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Smart Car Tutorial

Collect Training Data

The Cloudera Self Driving Vehicle (CSDV) is a miniature autonomous car which is trained to follow markers along a race track, the team achieved this by rapidly sampling photographs and using them to run inference to adjust the steering angle of the vehicle.

The point of the exercise is to demonstrate the Edge to AI life cycle for fast model deployment to the Jetson TX2 module aboard the miniature car. The car takes advantage of Cloudera Edge Manager (CEM) to continue gathering data and improve the model.

The clip below is an example of CSDV driving autonomously around it's racetrack


In this tutorial you will simulate having our Smart Car by using a cloud VM--we instruct you to use AWS but feel free to use your favorite public cloud provider--which will serve as the MiNiFi agent.



The variety of edge devices--whether it be IoT devices, Cloud VMs, or even containers--generating data in today's industry continues to diversify and can lead to data being lost. There is a need to author flows across all variety of edge devices running across an organization; further, there is a need to monitor the published across all devices without writing customized applications for all the different types of devices. CEM provides you with an interface to author flows and monitor them with ease. CEM is made up of a few components, namely Edge Flow Manager (EFM), and MiNifi. EFM provides you with a familiar user interface, similar to NiFi's, while MiNifi is used as the tool which helps you retrieve data from hard to reach places.

CEM also allows you to granularly deploy models to every different type of device in your enterprise


We will use Cloudera Edge Manager (CEM) to build a MiNiFi dataflow in the interactive UI and publish it to the MiNiFi agent running on the edge. This dataflow will ingest the car sensor data coming from ROS and push it to NiFi running in the cloud.


Deploy a single node CDH cluster from

This Setup process will output connection parameters for your cluster. For your convenience, export the IP and SSH Key path to variables

export WIP='CDH IP'
export WSSH='CDH SSH Key'

And open an SSH session into your CDH Node, and sudo to root

ssh -i $WSSH centos@$WIP
sudo su -

Build Data Flow for MiNiFi via CEM UI

First, Start the MiNiFi agent from the Server Shell - it is preconfigured for you

systemctl start minifi

Then Download and prepare the demo data. The self-driving car is about USD2k to buy, so this is somewhat cheaper

wget -q -O /root/image_data.tar.gz
tar -xzf ./image_data.tar.gz

Open your UI Tabs

Open your CEM UI at <cloud-vm-public-dns:10080/efm>, if your configuration file is setup correctly you will find that your agent is sending heartbeats to the monitor events section of CEM UI


Open your NiFi UI at <cloud-vm-public-dns:8080/nifi>

Open your NiFi-Registry UI at <cloud-vm-public-dns:18080/nifi-registry>

Open your CDSW UI at cdsw.<cloud public ip>

Set up First NiFi and MiNiFi Objects

Now we know that our Agent can communicate with CEM, that is great news. In order to connect MiNiFi to NiFi we need to know where we are going so let's create a path for our data to slowly build a flow.

Open NiFi UI on your CDF cluster at <cloud-vm-public-dns:8080/nifi> and create a new input source named AWS_MiNiFi_CSV leave it alone for now, we will need the input id to set our connection from MiNiFi processor to NiFi Remote Process Group (RPG)


That is all we need to do on NiFi for now.

Navigate to the Flow Designer on CEM UI, you can click on the class associated with MiNiFi agent you want to build the dataflow for, note that we named our agent iot-1 and our class iot


For now click class AWS_agent. Press open to start building. The canvas opens for building flow for class AWS_agent:


We will build a MiNiFi ETL pipeline to ingest csv and image data.

Add a GetFile for CSV Data Ingest

Add a GetFile processor onto canvas to get csv data, by dragging the Processor Icon to the canvas:


Double click on GetFile to configure. Scroll to Properties, add the properties in Table 1 to update GetFile's properties.

Table 1: Update GetFile Properties

Property Value
Input Directory /root/image
Keep Source File false
Recurse Subdirectories false

Push CSV Data to Remote NiFi Instance

Add a Remote Process Group onto canvas to send csv data to NiFi remote instance:

Add URL NiFi is running on (use the exact value below):

Settings Value
URL http://edge2ai-1.dim.local:8080/nifi/

Connect GetCSVFile to Remote Process Group by dragging the Arrow from GetCSVFile to the RPG, then add the NiFi destination input port ID you want to send the csv data:

Settings Value
Destination Input Port ID <NiFi-input-port-ID>

Note: you can find the input port ID by clicking on your input port in the NiFi flow. Make sure you connect to the input port that sends csv data to HDFS.


Add a GetFile for Image Data Ingest

Add a separate inport port on NiFi UI and name it AWS_AGENT_JPG just like before leave it blank for now. Now change to your CEM UI and add a GetFile processor onto canvas to get image data

Double click on GetFile to configure. Scroll to Properties, add the properties in Table 2 to update GetFile's properties.

Table 2: Update GetFile Properties

Property Value
Input Directory /root/image/logitech
Keep Source File false
Recurse Subdirectories false

Push Image Data to Remote NiFi Instance

Table 4: Connect GetImageFiles to Remote Process Group, then add the following configuration:

Settings Value
Destination Input Port ID <NiFi-input-port-ID>

Note: you can find the input port ID by clicking on your input port in the NiFi flow. Make sure you connect to the input port that sends image data to HDFS.


Create IoT Bucket in NiFi Registry

We need a container in our version control registry for the MiNiFi Flow to be published in

Open your CEM UI at <cloud-vm-public-dns:18080/nifi-registry>

Click the Spanner icon in the Top Right corner

Click New Bucket

Name your bucket IoT

Click Create


Publish Data Flow to MiNiFi Agent

Click on publish in actions dropdown:


Make this flow available to all agents associated with iot-1 class, press publish:


Note: you can add comment Sending driving log csv and image data to NiFi

Result of publish successful:


Continue to Tutorial 2: Collect Car Edge Data into Cloud