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Good morning!

I'm a software developer, trying to improve myself sometimes and most of times obsessing myself into a project. Whether you consider this bad or not is up to you lmao.

I like playing videogames, coding and pretty much it.
I'm a simple guy who enjoys simple things, laughs at random memes and tries to be friendly with people, altho I'm not very good with socialising, I try my best to at least. have some normal convo and make you laugh from time to time.

I program almost 100% in Haxe, an open-source programming language, aiming to be a successor of ActionScript. High-level and crossplatform, which is very useful if you have one piece of code in haxe and you wanna port to JS, C++, Java, Python, etc. Not to mention, you can use "libraries" which consists of code that you can inject on a Haxe project for several reasons: Maybe you need some util functions that can ease your workflow, or maybe it's an entire game engine which then you can use to create your own games! I personally use HaxeFlixel, a game engine that has been built on top of OpenFL: a framework that replicates all the API of Flash to make games!



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