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Set of useful decorators for Angular.

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npm install ngx-decorator --save

Supported decorators

Lifecycle hooks decorators

Decorators for Angular lifecycle management

@TakeUntilDestroy - unsibscribes from an Observeble on ngOnDestroy lificycle hook: First you need to decorate your component class which implements OnDestroy interface with @TakeUntilDestroy decorator:

import { TakeUntilDestroy } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class CounterComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {}

Next step is to create private field componentDestroy: Function in your component and use it in pipe method with rxjs takeUntil operator:

import { TakeUntilDestroy } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class CounterComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

    private componentDestroy: Function;

    constructor() { }

    ngOnInit() {
        ).subscribe(() => {
            console.log('Interval tick');

    ngOnDestroy() {

@TrackChanges - binds @Input field to execution of component method with provided changes strategy: Decorator accepts 3 argumaents: - key - name of @Input() field - methodName - name of method to be called when - strategy - ChangesStrategy enum

export enum ChangesStrategy {
    First = 'First', // listen only first change
    Each = 'Each', // listen each change
    NotFirst = 'NotFirst' // listen all changes except first

In this snippet counterChange method will be called on every data-bound property change of @Input() counter field using ChangesStrategy.NotFirst:

import { TrackChanges, ChangesStrategy } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class CounterComponent implements OnChanges {

    counter: number;

    constructor() { }

    @TrackChanges<number>('counter', 'counterChange', ChangesStrategy.NotFirst)
    ngOnChanges() {

    counterChange(): void {
        console.log(`Counter changed to ${this.counter}`);

Utils decorators

Useful utils decorator for Angular

@Safe - catches application errors and forwards them to proper errorHandler depending on SafeLogLevel provided: Decorator accepts 1 argumaent of type SafeParams<T>:

export interface SafeParams<T> {
    logLevel?: SafeLogLevel; // Decorator LogLevel (see below)
    returnValue?: T; // returnValue if error was thrown

Available Log Levels:

export enum SafeLogLevel {
    Default = 'Default', // if error was thrown only get returnValue
    Console = 'Console', // log error to console
    ErrorHandler = 'ErrorHandler' // forward error to errorHandler. Class with 'Safe' decorator and logLevel 'ErrorHandler' should have 'errorHandler' class property with 'ErrorHandler' class.

Decorate any method in component with @Safe decorator in following way:

import { Safe, SafeLogLevel } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class CounterComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {

    constructor(private errorHandler: ErrorHandler) { }

    ngOnInit() {
        const result = this.throwErr(); // result value is false

        logLevel: SafeLogLevel.ErrorHandler,
        returnValue: false
    throwErr() {
        throw new Error('err thrown');

Then see error in your ErrorHandler class:

class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
    handleError(error) {
        console.log('Handling error:', error);

@Cache - caches results of functions: Decorator accepts 1 argumaent of type CacheParams<T>:

export interface CacheParams {
    cacheKey?: string; // key name used to access cache data. You can provide your own or keep default (then name of called method will be used)
    useParamsAsKeys?: boolean; // if true cache will be stored depending on method arguments, if false every call to function will extract data from cache.

Store result of a function in cache:

import { Cache, Safe } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class CounterComponent implements OnInit {

    constructor() { }

    ngOnInit() {
            this.add(10, 20),
            this.add(20, 30),
            this.add('str', 10),
            this.add(10, 20), // <------- result of this call will be taken from cache

    @Safe<number>({ returnValue: null })
        cacheKey: 'myKey',
        useParamsAsKeys: true
    add(a, b) {
        if (typeof a !== 'number' || typeof b !== 'number') {
            throw new Error('invalid arguments');

        return a + b;

In this snippet result of forth call to this.add will be retrived from cache.

@OutsideAngular - escape Angular's zone and do work that doesn't trigger Angular change-detection Decorator does not accepts parameters:

import { OutsideAngular } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    counter = 0;

    constructor(private ngZone: NgZone) {}

    ngOnInit() {

    processOutsideOfAngularZone() {
        this.increaseProgress(() => {
   => { console.log('Outside Done!'); });

    increaseProgress(doneCallback: () => void) {
        this.counter += 1;
        console.log(`Current progress: ${this.counter}%`);

        if (this.counter < 10) {
            window.setTimeout(() => this.increaseProgress(doneCallback), 1000);
        } else {

In this snippet each tick of increaseProgress function willbe executed in Angular's parent zone

HTTP decorators

To start using http decorators first you need to decorate you class with @HttpApi decorator:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

import { HttpApi } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class DataService {

    constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

@HttpApi decorator is used to define base API url. For example in this url - /api/user/1488, api is base url. Once base url defined you can start using http decorators:

@Get - makes HTTP GET request with HttpParams:

import { HttpApi, Get } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class DataService {

    constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

    getOne(params?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes GET request to /api/users with params defined
        return of();

@Post - makes HTTP POST request with HttpParams:

import { HttpApi, Post } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class DataService {

    constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

    addAll(params?: object, body?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes POST request to /api/users/save with params and request body defined
        return of();

@Put - makes HTTP PUT request with HttpParams:

import { HttpApi, Put } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class DataService {

    constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

    replaceAll(params?: object, body?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes PUT request to /api/users/save with params and request body defined
        return of();

@Patch - makes HTTP PATCH request with HttpParams:

import { HttpApi, Patch } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class DataService {

    constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

    replaceOne(params?: object, body?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes PATCH request to /api/users/save with params and request body defined
        return of();

@Delete - makes HTTP DELETE request with HttpParams:

import { HttpApi, Delete } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class DataService {
    constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

    removeAll(params?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes DELETE request to /api/users with params defined
        return of();

@Request - makes HTTP request with defined method:

import { HttpApi, Request } from 'ngx-decorator';

export class DataService {
    constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

    @Request('GET', 'users')
    getOneRequest(params?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes GET request to /api/users with params defined
        return of();

    @Request('POST', 'usrs/save')
    addAllRequest(params?: object, body?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes POST request to /api/users/save with params and request body defined
        return of();

    @Request('PUT', 'usrs/save')
    replaceAllRequest(params?: object, body?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes PUT request to /api/users/save with params and request body defined
        return of();

    @Request('PATCH', 'usrs/save')
    replaceOneRequest(params?: object, body?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes PATCH request to /api/users/save with params and request body defined
        return of();

    @Request('DELETE', 'usrs')
    removeAllRequest(params?: object): Observable<any> { // <-------- makes DELETE request to /api/users with params defined
        return of();


Set of useful decorators for Angular







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