  5. If deadline or exception occurs print exception message

GRPC Server

  1. Read csv file named "sales_records.csv" line by line via loop.
  2. Split row data using comma ",". Seperator is comma in excel file.
  3. Write data into model named "SalesDataModel". This model is autogenerated from proto file named "sales.proto"
  4. Return model as a stream by simply writing our data model to the responseStream.
  5. If exception occurs return exception.

Proto File

I used this proto file.

syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "Protos";

package sales;

service SalesService { //Service name
    rpc GetSalesData(Request) returns (stream SalesDataModel) {} //Method name is GetSalesData, takes type of Request object, returns SalesDataModel object as stream.  

message Request{
    string filters=1;

message SalesDataModel { //Excel file model

    int32 OrderID = 1;
    string Region = 2;
    string Country = 3;
    string ItemType=4;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp OrderDate=5;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp ShipDate=6;
    int32 UnitsSold=7;
    float UnitCost=8;
    float UnitPrice=9;
    int32 TotalRevenue=10;
    int32 TotalCost=11;
    int32 TotalProfit=12;



  • Use docker files to build docker images.
  • Use docker-compose files to run containers.

Example Commands to build images:

docker build -t cenkcamkiran/gcloud-projects:grpcexample_v1.0 . #build to use grpc server

docker build -t cenkcamkiran/gcloud-projects:grpcclient_v1.0 . #build to use grpc client


I am open every advice for my project. I am planning to improve myself on .NET Core 6, Microservices and Container Technologies. So don't hesitate comment on my project. Every idea is plus for me.

Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Please use the Github issues.


I want to learn more details about GRPC.