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Programming in Chialisp

This video is an exercise in using fundamental Chialisp commands to print out the lyrics to the blockchain version of a classic song.

You will learn Chialisp basics, including:

  • print
  • calling functions
  • using modules
  • looping over data
  • cons
  • building lists
  • recursion
<iframe src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen width="560" height="315"></iframe>

Test your understanding of the concepts in the video by printing out the full list of the lyrics of the song. Your result should look similar to:

(q. "99 full nodes on the net, 99 full nodes on the net.
Go out of town, your server goes down, 98 full nodes on
the net." "98 full nodes on the net, 98 full nodes on the
net. Go out of town, your server goes down, 97 full nodes
on the net." "97 full nodes on the net, 97 full nodes on
the net. Go out of town, your server goes down, 96 full
nodes on the net." [...] "1 full nodes on the net, 1 full
nodes on the net. Go out of town, your server goes down,
0 full nodes on the net.")

If you have further questions, join our Discord and ask in the #chialisp channel.