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File metadata and controls

60 lines (49 loc) · 4.18 KB


Welcome to our team Github repo! Here you can find all of the resources for our website (folders to be uploaded soon).


  1. Fork a branch to work on, and merge-push when you're done. Coordinate with team members who are working on similar things through Slack ( to avoid clashes.
  2. Unless you're just updating a small thing, write descriptive commit statements!
  3. Comment your code to make it understandable by everyone.

Quick start: Ruby on Rails

  1. Install Ruby and Rails, maybe use railsinstaller (I think I just manually installed ruby and then rails though)
    • Ruby 2.3.~ check with ruby -v
    • Rails 5.0.1~ check with rails -v
    • Bundler is for installing gems easily with the command bundle install (just letting you know, don't run it yet)
    • Sqlite is just for local testing database
    • Git is git (version control)
    • idk the other stuff in rails installer package, and I'm on Windows so...
  2. Clone the repo git clone
  3. Go to directory cd Changenuity or just open command line in the folder
  4. Run rails server with rails server or rails s
    • If you get any prompts to install gems, probably run bundle install --without production
    • If a certification error arises, two options:
      1. Open the gemfile (via windows explorer) and change Source from to (the difference is the s)
      2. In CLI gem sources -r then type gem sources -a To check your sources, type gem sources
    • if it says something about data migrations, probably run rails db:migrate
  5. Navigate to localhost:3000 in your web browser
  6. TADAA!!! Oh yeah ctrl-C theny to stop the server

Rails Application Guide

Rails generates a bunch of files and configs you mostly don't need to concern yourself with. If you want to check out what everything is for, go here.

  • app/assets is where CSS, JS, and other assets like images should be
  • app/views is where HTML is stored, the .erb extension indicates embedded ruby which is used for dynamic features and database storage!

Of course there are more things, but for now front-end is just this.

Heroku Guide

To add the Heroku staging and production remote servers, run git remote add staging and git remote add heroku

To push the latest commit from cool-branch into the staging server, run git push staging cool-branch:develop. To push the latest commit from develop into production, run git push heroku develop but remember, your changes will be visible on directly! Make sure everybody approves before you push!!

Whenever pushing anything to Heroku that requires migrations, remember to run heroku rake db:migrate

To browse the current state of the database, first download PostgreSQL

  • run heroku pg:backups:capture to create a backup
  • run heroku pg:backups:download to download it
  • open the newly saved latest.dump from your current folder using PostgreSQL

To edit database entries directly, run heroku run rails console

  • run Model.all to get a list of all entries of a certain model, e.g. Project.all or User.all
  • run Model.where(key1: "value1", key2: "value2") to get a list of all entries that match a certain query, e.g. Project.where(name: "UBC Orbit")
  • run Model.find(id) to get the entry with the given id, taken from the URL, e.g. Project.find(7) or User.find(1)
  • run first or last to get the first or last entry in a list, e.g. Project.where(location: "Vancouver").last
  • assign an entry to a variable to modify it, e.g. p = Project.find(3) or p = User.where(email: "").first
  • then modify its attributes directly, e.g. =
  • run save to permanently save your update to the Heroku database

Rails console commands:

  • ActiveRecord::Base.connection.data_sources