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149 lines (108 loc) · 6.83 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (108 loc) · 6.83 KB

How to contribute to this repository

👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍

We very much welcome new contributions through analysis notebooks or new tests for the database!

Table Of Contents

Code of Conduct

How Can I Contribute?


Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.

Reporting Bugs

This section guides you through submitting a bug report for this repository. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your report, reproduce the behavior, and find related reports.

Before creating bug reports, please check existing issues and pull requests as you might find out that you don't need to create one. When you are creating a bug report, please include as many details as possible.

Note: If you find a Closed issue that seems like it is the same thing that you're experiencing, open a new issue and include a link to the original issue in the body of your new one.

Pull Requests

New contributions are added to this repository through Github pull requests. Make a fork of this repository to your own Github account and then create a new pull request with the necessary changes.

Please make sure that you

Adding new tests

The automated testing framework uses pytest to run to run thousands of tests, one for every single timeseries and meta information (e.g. valid temperatures, valid ages, etc.). The rather technical setup of this test suite is outsourced to the script, the configuration script for pytest. If you simply want to add a new test to the framework, just add a function to the script and make sure it starts with test_. Then, pytest will recognize it automatically and run it for every timeseries.

pytest uses so-called fixtures to collect the tests and provide these as input argument to the test function. For example, if you would, for example, add a test to check that every LiPD file has a DOI in the publications, you can define a function such as

def test_has_publication(lipd_data):
    for pub in lipd_data['pub']:
        assert 'doi' in pub

This function will then be ran for every single LiPD file that has a temperature series in it. lipd_data thereby is the python dictionary that is obtained from the lipd.readLipd function. This works for any of the following fixtures that are defined in

  • lipd_file: The path to a LiPD file
  • lipd_data: The dictionary of a LiPD file as obtained from the lipd.readLipd function. This fixture is only provided for LiPD files that contain temperature series.
  • series_data: One individual temperature series dictionary as obtained from the lipd.extractTs function
  • pd_series: One individual series_data as a pandas series. The index is the age of the sample, the values are the corresponding temperatures.
  • series_data_country: The same as series_data but with an additonal geo_natEarth country that corresponds to the country inferred from the NaturalEarth shapefile.

Extracting information to results.xlsx

The test suite generates an excel report that contains some important information for every time series ( e.g. minT in the test_temperature_values function. If you want to add new information here, use the record_property fixture in the test function.

Following our above example, let's not only test for the doi in the publications, but also extract the number of publications for each LiPD file. This information should appear in the nPublications column of the Excel file. We can do so by adding one single line: record_property('nPublications', len(lipd_data['pub'])) to our test function above and adding the record_property fixture to the function arguments

def test_has_publication(lipd_data, record_property):
    record_property('nPublications', len(lipd_data['pub']))
    for pub in lipd_data['pub']:
        assert 'doi' in pub

Furthermore, to provide a bit more documentation in the Excel file, we recommend to

  1. Add a docstring what the test is doing
  2. Use the record_property_name fixture to document what the nPublications mean

The final test function than looks like

def test_has_publication(
        lipd_data, record_property, record_property_name):
    """Test the number of publications and their DOI"""
    record_property_name(nPublications="Number of Publications in the LiPD file")
    record_property('nPublications', len(lipd_data['pub']))
    for pub in lipd_data['pub']:
        assert 'doi' in pub

Adding new analysis notebooks

We want to make the Temperature12K database more accessible so we very much welcome contributions to play around with the data!

New notebooks should be created in the notebooks directory and should be self-explanatory, i.e. make sure you add enough comments to let the user follow what the notebook is doing. If you need further packages to run the analysis, you should also add them to the environment.yml file. This makes sure that everyone can run your awesome analysis for free on

More information about jupyter notebooks can be found at


Git Commit Messages

  • Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature")
  • Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...")
  • Limit the first line (summary) to 72 characters or less
  • Reference issues and pull requests liberally after the first line

Documentation Styleguide