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Repositories as abstract classes (program to interfaces, not implementations)

"Program to interfaces, not implementations" is a very important concept in software design.

It is used to decouple your code from implementation-specific details.

A good use case for this is when creating repositories that connect to external data sources:

Once you have an interface (abstract class), you can implement it with a concrete implementation.

You can even create a "fake", which can be very useful in your tests.

During app startup, you can initialize your repository with a concrete instance (using a service locator or any other dependency injection system).

And the rest of your app can just access the repository using the base abstract class.

What are the benefits?

  • You can swap your real repository with a completely different implementation - the rest of your code doesn't change at all
  • You can mock the repository in your tests, so that they run faster and more reliably

Follow me for more tips like this: @biz84

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