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Hypothesis Generation with Large Language Models

Welcome to the GitHub repository for our paper, "Hypothesis Generation with Large Language Models". This repository is dedicated to the exploration and development of novel methodologies using large language models (LLMs) to generate hypotheses, a foundational element of scientific progress. Our work, presented in detail in the accompanying paper, highlights the capability of LLMs not just to assist but to innovate in the hypothesis generation process for scientific inquiry.

Install environment

The environment configuration file is located at conda_env_configs/hypogenic.yml

conda env create -f hypogenic.yml

Set up path

export PATH_PREFIX=<parent path to this directory>
export CODE_REPO_PATH=<path to this directory>

[Optional]: set up Redis server for caching LLM responses

To save computation or API cost, we use Redis server to cache prompt & response pairs.

Install Redis server from source using the following commands: Note: Please install in the directory of PATH_PREFIX.

tar -xzvf redis-stable.tar.gz
cd redis-stable


To verify repository is working as expected, please conduct tests using the Shoe and Headline datasets with the default configurations specified in and The expected outcomes should approximately be:

Shoe Headline
76% 64%


Note: example shell scripts can be found in the experiments/ folder.

1. [Optional] Start Redis server

export PORT=<port_number>
cd $PATH_PREFIX/redis-stable/src
./redis-server --port $PORT

2. Hypothesis generation

python $CODE_REPO_PATH/algorithm/  
    --seeds SEEDS --task TASK --model MODEL 
    --generation_style GENERATION_STYLE
    --inference_style INFERENCE_STYLE
    --update_style UPDATE_STYLE
    --replace_style REPLACE_STYLE
    [--model_path MODLE_PATH] 
    [--use_cache USE_CACHE]
    [--verbose] [--use_system_prompt] 
    [--num_init NUM_INIT]
    [--init_hypotheses_per_batch INIT_HYPOTHESES_PER_BATCH]
    [--init_batch_size INIT_BATCH_SIZE] 
    [--num_train NUM_TRAIN] 
    [--num_test NUM_TEST]
    [--num_val NUM_VAL]
    [--save_every_n_examples SAVE_EVERY_N_EXAMPLES]
    [--k K] [--max_num_hypotheses MAX_NUM_HYPOTHESES]
    [--num_hypotheses_to_update NUM_HYPOTHESES_TO_UPDATE]
    [--update_batch_size UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE]
    [--alpha ALPHA] [--num_wrong_scale NUM_WRONG_SCALE]
    [--old_hypothesis_file OLD_HYPOTHESIS_FILE]
    [--sample_num_to_restart_from SAMPLE_NUM_TO_RESTART_FROM]
    [--epoch_to_restart_from EPOCH_TO_RESTART_FROM]
    [--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS]
    [--output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER]

required arguments: 
    --seeds SEEDS
        Set random seeds. If a list of seeds is passed, the 
        program will run aloop for all seeds.
    --task TASK
        Set task to run. 
        Options: [shoe,hotel_reviews,
    -- model MODEL
        Set model to run.
        Options: Please see consts/
    --generation_style GENERATION_STYLE
        Set generation style.
        Options: [default]
    --inference_style INFERENCE_STYLE
        Set inference style
        Options: [default, knn, knn_separate_steps
                  filter_and_weight, upperbound]
    --update_style UPDATE_STYLE
        Set update style
        Options: [default, sampling]
    --replace_style REPLACE_STYLE
        Set replace style
        Options: [default]

optional arguments:
    --model_path MODEL_PATH
        Set model path for loading locally. 
        If not set, the program will download from huggingface. 
    --use_cache USE_CACHE
        Set whether to use cache. 
        Default: 1 (True)
        If set to 1, the program will use Redis server to cache.
        Default: True
        If True, the program will print out more information.
        Default: True
        If True, the instructions will be put in system prompt.    
    --num_init NUM_INIT
        Set the number of examples to generate initial hypotheses.
    --init_hypotheses_per_batch INIT_HYPOTHESES_PER_BATCH
        Set the number of hypotheses to generate per batch.
    --init_batch_size INIT_BATCH_SIZE
        Set the batch size for initial hypotheses generation.
    --num_train NUM_TRAIN
        Set the number of training examples.
    --num_test NUM_TEST
        Set the number of test examples.
    --num_val NUM_VAL
        Set the number of validation examples.
    --save_every_n_examples SAVE_EVERY_N_EXAMPLES
        Set the number of examples visited before each save.
    --k K
        Set the number of top-k hypotheses 
        to evaluate during training.
    --max_num_hypotheses MAX_NUM_HYPOTHESES
        Set the maximum number of hypotheses to keep.
    --num_hypotheses_to_update NUM_HYPOTHESES_TO_UPDATE
        Set the number of hypotheses to replace for each update.
    --update_batch_size UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE
        Set the batch size for updating hypotheses.
    --alpha ALPHA
        Set alpha for computing the reward.
    --num_wrong_scale NUM_WRONG_SCALE
        Set the scale for dynamically changing w_{hyp}.
        For more details, please see Appendix B.1 in the paper.
    --old_hypothesis_file OLD_HYPOTHESIS_FILE
        Set the file path to load generated hypotheses.
    --sample_num_to_restart_from SAMPLE_NUM_TO_RESTART_FROM
        Set the sample number to restart from.
    --epoch_to_restart_from EPOCH_TO_RESTART_FROM
        Set the epoch to restart from.
    --num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
        Set the number of epochs to run.
    --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER
        Set the output folder to save results.                           

3. Hypothesis-based inference

python $CODE_REPO_PATH/algorithm/  
    --seeds SEEDS --task TASK --model MODEL 
    --inference_style INFERENCE_STYLE
    [--model_path MODLE_PATH] 
    [--use_cache USE_CACHE]
    [--verbose] [--use_system_prompt] 
    [--num_train NUM_TRAIN] 
    [--num_test NUM_TEST]
    [--num_val NUM_VAL]
    [--k K] 
    [--knn_hypotheses KNN_HYPOTHESES]
    [--knn_num_examples KNN_NUM_EXAMPLES]
    [--knn_threshold KNN_THRESHOLD]
    [--use_ood_reviews USE_OOD_REVIEWS]
    [--hypothesis_file HYPOTHESIS_FILE]

required arguments: 
    --seeds SEEDS
        Set random seeds. If a list of seeds is passed, the 
        program will run aloop for all seeds.
    --task TASK
        Set task to run. 
        Options: [shoe,hotel_reviews,
    -- model MODEL
        Set model to run.
        Options: Please see consts/
    --inference_style INFERENCE_STYLE
        Set inference style
        Options: [default, knn, knn_separate_steps
                  filter_and_weight, upperbound]
optional arguments:
    --model_path MODEL_PATH
        Set model path for loading locally. 
        If not set, the program will download from huggingface. 
    --use_cache USE_CACHE
        Set whether to use cache. 
        Default: 1 (True)
        If set to 1, the program will use Redis server to cache.
        Default: True
        If True, the program will print out more information.
        Default: True
        If True, the instructions will be put in system prompt.    
    --num_train NUM_TRAIN
        Set the number of training examples.
    --num_test NUM_TEST
        Set the number of test examples.
    --num_val NUM_VAL
        Set the number of validation examples.
        Default: False
        If True, the program will use validation set.
    --k K
        Set the number of top-k hypotheses 
        to evaluate.
    --knn_hypotheses KNN_HYPOTHESES
        Set the number of hypotheses to use for the 
        adaptive inference method.
    --knn_num_examples KNN_NUM_EXAMPLES
        Set the number of examples associated to each hypothesis 
        for the adaptive inference method.
    --knn_threshold KNN_THRESHOLD
        Set the threshold for the adaptive inference method.
    --use_ood_reviews USE_OOD_REVIEWS
        Options: [None, all, chicago, non-chicago]
        Set the out-of-distribution reviews to use.
    --hypothesis_file HYPOTHESIS_FILE
        Set the file path to load generated hypotheses.

Adding your own dataset

To add your own dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Add your dataset to the data directory. Create seperate files for the train, validation, and test splits.

  2. Update code/ by creating a new DataProcessor class for the new dataset.

    • Implement the __init__ function. There should be 4 class variables:
      • task_name
      • file_path [passed in to __init__]
      • is_train [passed in to __init__]
      • data A dictionary containing the dataset. There must be a key called label which has a corresponding list of all the labels. (You can follow the examples provided.)
    • Add the new DataProcessor class to the DataProcessors dictionary
  3. Update code/ by creating a new class that inherits from the Prompt class. Implement the following functions:

    • _information_prompt: This should return a string that contains the data along with its label.
    • few_shot_baseline: Returns a string with few shot examples and prompting the model to find the correct label given few shot.
    • batched_generation: Returns a string which prompts the LLM to generate hypotheses based upon examples.
    • inference: Returns a string which prompts the LLM do inference given 1 hypothesis and 1 example.
    • knn_inference: Returns a string which prompts the LLM to do single step adaptive inference.
    • is_relevant: Returns a string which prompts the LLM to check if a given hypothesis is relevant to a specific example.
    • knn_selection: Returns a string that prompts the LLM to find which set of examples is closest to the current example.
  4. Update code/ by creating a new class for the new dataset by inheriting from the Task class.

    • Implement the __init__ function. There should be 5 class variables:
      • task: the task name
      • label_classes: A list of the possible labels
      • train_data_path: The path to the training data location
      • test_data_path: The path to the test data location
      • val_data_path: The path to the validation data location
    • Implement the extract_label function, which extracts the label from the LLM's response. (It is probably easiest to use regex.)
  5. Create a new folder for the new task in the folder prompts. Make sure to have two subfolders: instruction and user. Follow the examples for already implemented datasets.


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