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Deploy IBM Cloud Private beta on IBM Cloud (softlayer) with Ansible

Prepare your local machine:

The first thing you need to do is to clone this repo down and set up to use softlayer cli and ansible:

$ git clone
$ cd deploy-ibm-cloud-private
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Next you need to prepare the softlayer CLI with your credentials:

$ slcli config setup
Username: XXXXXX
Endpoint (public|private|custom) [public]:
Timeout [0]:
:         name : value                                                            :
:     Username : XXXXXX                                                           :
:      API Key : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                            :
: Endpoint URL :                           :
:      Timeout : not set                                                          :
Are you sure you want to write settings to "/home/XXXX/.softlayer"? [Y/n]: Y

Create a SSH key to use:

$ ssh-keygen -f cluster/ssh_key -P ""
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Your identification has been saved in cluster/ssh_key
Your public key has been saved in cluster/
$ slcli sshkey add -f cluster/ icp-key
$ slcli sshkey list               
:   id   :       label        :                   fingerprint                   : notes :
: 926125 :    icp-key     : 2c:ba:f4:8d:0c:4f:35:3d:fb:98:0b:30:b3:2e:a4:09 :   -   :

Set the sl_ssh_key variable in clusters/config.yaml with the id from the output of the slcli sshkey list command.

Pick a datacenter and a VLAN to deploy to:

slcli vlan list
:    id   : number : name : firewall : datacenter : hardware : virtual_servers : public_ips :
: 2073387 :  866   :  -   :    No    :   dal09    :    0     :        1        :     61     :
: 2073385 :  812   :  -   :    No    :   dal09    :    0     :        1        :     13     :

Set the sl_datacenter and sl_vlan variables in clusters/config.yaml using the datacenter name (ex dal09) and vlan id (ex 2073387). Unless you're very familiar with your softlayer account you may need to use the softlayer web portal to pick a VLAN to use. If you skip this step SL will pick a random vlan and you may not be able to communicate on the backend network.

Provision the Softlayer VMs

Using ansible playbooks we've prepared you can create the VMs necessary to deploy ICP:

While the playbook runs fast, it can take some time for the systems to actually come online and be ready.

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/create_sl_vms.yml
PLAY [create servers] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Include cluster vars] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [create master] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=icp-master01)

TASK [create workers] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => (item=icp-worker01)
changed: [localhost] => (item=icp-worker02)

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Once the systems are online you should be able to prepare them for the ICP install using the following Ansible playbook. This playbook will clean up some Softlayer quirks, install Docker and slipstream the softlayer dynamic inventory dependencies into the ICP installer.

$ ssh-add cluster/ssh_key
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/prepare_sl_vms.yml

PLAY [ensure connectivity to all nodes] **********************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [check if python is installed] **************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []
TASK [Run the following command to deploy IBM Cloud Private] *************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "ssh root@ docker run -e SL_USERNAME=<SL_USERNAME> -e SL_API_KEY=<SL_API_KEY> -e LICENSE=accept --net=host --rm -t -v /root/cluster:/installer/cluster icp-on-sl install"
PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************             : ok=8    changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=8    changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=8    changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Note: Sometimes this last task will error due to a strange dnsmasq issue. Running the playbook again usually fixes it, sometimes you need to restart dnsmasq (again) on the master node.

Once that playbook has finished running we can use our modified deployer to deploy ICP (the final line in the previous command will give you the command syntax, you just need to plug in your SL credentials)

$ cat ~/.softlayer
username = XXXXX
api_key = YYYY
$ ssh root@ docker run -e SL_USERNAME=XXXXX -e SL_API_KEY=YYYY -e LICENSE=accept --net=host \
   --rm -t -v /root/cluster:/installer/cluster icp-on-sl install
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
169.46.198.XXX             : ok=44   changed=22   unreachable=0    failed=0   
169.46.198.YYY             : ok=69   changed=39   unreachable=0    failed=0   
169.46.198.ZZZ             : ok=45   changed=22   unreachable=0    failed=0   

POST DEPLOY MESSAGE ************************************************************

UI URL is https://169.46.198.XXX:8443 , default username/password is admin/admin

See Accessing IBM Cloud Private for next steps.