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Build a weather dashboard that will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS.

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Weather Dashboard


Build a weather dashboard that will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS.

Use the OpenWeather One Call API to retrieve weather data for cities. Read through the documentation for setup and usage instructions. You will use localStorage to store any persistent data.

This was a good project. I have had troubles getting 3rd party APIs to work in the past. I'm not pleased with how the code came out on this one, so I started a new project and am refactoring it to make the code cleaner and easier to maintain. This works though. I found bootstrap a challenge. It didn't "just work". I had to play with the formatting quite a bit for things to display as I wanted them.

Table of Contents

User Story

AS A traveler I WANT to see the weather outlook for multiple cities SO THAT I can plan a trip accordingly

Acceptance Criteria

Here are the critical requirements necessary to develop a portfolio that satisfies a typical hiring manager’s needs:

GIVEN a weather dashboard with form inputs

WHEN I search for a city
THEN I am presented with current and future conditions for that city and that city is added to the search history

WHEN I view current weather conditions for that city
THEN I am presented with the city name, the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, the humidity, the wind speed, and the UV index

WHEN I view the UV index
THEN I am presented with a color that indicates whether the conditions are favorable, moderate, or severe

WHEN I view future weather conditions for that city
THEN I am presented with a 5-day forecast that displays the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, the wind speed, and the humidity

WHEN I click on a city in the search history
THEN I am again presented with current and future conditions for that city (does not reorder based on clicked)


Completed site's code: []

Working Page: []



Study Group:

  • Lauren Gabaldon
  • Josh Lee
  • Jared Sutch
  • Lacey Pape
  • Alex Jurgs
  • Tarik Maggio

Wikimedia Foundation. (2021, March 13). Ultraviolet index. Wikipedia.


Build a weather dashboard that will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS.




