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0x04. Loops, conditions and parsing

Learning Objectives


  • How to create SSH keys
  • What is the advantage of using #!/usr/bin/env bash over #!/bin/bash
  • How to use while, until and for loops
  • How to use if, else, elif and case condition statements
  • How to use the cut command
  • What are files and other comparison operators, and how to use them



  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your scripts will be tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • The first line of all your files should be exactly #!/usr/bin/env bash
  • The second line of all your Bash scripts should be a comment explaining what is the script doing
  • A file, at the root of the folder of this project, describing what each script is doing
  • All your scripts must be executable.