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Mesh-clustered Gaussian Process (mcGP) emulator for partial differential equation boundary value problems (Reproducibility)

January 15, 2024

This instruction aims to reproduce the results in the paper “Mesh-clustered Gaussian Process emulator for partial differential equation boundary value problems”.

The following results are reproduced in this file

  • Section 5.1: Figures 4, 5, and 7
  • Section 5.2: Figures 8 and 10, and Table 2
  • Section 5.3: Figure 12 and Table 3

Note that here some of the figures are not demonstrated here because they are plotted by MATLAB with specific tools, such as Figure 15, where Partial Differential Equation Toolbox needs to be installed on MATLAB. This file only demonstrates the results that can be reproduced via the free software R.

Step 0.1: load functions and packages
source("mcGP.R")                # mcGP
source("GP.R")                  # iGP and uGP for comparison 
source("pcaGP.R")               # PCA GP for comparison 
source("matern.kernel.R")       # matern kernel
Step 0.2: setting
eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) #small nugget for numeric stability

Section 5.1:

Section 5.1: Reproducing Figure 4

The FEM data for the Poisson’s equation is saved as .mat files so we will need R.matlab package to read the data. We first demonstrate our approach using the FEM data with mesh size 0.2. Figure 4 shows the variational distribution of $q(Z)$.

# read input, output data, and the mesh data
matdata <- readMat("matlab/poisson_train/meshsize200/poi1.mat")
X <- matrix(0,ncol=1,nrow=5)
Y <- matrix(0,ncol=5,nrow=length(matdata$u))

for(i in 1L:5){
  matdata <- readMat(paste0("matlab/poisson_train/meshsize200/poi", i,".mat"))
  Y[,i] <- matdata$u         # output data (numeric solutions)
  X[i,1] <- matdata$a[1,1]   # input data
S <- t(matdata$nodes)        # mesh locations

X.test <- as.matrix(-0.25,ncol=1)

# perform mcGP <- mcGP(X, Y, S, parallel = TRUE) 
mcGP.pred <- predict.mcGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)

# plot variational distribution qZ 
Z <- apply($q_Z,1,which.max)
select.idx <- which(apply($q_Z, 2, max) > 0.001)

gg.out <- vector("list", length(select.idx))
j <- 0
for(i in select.idx){
  j <- j + 1
  qZ.df <- data.frame(cbind(S,$q_Z[,i]))
  colnames(qZ.df)[1:2] <- c("V2", "V3")
  gg.out[[j]] <- ggplot(qZ.df, aes(x=V2, y=V3, alpha=qZ)) + 
    geom_point(color="#69b3a2",size=2.5)+xlab(paste0("(",letters[j],") k=",i))+ylab("")+
    scale_alpha_continuous(breaks = c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none",
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank(), 
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(),
grid.arrange(gg.out[[1]], gg.out[[2]], gg.out[[3]], gg.out[[4]], ncol = 4)

Section 5.1: Reproducing Figure 5

Now we produce Figure 5, which shows the hyperparameter estimates $\hat{\tau}_k$ and $\hat{\theta}_k$.

# plot hyperparameters in each group
tau2 <- data.frame($tau2[select.idx],k=as.factor(select.idx))
g1 <- ggplot(tau2, aes(x=k, y=tau2[select.idx], color=k, shape=k)) + 
  scale_shape_manual(values=seq(0,length(select.idx)))+ylab(expression(tau^2)) + theme(legend.position = "none")
theta.hat <- data.frame($theta[select.idx],k=as.factor(select.idx))
g2 <- ggplot(theta.hat, aes(x=k, y=theta, color=k, shape=k)) + 
  scale_shape_manual(values=seq(0,length(select.idx)))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+
grid.arrange(g1, g2, ncol = 2)

Section 5.1: Reproducing Figure 7

Compare with other methods with mesh sizes 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, and 0.025. Figure 7 shows the performance in terms of prediction accuracy and computational cost. It will take a little bit time to run this chunk.

# set up
meshsize.vt <- c(0.4,0.2,0.1,0.05,0.025) # try five different mesh sizes
node.size <- rep(0, length(meshsize.vt))

FitTime <- PredTime <- RMSE <- Score <- matrix(0, ncol=5, nrow=length(meshsize.vt))
colnames(FitTime) <- colnames(PredTime) <- colnames(RMSE) <- colnames(Score) <- c("mcGP", "uGP", "iGP", "pcaGP", "FEM")

for(ii in 1:length(meshsize.vt)){
  meshsize <- meshsize.vt[ii]
  matdata <- readMat(paste0("matlab/poisson_train/meshsize", meshsize*1000 ,"/poi1.mat"))
  # read training data
  Y <- matrix(0,ncol=5,nrow=length(matdata$u))
  X <- matrix(0,ncol=1,nrow=5)
  for(i in 1L:5){
    matdata <- readMat(paste0("matlab/poisson_train/meshsize", meshsize*1000 ,"/poi", i,".mat"))
    Y[,i] <- matdata$u
    X[i,1] <- matdata$a[1,1]
  S <- t(matdata$nodes)
  node.size[ii] <- nrow(S)
  # read test data
  Y.test <- matrix(0,ncol=201,nrow=length(matdata$u))
  X.test <- matrix(0,ncol=1,nrow=201)
  FEM.time <- rep(0, 201)
  for(i in 1:201){
    matdata <- readMat(paste0("matlab/poisson_test/meshsize", meshsize*1000 ,"/poi_test", i,".mat"))
    Y.test[,i] <- matdata$u
    X.test[i,1] <- matdata$a[1,1]
    FEM.time[i] <- matdata$cpu.time
  PredTime[ii,"FEM"] <- mean(FEM.time)
  # perform mcGP <- mcGP(X, Y, S, parallel = TRUE) 
  mcGP.pred <- predict.mcGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
  FitTime[ii,"mcGP"] <-$time.elapsed[3]
  PredTime[ii,"mcGP"] <- mcGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)
  # perform uGP <- uGP(X, Y, S)
  uGP.pred <- predict.uGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
  FitTime[ii,"uGP"] <-$time.elapsed[3]
  PredTime[ii,"uGP"] <- uGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)
  # perform iGP <- iGP(X, Y, S, parallel = TRUE) 
  iGP.pred <- predict.iGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
  PredTime[ii,"iGP"] <- iGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)
  # perform pcaGP <- pcaGP(X, Y) 
  pcaGP.pred <- predict.pcaGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
  PredTime[ii,"pcaGP"] <- pcaGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test) 
  for(i in 1:nrow(X.test)){
    Score[ii,"mcGP"] <- Score[ii,"mcGP"] + mean(crps(y=Y.test[,i], family = "mixnorm", 
                                                     m = mcGP.pred$mean.array[,i,], 
                                                     s = sqrt(mcGP.pred$sig2.array[,i,]),$q_Z))
    Score[ii,"uGP"] <- Score[ii,"uGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                                   mean = uGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                                   sd = sqrt(uGP.pred$sig2[,i])))
    Score[ii,"iGP"] <- Score[ii,"iGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                                   mean = iGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                                   sd = sqrt(iGP.pred$sig2[,i])))
    Score[ii,"pcaGP"] <- Score[ii,"pcaGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                                   mean = pcaGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                                   sd = pmax(eps, sqrt(pcaGP.pred$sig2[,i]))))
    RMSE[ii,"mcGP"] <- RMSE[ii,"mcGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - mcGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
    RMSE[ii,"uGP"] <- RMSE[ii,"uGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - uGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
    RMSE[ii,"iGP"] <- RMSE[ii,"iGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - iGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
    RMSE[ii,"pcaGP"] <- RMSE[ii,"pcaGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - pcaGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
  Score[ii,] <- Score[ii,]/nrow(X.test) 
  RMSE[ii,] <- sqrt(RMSE[ii,]/nrow(X.test))

RMSE.df <- stack(data.frame(RMSE[,1:4]))
RMSE.df <- cbind(rep(node.size, 4), RMSE.df)
colnames(RMSE.df) <- c("meshsize", "RMSE", "method")
g1 <- ggplot(RMSE.df, aes(x=log(meshsize), y=log(RMSE), shape=method, color=method)) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("#F8766D", "#00BA38", "#619CFF", "#C77CFF"))+
  geom_point(size=3)+geom_line()+theme_bw()+ theme(legend.position="none") + xlab("log(N)")
g1 <- g1+scale_shape_manual(values=c(0:2,4))

# Score
Score.df <- stack(data.frame(Score[,1:4]))
Score.df <- cbind(rep(node.size, 4), Score.df)
colnames(Score.df) <- c("meshsize", "CRPS", "method")
g2 <- ggplot(Score.df, aes(x=log(meshsize), y=log(CRPS), shape=method, color=method)) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("#F8766D", "#00BA38", "#619CFF", "#C77CFF"))+
  geom_point(size=3)+geom_line()+theme_bw()+ theme(legend.position="none") + xlab("log(N)")
g2 <- g2+scale_shape_manual(values=c(0:2,4))

# Fitting time
FitTime.df <- stack(data.frame(FitTime[,1:4]))
FitTime.df <- cbind(rep(node.size, 4), FitTime.df)
colnames(FitTime.df) <- c("meshsize", "time", "method")
g3 <- ggplot(FitTime.df, aes(x=meshsize/1000, y=time, shape=method, color=method)) +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("#F8766D", "#00BA38", "#619CFF", "#C77CFF"))+
  geom_point(size=3)+geom_line()+theme_bw()+ theme(legend.position="none") + xlab("N (X 1,000)")
g3 <- g3+scale_shape_manual(values=c(0:2,4)) + ylab("fitting time (sec.)")

# Prediction time
PredTime.df <- stack(data.frame(PredTime))
PredTime.df <- cbind(rep(node.size, 5), PredTime.df)
colnames(PredTime.df) <- c("meshsize", "time", "method")
g4 <- ggplot(PredTime.df, aes(x=meshsize/1000, y=time, shape=method, color=method)) +
  geom_point(size=3)+geom_line(aes(linetype=method))+theme_bw()+ theme(legend.position="none") + xlab("N (X 1,000)")
g4 <- g4+scale_linetype_manual(values=c("solid", "solid", "solid", "solid", "dashed"))+
  scale_color_manual(values=c("#F8766D", "#00BA38", "#619CFF", "#C77CFF","#000000"))+
  scale_shape_manual(values=c(0:2,4,19)) + ylab("prediction time per run (sec.)")

grid.arrange(g1, g2, g3, g4, ncol = 4)

Section 5.2

Section 5.2: Reproducing Table 2

This section demonstrates the example of laminar flow past a cylinder. This FEM data is again saved as .mat files. Table 2 shows the performance in terms of prediction accuracy and computational cost.

# read data: run FEM via matlab
# input data
X <- readMat("matlab/cylinder_train/X.train.mat")$X.train
X.test <- readMat("matlab/cylinder_test/X.test.mat")$X.test
# mesh locations
S <- read.table("matlab/cylinder_train/velocity_y_component1.msh",
# output data
Y <- matrix(0,ncol=nrow(X),nrow=nrow(S))
for(i in 1L:nrow(X)){
  Y[,i] <- read.table(paste0("matlab/cylinder_train/velocity_y_component", i,".msh"),

Y.test <- matrix(0,ncol=nrow(X.test),nrow=nrow(S))
for(i in 1L:nrow(X.test)){
  Y.test[,i] <- read.table(paste0("matlab/cylinder_test/velocity_y_component", i,".msh"),
# FEM computational cost
FEM.time <- readMat(paste0("matlab/cylinder_test/cpu_time.mat"))$cpu.time/nrow(X.test)

# Comparison
FitTime <- PredTime <- RMSE <- Score <- rep(0, 5)
names(FitTime) <- names(PredTime) <- names(RMSE) <- names(Score) <- c("mcGP", "uGP", "iGP", "pcaGP", "FEM")
PredTime["FEM"] <- FEM.time

# perform mcGP <- mcGP(X, Y, S, parallel = TRUE) 
mcGP.pred <- predict.mcGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
FitTime["mcGP"] <-$time.elapsed[3]
PredTime["mcGP"] <- mcGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)

# perform uGP <- uGP(X, Y, S)
uGP.pred <- predict.uGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
FitTime["uGP"] <-$time.elapsed[3]
PredTime["uGP"] <- uGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)

# perform iGP <- iGP(X, Y, S, parallel = TRUE) 
iGP.pred <- predict.iGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
PredTime["iGP"] <- iGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)

# perform pcaGP <- pcaGP(X, Y) 
pcaGP.pred <- predict.pcaGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
PredTime["pcaGP"] <- pcaGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test) 

# Evaluate the performance
for(i in 1:nrow(X.test)){
  Score["mcGP"] <- Score["mcGP"] + mean(crps(y=Y.test[,i], family = "mixnorm", 
                                                   m = mcGP.pred$mean.array[,i,], 
                                                   s = sqrt(mcGP.pred$sig2.array[,i,]),$q_Z))
  Score["uGP"] <- Score["uGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                                 mean = uGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                                 sd = sqrt(uGP.pred$sig2[,i])))
  Score["iGP"] <- Score["iGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                                 mean = iGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                                 sd = sqrt(iGP.pred$sig2[,i])))
  Score["pcaGP"] <- Score["pcaGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                                     mean = pcaGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                                     sd = pmax(eps, sqrt(pcaGP.pred$sig2[,i]))))
  RMSE["mcGP"] <- RMSE["mcGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - mcGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
  RMSE["uGP"] <- RMSE["uGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - uGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
  RMSE["iGP"] <- RMSE["iGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - iGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
  RMSE["pcaGP"] <- RMSE["pcaGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - pcaGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)

RMSE <- sqrt(RMSE/nrow(X.test))
Score <- Score/nrow(X.test)

out <- rbind(format(RMSE*10000, digits=4),
             format(Score*10000, digits=4),
             format(FitTime, digits=4),
             format(PredTime*1000, digits=4))
colnames(out) <- c("mcGP", "uGP", "iGP", "pcaGP", "FEM")
rownames(out) <- c("RMSE", "CRPS", "fitting time", "prediction time per run")
mcGP uGP iGP pcaGP FEM
RMSE 8.742 9.064 15.434 24.880 0.000
CRPS 2.276 2.410 5.321 15.183 0.000
fitting time 36.702 8.460 7.724 0.059 0.000
prediction time per run 2.49 0.10 15.12 0.05 1266.33
Section 5.2: Reproducing Figure 8

Figure 8 shows the design points and the hyperparameter estimates $\hat{\tau}_k$ and $\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}_k$.

doe.df <- data.frame(t(t(X) * c(0.09,1.5) + c(0.01,0.5)))
colnames(doe.df) <- c("nu", "v")
# design points
g1 <- ggplot(doe.df, aes(x=nu, y=v)) + geom_point(size=3)+theme_classic()
tau2 <- data.frame($tau2,k=as.factor(1:10))
# tau2 hat
g2 <- ggplot(tau2, aes(x=k, y=tau2, color=k, shape=k)) + 
  scale_shape_manual(values=seq(0,10))+ylab(expression(tau^2)) + theme(legend.position = "none")
theta.hat <- data.frame($theta[,1],$theta[,2],k=as.factor(1:10))
# theta hat
g3 <- ggplot(theta.hat, aes(x=theta1, y=theta2, color=k, shape=k)) + 
  scale_shape_manual(values=seq(0,10))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+

grid.arrange(g1, g2, g3, ncol = 3)

Section 5.2: Reproducing Figure 10

Figure 10 shows the variational distribution of $q(Z)$.

select.idx <- which(apply($q_Z, 2, max) > 0.1)
gg.out <- vector("list", length(select.idx))
j <- 0
for(i in select.idx){
  j <- j + 1
  gg.out[[j]] <- ggplot(cbind(S,$q_Z[,i]), aes(x=V2, y=V3, alpha=qZ)) + 
    geom_point(color="#69b3a2")+xlab(paste0("(",letters[j],") k=",i))+ylab("")+
    scale_alpha_continuous(breaks = c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none",
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_blank(), 
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(),
grid.arrange(gg.out[[1]], gg.out[[2]], gg.out[[3]], gg.out[[4]], 
             gg.out[[5]], gg.out[[6]], gg.out[[7]], gg.out[[8]], ncol = 4)

Section 5.3

Section 5.3: Reproducing Table 3

This section demonstrates the example of thermal stress analysis of jet engine turbine blade. This FEM data is again saved as .mat files. Table 3 shows the performance in terms of prediction accuracy and computational cost.

# read data: run FEM via matlab
# input data
X <- readMat("matlab/blade_train/X.train.mat")$X.train
X.test <- readMat("matlab/blade_test/X.test.mat")$X.test

# mesh locations
S <- t(readMat("matlab/blade_train/blade1.mat")$nodes)

# output data
Y <- matrix(0,ncol=nrow(X),nrow=nrow(S))
for(i in 1L:nrow(X)){
  matdata <- readMat(paste0("matlab/blade_train/blade", i,".mat"))
  Y[,i] <- matdata$stress

Y.test <- matrix(0,ncol=nrow(X.test),nrow=nrow(S))
FEM.time <- rep(0, nrow(X.test))
for(i in 1:nrow(X.test)){
  matdata <- readMat(paste0("matlab/blade_test/blade_test", i,".mat"))
  Y.test[,i] <- matdata$stress
  FEM.time[i] <- matdata$cpu.time

# Comparison
FitTime <- PredTime <- RMSE <- Score <- rep(0, 5)
names(FitTime) <- names(PredTime) <- names(RMSE) <- names(Score) <- c("mcGP", "uGP", "iGP", "pcaGP", "FEM")
PredTime["FEM"] <- mean(FEM.time)

# perform mcGP <- mcGP(X, Y, S, parallel = TRUE) 
mcGP.pred <- predict.mcGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
FitTime["mcGP"] <-$time.elapsed[3]
PredTime["mcGP"] <- mcGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)

# perform uGP <- uGP(X, Y, S) 
uGP.pred <- predict.uGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
FitTime["uGP"] <-$time.elapsed[3]
PredTime["uGP"] <- uGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)

# perform iGP <- iGP(X, Y, S, parallel = TRUE) 
iGP.pred <- predict.iGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
PredTime["iGP"] <- iGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test)

# perform pcaGP <- pcaGP(X, Y) 
pcaGP.pred <- predict.pcaGP(, Y=Y, xnew=X.test, sig2.fg=TRUE)
PredTime["pcaGP"] <- pcaGP.pred$time.elapsed[3]/nrow(X.test) 

for(i in 1:nrow(X.test)){
  Score["mcGP"] <- Score["mcGP"] + mean(crps(y=Y.test[,i], family = "mixnorm", 
                                             m = mcGP.pred$mean.array[,i,], 
                                             s = sqrt(mcGP.pred$sig2.array[,i,]),$q_Z))
  Score["uGP"] <- Score["uGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                           mean = uGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                           sd = sqrt(uGP.pred$sig2[,i])))
  Score["iGP"] <- Score["iGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                           mean = iGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                           sd = sqrt(iGP.pred$sig2[,i])))
  Score["pcaGP"] <- Score["pcaGP"] + mean(crps(y = Y.test[,i], family = "normal", 
                                               mean = pcaGP.pred$mean[,i], 
                                               sd = pmax(eps, sqrt(pcaGP.pred$sig2[,i]))))
  RMSE["mcGP"] <- RMSE["mcGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - mcGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
  RMSE["uGP"] <- RMSE["uGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - uGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
  RMSE["iGP"] <- RMSE["iGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - iGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
  RMSE["pcaGP"] <- RMSE["pcaGP"] + mean((Y.test[,i] - pcaGP.pred$mean[,i])^2)
RMSE <- sqrt(RMSE/nrow(X.test))
Score <- Score/nrow(X.test)

out <- rbind(format(RMSE*10, digits=4),
             format(Score*10, digits=4),
             format(FitTime, digits=4),
             format(PredTime*1000, digits=4))
colnames(out) <- c("mcGP", "uGP", "iGP", "pcaGP", "FEM")
rownames(out) <- c("RMSE", "CRPS", "fitting time", "prediction time per run")
mcGP uGP iGP pcaGP FEM
RMSE 9.800 9.823 11.096 13.986 0.000
CRPS 3.204 3.236 3.616 6.753 0.000
fitting time 124.654 115.285 56.938 0.101 0.000
prediction time per run 16.48 0.55 84.26 0.39 4020.70
Section 5.3: Reproducing Figure 12

Figure 10 shows the design points and the hyperparameter estimates $\hat{\tau}_k$ and $\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}_k$.

doe.df <- data.frame(X)
colnames(doe.df) <- c("pressure", "suction")
# design points
g1 <- ggplot(doe.df, aes(x=pressure, y=suction)) + geom_point(size=3)+theme_classic()
tau2 <- data.frame($tau2,k=as.factor(1:10))

# tau2 hat
g2 <- ggplot(tau2, aes(x=k, y=tau2, color=k, shape=k)) + 
  scale_shape_manual(values=seq(0,10))+ylab(expression(tau^2)) + theme(legend.position = "none")
theta.hat <- data.frame($theta[,1],$theta[,2],k=as.factor(1:10))

# theta hat
g3 <- ggplot(theta.hat, aes(x=theta1, y=theta2, color=k, shape=k)) + 
  scale_shape_manual(values=seq(0,10))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+

grid.arrange(g1, g2, g3, ncol = 3)