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Releases: ChatTriggers/ChatTriggers


20 Feb 22:47
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  • Add newline support to Text (@Squagward)
  • New triggers: renderPortal, renderJumpBar, renderChat, renderHelmet (@Squagward)
  • Add option to command trigger to override existing commands (@Debuggingss)
  • Add aliases to command triggers (@Squagward)
  • Add trigger methods to KeyBind similar to Gui (@Squagward)
  • Add Chunk::getAllTileEntities and Entity::getChunk (@Squagward)


  • Fix Shape::setLine not drawing (@Squagward)
  • Fix editChat and deleteChat not working correctly (@Squagward)


18 Jan 00:22
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  • Fixed a critical Rhino regression which caused most modules to error.
  • Send mod version along with hashed and salted UUID.


17 Jan 00:12
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This is the second major version release of ChatTriggers, and includes some breaking changes. The largest addition is the inclusion of Essential, which in addition to a bunch of cosmetic and social features, will always include the latest versions of Elementa and Vigilance. These modules have already been updated on the website, and are available for module authors to start using.


  • [BREAKING] Added a bunch of GL and NBT imports to moduleProvidedLibs.js
    • If your modules has these defined, it will error.
  • Integrated Essential into CT
  • Track hashed UUIDs on launch. These UUIDs are hashed with SHA256 and salted with your computer's username, so
    it is impossible to reverse the hash. This tracking gives us nice usage statistics.
  • Added a bunch of Tessellator methods, most notably pushMatrix and popMatrix
  • Added Entity#{getMaxHP,distanceTo} methods
  • Added Player#asEntity method which returns the player as a CT Entity object
  • Added FileLib.{exists,isDirectory}
  • Added an optional changelog field to metadata.json for authors to write a basic changelog (@Squagward)
  • Added NBTTagCompound#toObject to convert NBT to a JS object
    • Note that this is potentially performance-adverse, and should probably not be used in hot code
  • Added Player.getLast{X,Y,Z} and Player.getRender{X,Y,Z} methods (@kerbybit)
  • Added ChatLib.addToSentMessageHistory (@Squagward)
  • Added EntityLivingBase wrapper (@Squagward)
  • Added ability to clear TabList's header and footer (@Squagward)
  • Added a bunch of methods to Gui for handling buttons (@Squagward)
  • Added some more wrapper methods to Chunk (@Squagward)
  • Added methods to ChatLib for deleting sent messages, much like the current methods for editing sent messages
  • Added TileEntity wrapper (@Squagward)
  • Added a bunch of new triggers:
    • preItemRender (@Squagward)
    • renderSlotHighlight (@Squagward)
    • postRenderEntity (@Debuggingss)
    • serverConnect/serverDisconnect (@Squagward)
    • guiClosed (@Debuggingss)
    • guiDrawBackground (@Squagward)
    • renderTileEntity/postRenderTileEntity (@Debuggingss)


  • [BREAKING] Tick trigger now correctly fires 20 times a second (it previously fired 40 times a second) (@FalseHonesty)
    • The tick trigger is not meant for timing. If you need precise timing control, use the step trigger instead.
  • Fixed step not firing in certain GUIs.
  • Removed old Frames+ check, which caused log spam and the occasional crash
  • Fixed hang on launch on Ubuntu
  • Fixed Book#{add,set}Page crashing due to a ClassCastException (@Maxssho13)
  • Fixed TabList#setFooter setting the header (@Maxssho13)
  • Fixed package{Sent,Received} triggers not firing properly (@Maxssho13)
  • Fixed not firing gameUnload trigger during shutdown
  • Fixed blockBreak trigger not working (@Squagward)
  • Fixed hitBlock trigger always passing (0, 0, 0) as the block's position
  • Fixed ASMLib's invokeJS function accessing a non-existant property
  • Fixed ASMLib having an incorrect signature for invokeDynamic (@Squagward)
  • Fixed Player.getSaturation returning the player's food level
  • Fixed PacketReceived/Sent triggers being unreliable
  • Fixed Display setting it's height to an incorrect value (@Squagward)
  • Fixed dropItem trigger not firing correctly on servers
  • Fixed Message not always converting TextComponents correctly (@Squagward)
  • Fixed Renderer only drawing vertices if they were positioned counter-clockwise (@Squagward)
  • Fixed Image not deleting it's GL texture on reload, which leaked memory


  • [BREAKING] Completely overhaul the Block API
    • Previously, Block represented both the abstract idea of a block and a particular block placed in the world. These have now been separated into BlockType and Block (which is a particular BlockType at a BlockPos)
    • Also includes more moduleProvidedLibs.js imports
  • [BREAKING] The Inventory class is now much more null safe (@Squagward and @Debuggingss)
    • Some methods which returns an Item wrapping a null ItemStack now simply return null
  • [BREAKING] Commands cannot have multiple names. If you need an alias for a command, register a second command trigger
  • Triggers are now internally sorted by type instead of all being in one big set, which will improve performance
  • The loader now recursively searched for .jar files, meaning they can be placed in nested folders instead of having to be top level
  • Updated to Kotlin 1.6 (this should improve compatibility with some other mods)
  • The CT section in crashlogs now only prints the name and version
  • Added some flags to Renderer.drawPlayer and PlayerMP.draw to allow more fine-grained control over the player rendering
  • Rewrote the /ct config GUI to use Vigilance
  • The update checker will now consider patch versions
  • The ChatTriggers repository now has automated CI via github actions, and publishes a built jar for every pushed commit (@DJtheRedstoner)


  • Fixed let/const use in for-each loop head
  • Fixed instanceof for java classes and objects (@FalseHonesty)
  • Fixed Proxy incorrectly checking handler prototype for existence of trap methods
  • Fixed not being able to convert Symbol to object
  • Fixed typeof crashing when given a Symbol


15 Jul 18:37
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This is a quick hotfix for 1.3.1 that primarily upgrades Kotlin to 1.5.21 for compatibility with other mods, as well as updates gradle to 6.8.1.


27 Jan 05:18
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Changed "Update Modules On Boot" to "Automatically Update Modules" in /ct settings
On top of this setting now actually working, it disables all module auto updating even on /ct load

Fixed ChatLib.getCenteredText not accounting for formatted text

Fixed Priority object in provided libs

Fixed some typos


02 Sep 20:50
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  • Add packetReceived trigger
  • Add DropAction to moduleProvidedLibs.js
  • metadata.json can now take a helpMessage key which is printed when a module is installed. This can be disabled in the settings.


  • drawString now completes the draw on newlines
  • Moved some ASM field initializations to class constructors, avoiding a Rhino bug
  • Fixed function name typo:>
  • String.prototype.addFormatting no longer calls a nonexistent function
  • The playerLeave trigger now properly fires
  • Modules now auto-update correctly


  • Implemented a proper Gui.registerScrolled method. Previously, scrolls had to be detected in the Gui.registerClicked method. This is a small breaking change, and is the reason for the minor version increment.


30 May 03:20
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Did the bug fixes and fixed every bug no more bugs


25 Apr 20:56
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  • Updated Rhino to latest version
    • Includes lots of spread and rest improvements
  • Added FileLib.append
  • Improved mod stability


30 Mar 01:38
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  • Fixed an offline crash related to capes and image assets
  • Fixed crash related to sign lines being nullable
  • Fixed update checker for the 27th time
  • Fixed gameLoad/gameUnload/worldLoad/worldUnload triggers
  • Fixed ASM classpath error on game startup


09 Mar 06:13
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  • Update Rhino to fix an importing bug involving importing from directories