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File metadata and controls

624 lines (484 loc) · 24.5 KB

Scalar types are the primitives of our schema and can hold a specific type of data. They are leaf types, meaning we cannot use e.g. { fieldName } to further drill down into the type. The main purpose of a scalar is to define how a value is serialized and deserialized.

Besides basic scalars like String and Int, we can also create custom scalars like CreditCardNumber or SocialSecurityNumber. These custom scalars can greatly enhance the expressiveness of our schema and help new developers to get a grasp of our API.

GraphQL scalars

The GraphQL specification defines the following scalars.


type Product {
  description: String;

This scalar represents an UTF-8 character sequence.

It is automatically inferred from the usage of the .NET string type.


type Product {
  purchasable: Boolean;

This scalar represent a Boolean value, which can be either true or false.

It is automatically inferred from the usage of the .NET bool type.


type Product {
  quantity: Int;

This scalar represents a signed 32-bit numeric non-fractional value.

It is automatically inferred from the usage of the .NET int type.


type Product {
  price: Float;

This scalar represents double-precision fractional values, as specified by IEEE 754.

It is automatically inferred from the usage of the .NET float or double type.

Note: We introduced a separate Decimal scalar to handle decimal values.


type Product {
  id: ID!;

This scalar is used to facilitate technology-specific Ids, like int, string or Guid.

It is not automatically inferred and the IdType needs to be explicitly specified.

ID values are always represented as a String in client-server communication, but can be coerced to their expected type on the server.

public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; }

public class Query
    public Product GetProduct([GraphQLType(typeof(IdType))] int id)
        // Omitted code for brevity
public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; }

public class ProductType : ObjectType<Product>
    protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<Product> descriptor)

        descriptor.Field(f => f.Id).Type<IdType>();

public class QueryType : ObjectType
    protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor descriptor)

            .Argument("id", a => a.Type<IdType>())
            .Resolve(context =>
                var id = context.ArgumentValue<int>("id");

                // Omitted code for brevity
public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; }

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
               type Query {
                 product(id: ID): Product

               type Product {
                 id: ID
            .AddResolver("Query", "product", context =>
                var id = context.ArgumentValue<int>("id");

                // Omitted code for brevity

Notice how our code uses int for the Id, but in a request / response it would be serialized as a string. This allows us to switch the CLR type of our Id, without affecting the schema and our clients.

.NET Scalars

In addition to the scalars defined by the specification, Hot Chocolate also supports the following set of scalar types:

Type Description
Byte Byte
ByteArray Base64 encoded array of bytes
Short Signed 16-bit numeric non-fractional value
Long Signed 64-bit numeric non-fractional value
Decimal .NET Floating Point Type
Url Url
DateTime ISO-8601 date time
Date ISO-8601 date
TimeSpan ISO-8601 duration
Any This type can be anything, string, int, list or object, etc.

Uuid Type

The Uuid scalar supports the following serialization formats.

Specifier Format
N (default) 00000000000000000000000000000000
D 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
B {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
P (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
X {0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}}

The UuidType will always return the value in the specified format. In case it is used as an input type, it will first try to parse the result in the specified format. If the parsing does not succeed, it will try to parse the value in other formats.

To change the default format we have to register the UuidType with the specifier on the schema:

   .AddType(new UuidType('D'));

Any Type

The Any scalar is a special type that can be compared to object in C#. Any allows us to specify any literal or return any output type.

Consider the following type:

type Query {
  foo(bar: Any): String

Since our field foo specifies an argument bar of type Any all of the following queries would be valid:

  a: foo(bar: 1)
  b: foo(bar: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
  a: foo(bar: "abcdef")
  a: foo(bar: true)
  a: foo(bar: { a: "foo", b: { c: 1 } })
  a: foo(bar: [{ a: "foo", b: { c: 1 } }, { a: "foo", b: { c: 1 } }])

The same goes for the output side. Any can return a structure of data although it is a scalar type.

If we want to access the data we can either fetch data as an object or you can ask the context to provide it as a specific object.

object foo = context.ArgumentValue<object>("bar");
Foo foo = context.ArgumentValue<Foo>("bar");

We can also ask the context which kind the current argument is:

ValueKind kind = context.ArgumentKind("bar");

The value kind will tell us by which kind of literal the argument is represented.

An integer literal can still contain a long value and a float literal could be a decimal but it also could just be a float.

public enum ValueKind

If we want to access an object dynamically without serializing it to a strongly typed model we can get it as IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> or as ObjectValueNode.

Lists can be accessed generically by getting them as IReadOnlyList<object> or as ListValueNode.

Additional Scalars

We also offer a separate package with scalars for more specific use cases.

To use these scalars we have to add the HotChocolate.Types.Scalars package.

Available Scalars:

Type Description
EmailAddress Email address, represented as UTF-8 character sequences, as defined in RFC5322
HexColor HEX color code
Hsl CSS HSL color as defined here
Hsla CSS HSLA color as defined here
IPv4 IPv4 address as defined here
IPv6 IPv6 address as defined in RFC8064
Isbn ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 number as defined here
Latitude Decimal degrees latitude number
Longitude Decimal degrees longitude number
LocalCurrency Currency string
LocalDate ISO date string, represented as UTF-8 character sequences yyyy-mm-dd, as defined in RFC3339
LocalTime Local time string (i.e., with no associated timezone) in 24-hr HH:mm:ss
MacAddress IEEE 802 48-bit (MAC-48/EUI-48) and 64-bit (EUI-64) Mac addresses, represented as UTF-8 character sequences, as defined in RFC7042 and RFC7043
NegativeFloat Double‐precision fractional value less than 0
NegativeInt Signed 32-bit numeric non-fractional with a maximum of -1
NonEmptyString Non empty textual data, represented as UTF‐8 character sequences with at least one character
NonNegativeFloat Double‐precision fractional value greater than or equal to 0
NonNegativeInt Unsigned 32-bit numeric non-fractional value greater than or equal to 0
NonPositiveFloat Double‐precision fractional value less than or equal to 0
NonPositiveInt Signed 32-bit numeric non-fractional value less than or equal to 0
PhoneNumber A value that conforms to the standard E.164 format as defined here
PositiveInt Signed 32‐bit numeric non‐fractional value of at least the value 1
PostalCode Postal code
Port TCP port within the range of 0 to 65535
Rgb CSS RGB color as defined here
Rgba CSS RGBA color as defined here
UnsignedInt Unsigned 32‐bit numeric non‐fractional value greater than or equal to 0
UnsignedLong Unsigned 64‐bit numeric non‐fractional value greater than or equal to 0
UtcOffset A value of format ±hh:mm

Most of these scalars are built on top of native .NET types. An Email Address for example is represented as a string, but just returning a string from our resolver would result in Hot Chocolate interpreting it as a StringType. We need to explicitly specify that the returned type (string) should be treated as an EmailAddressType.

public string GetEmail() => "";

Learn more about explicitly specifying GraphQL types


We also offer a package specifically for NodaTime.

It can be installed like the following.

Available Scalars:

Type Description Example
DateTimeZone A NodaTime DateTimeZone "Europe/Rome"
Duration A NodaTime Duration "-123:07:53:10.019"
Instant A NodaTime Instant "2020-02-20T17:42:59Z"
IsoDayOfWeek A NodaTime IsoDayOfWeek 7
LocalDate A NodaTime LocalDate "2020-12-25"
LocalDateTime A NodaTime LocalDateTime "2020-12-25T13:46:78"
LocalTime A NodaTime LocalTime "12:42:13.03101"
OffsetDateTime A NodaTime OffsetDateTime "2020-12-25T13:46:78+02:35"
OffsetDate A NodaTime OffsetDate "2020-12-25+02:35"
OffsetTime A NodaTime OffsetTime "13:46:78+02:35"
Offset A NodeTime Offset "+02:35"
Period A NodeTime Period "P-3W3DT139t"
ZonedDateTime A NodaTime ZonedDateTime "2020-12-31T19:40:13 Asia/Kathmandu +05:45"

When returning a NodaTime type from one of our resolvers, for example a NodaTime.Duration, we also need to explicitly register the corresponding scalar type. In the case of a NodaTime.Duration this would be the DurationType scalar.

public class Query
    public Duration GetDuration() => Duration.FromMinutes(3);

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

This package was originally developed by @shoooe.

Binding behavior

Hot Chocolate binds most of the native .NET types automatically. A System.String is for example automatically mapped to a StringType in the schema.

We can override these mappings by explicitly specifying type bindings.

    .BindRuntimeType<string, StringType>();

Furthermore, we can also bind scalars to arrays or type structures:

    .BindRuntimeType<byte[], ByteArrayType>();

Hot Chocolate only exposes the used scalars in the generated schema, keeping it simple and clean.

Custom Converters

We can reuse existing scalar types and bind them to different runtime types by specifying converters.

We could for example register converters between NodaTime's OffsetDateTime and .NET's DateTimeOffset to reuse the existing DateTimeType.

public class Query
    public OffsetDateTime GetDateTime(OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime)
        return offsetDateTime;

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            .BindRuntimeType<OffsetDateTime, DateTimeType>()
            .AddTypeConverter<OffsetDateTime, DateTimeOffset>(
                x => x.ToDateTimeOffset())
            .AddTypeConverter<DateTimeOffset, OffsetDateTime>(
                x => OffsetDateTime.FromDateTimeOffset(x));

Scalar Options

Some scalars like TimeSpan or Uuid have options like their serialization format.

We can specify these options by registering the scalar explicitly.

   .AddType(new UuidType('D'));

Custom Scalars

All scalars in Hot Chocolate are defined through a ScalarType. The easiest way to create a custom scalar is to extend ScalarType<TRuntimeType, TLiteral>. This base class already includes basic serialization and parsing logic.

public sealed class CreditCardNumberType : ScalarType<string, StringValueNode>
    private readonly ICreditCardValidator _validator;

    // we can inject services that have been registered
    // with the DI container
    public CreditCardNumberType(ICreditCardValidator validator)
        : base("CreditCardNumber")
        _validator = validator;

        Description = "Represents a credit card number";

    // is another StringValueNode an instance of this scalar
    protected override bool IsInstanceOfType(StringValueNode valueSyntax)
        => IsInstanceOfType(valueSyntax.Value);

    // is another string .NET type an instance of this scalar
    protected override bool IsInstanceOfType(string runtimeValue)
        => _validator.ValidateCreditCard(runtimeValue);

    public override IValueNode ParseResult(object? resultValue)
        => ParseValue(resultValue);

    // define how a value node is parsed to the string .NET type
    protected override string ParseLiteral(StringValueNode valueSyntax)
        => valueSyntax.Value;

    // define how the string .NET type is parsed to a value node
    protected override StringValueNode ParseValue(string runtimeValue)
        => new StringValueNode(runtimeValue);

    public override bool TryDeserialize(object? resultValue,
        out object? runtimeValue)
        runtimeValue = null;

        if (resultValue is string s && _validator.ValidateCreditCard(s))
            runtimeValue = s;
            return true;

        return false;

    public override bool TrySerialize(object? runtimeValue,
        out object? resultValue)
        resultValue = null;

        if (runtimeValue is string s && _validator.ValidateCreditCard(s))
            resultValue = s;
            return true;

        return false;

By extending ScalarType we have full control over serialization and parsing.

public class CreditCardNumberType : ScalarType
    private readonly ICreditCardValidator _validator;

    public CreditCardNumberType(ICreditCardValidator validator)
        : base("CreditCardNumber")
        _validator = validator;

        Description = "Represents a credit card number";

    // define which .NET type represents your type
    public override Type RuntimeType { get; } = typeof(string);

    // define which value nodes this type can be parsed from
    public override bool IsInstanceOfType(IValueNode valueSyntax)
        if (valueSyntax == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valueSyntax));

        return valueSyntax is StringValueNode stringValueNode &&

    // define how a value node is parsed to the native .NET type
    public override object ParseLiteral(IValueNode valueSyntax,
        bool withDefaults = true)
        if (valueSyntax is StringValueNode stringLiteral &&
            return stringLiteral.Value;

        throw new SerializationException(
            "The specified value has to be a credit card number in the format "
                + "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX",

    // define how the .NET type is parsed to a value node
    public override IValueNode ParseValue(object? runtimeValue)
        if (runtimeValue is string s &&
            return new StringValueNode(null, s, false);

        throw new SerializationException(
            "The specified value has to be a credit card number in the format "
                + "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX",

    public override IValueNode ParseResult(object? resultValue)
        if (resultValue is string s &&
            return new StringValueNode(null, s, false);

        throw new SerializationException(
            "The specified value has to be a credit card number in the format "
                + "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX",

    public override bool TrySerialize(object? runtimeValue,
        out object? resultValue)
        resultValue = null;

        if (runtimeValue is string s &&
            resultValue = s;
            return true;

        return false;

    public override bool TryDeserialize(object? resultValue,
        out object? runtimeValue)
        runtimeValue = null;

        if (resultValue is string s &&
            runtimeValue = s;
            return true;

        return false;

The implementation of Hot Chocolate's own scalars can be used as a reference for writing custom scalars.