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Hogwarts Sorting Hat Quiz - React Application


Two day solo project to build a Web Quiz using React. This quiz mimics the Sorting Hat process that takes place for incoming students at Hogwarts, the School of Whitchcraft and Wizardy. A user (a new student stepping into the great hall at Hogwarts) is greeted with a message and can click a button to initiate the sorting process. The user is then asked a sequence of 7 questions to determine which Hogwarts House the student is destined for. Once the user is sorted, they are directed to their corresponding House Page which includes a link to more information about the house and a button to restart the quiz.

If you are unfamilar with Hogwarts and its sorting process, don't fret! You can still take the quiz and answer instinctively. At the end you can get more information on the type of student that gets selected into the house you were destined for. You can also read more about the Hogwarts Houses here.


Deployed via netlify at

Tech Stack

JavaScript | React | CSS



react | react-dom | react-scripts

File Structure

  • react-sorting-hat
    • package.json and yarn.lock
    • public directory
    • index.html: HTML file to run React App
    • sorting-hat.ico: tab icon image
    • src directory
      • index.js: JavaScript file to run React App
      • index.css: CSS file for styling of general elements
      • App.js: App's main react component to render sub-components, handle state, and perform handler functions
      • App.css: CSS file for styling of specific app elements
      • designFiles directory
        • All images and gifs for app
      • components directory
        • Quiz.js: Reusable page component for each of the quizes questions with its corresponding answer options
        • Answer.js: Reusable component to display list of radio option answers for each question
        • Results.js: Page component to display which house the user belongs to based on answers
      • api directory
        • Questions.js: Array of objects of each quiz question and corresponding answer options
        • Results.js: Array of objects of each quiz result options


  • Fork and clone this project and cd into your cloned version.
  • cd into react-sorting-hat directory
  • run yarn install to retrieve dependancies.
  • run yarn start to spin up the webpack development server


<App />

All application state, data and handler functions are stored within <App />. It is also the container for all secondary Components. Landing page of quiz application display header, initial greeting message and gif, and button to begin quiz. Once a user clicks the Be sorted and discover your house! button it toggle hides the landing page and toggle displays the first question page component.

So long as there is not yet a house result based on the seven questions the <App /> components renders the <Quiz /> component page. Once results are obtained <App /> renders the <Result /> component page.

<Quiz />

<Quiz /> receives the quiz's current question data from the <App /> component's state and renders the page for each question including the questions header and question count, the question's text and gif content, and the question's answer options. The <Quiz /> component renders each <Answer /> component in a randomized shuffle list.

<Answer />

<Answer /> receives the quiz's current answer option data from the <Quiz /> component and renders each answer option in a randomized shuffled list. Each answer option corresponds to one of the four Hogwart Houses.

Once an answer option is selected, the corresponding answer option house type count in the <App /> component's state is increased by one. (For example if a user selects an answer that a typical 'Ravenclaw' student would choose then the Ravenclaw counter in the App's answersCount state would be increased.)

Then the question id and question count are both increased by one and the <Quiz /> component re-renders with the next question so long as there is a next question to render using the <App /> component's setNextQuestion handler function.

If there are no more questions to answer, the <App /> component instead runs the setResults handler function.

<Result />

<Result /> receives the quiz result data from <App /> component's state. The results are retrieved from the <App /> component setResults handler function.

This function goes through the <App /> component's state answersCount object and creates an array of the house key with the correpsonding count value. It then grabs the max count value and correponding house. (In other words it grabs the house that the user selected the most questions that corresponded with that house's type.) In the event of a tie it grabs a random house from the max value array.

<Result /> then displays the correpsonding house page component including the specific Hogwart's House header, colors, and crest; the House name, image, and motto; a link to that house's page for more information as to the house; and a button to restart the quiz if desired.

Array & Object Models


The quiz questions are an array of objects with the following key value pairs:

Key Value Type Desription
imgSrc image require(string) image string represents location of image in designFile directory
imgAlt image alt tag string string represents image alt tag
question question text string the content text of each question
answers answer options array of objects array of answer options with type and content keys
type answer result type string corresponding house the answer option represents
content answer option text string the content text of each answer option
        imgSrc: require("../designFiles/wand.gif"),
        imgAlt: "Wizard getting first wand",
        question: "Before your arrival at Hogwarts you obtained your first wand at Ollivanders. The wand you were destined for has which type of wand core?",
        answers: [
                type: "Hufflepuff",
                content: "Unicorn Tail Hair"
                type: "Gryffindor",
                content: "Phoenix Feather"
                type: "Ravenclaw",
                content: "Dragon Heartstring"
                type: "Slytherin",
                content: "Horned Serpent Horn"


The quiz questions are an array of objects with the following key value pairs:

Key Value Type Desription
house house name string name of Hogwarts house user was chosen for
imgSrc image require(string) image string represents location of image in designFile directory
imgAlt image alt tag string string represents image alt tag
motto house motto text string the content text the house motto
website house website string house website to get more information as to house
        house: "Hufflepuff",
        imgSrc: require("../designFiles/hufflepuff.gif"),
        imgAlt: "Hufflepuff crest",
        motto: "You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffis are true, And unafraid of toil.",
        website: ""