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E-Commerce website built with Spring Boot and Amazon S3

🤗 Author

Cheng Fei (Individual Project)

📋 Introduction

Buyee is an e-commerce platform with both toB and toC applications. It's a clone of the real-life Amazon platform. The application is built with Spring Boot and Amazon S3, and deployed on Heroku.

✨ Overview

toC application: frontend-demo

toB application: backend-demo

💻 Technology Stack

Front-end: Thymeleaf (HTML), Bootstrap (CSS), jQuery (Javascript)
Back-end: Spring Framework (Java) -- Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Spring RESTful API
Database: MySQL, Amazon S3
Deploy: Heroku

🔒 Authentication

The authentication system is secured with Spring Security framework. Users can only access modules open to their roles.

Users module requires Admin role
Categories module requires Admin/Editor role
Brands module requires Admin/Editor role

to be continued...

✏️ Usage

Step 1: Database Setup

Set up a local MySQL database schema called buyee_db and replace the username and password in the file with your own MySQL username and password.


Step 2: Run the Spring Boot Application

Please open the root folder buyee-app in an IDE and start the backend Spring Boot Application in the buyee-web/buyee-backend folder. Then please open the following URL:

open http://localhost:8080/buyee-admin

or start the frontend application in the buyee-web/bu folder. Then please open the following URL:

open http://localhost:80/buyee

Step 3: Login

Then, you are in the login webpage. Please use the following admin account to login.


Password: test2022

Step X: Enjoy

Then please enjoy exploring the buyee e-commerce app!

☕ Buyee Me A Coffee

"Buy Me A Coffee"