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Tomasz Cichoń edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 5 revisions

A tool is only useful if there are people using it. This document aims to clearly explain how to install Centrifuge into any Unity game using concrete game examples. Note that even though this page uses certain games to describe the process, same principles apply for any Unity 5 game.

Installation process - The Easy Way

Head over here. Grab the package. Open it up, extract wherever. Run Centrifuge.Installer.exe. Windows will probably yell at you because the executable is not signed. It's fine. Run it anyway. A window will pop up. Follow the images in order and you'll get Centrifuge installed just fine. Hopefully.

Step 1: Press the '...' button!

Step 2: Navigate to your game's directory!

Step 3: Press 'Install' button!

Step 4: Enjoy!

But I have questions!

Yeah? This is the place to ask them.

Installation process - The Hard Way

Firstly, head here. This link will lead you to the latest binary release. Download the .zip file called Centrifuge-X.Y.Z where X, Y and Z are the version numbers. Open it up.

You will see two directories. Centrifuge and Managed. Open up a new explorer window and navigate to your game's data directory.

  ▐ D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Get To The Orange Door\Get To The Orange Door_Data
  ▐ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Distance\Distance_Data
  ▐ H:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\PUSS!\PUSS!_Data

Copy the two directories mentioned above as-is to the directory of your game which resembles these examples. Close the window displaying the .zip file.

After copying the directories to their proper places, navigate to Managed directory in the game's directory and run the install_windows.bat file. This is what actually makes the game aware of Centrifuge. If you wish to know how, feel free to read this.


Run the game with -console parameter to show Centrifuge command line. To learn how to do this go here or...

  ▐ Right-click on the game title under the Library in Steam and select Properties.
  ▐ Under the General tab click the Set launch options... button.
  ▐ Enter the launch options you wish to apply (separate each parameter with a space) and click OK.
  ▐ Close the game's Properties window and launch the game.

A command line window showing Centrifuge initialization process should pop up before the game shows its window.


Sometimes the defaults won't work for every game and you'll encounter weird issues like hotkey manager not detecting any key presses. To remedy this, you'll have to scout for a viable entry point DLL that differs from Assembly-CSharp.dll. The process itself is simple, but takes some experimentation:

  ▐ Remove the patched .dll file. If installed previously, the first one will be Assembly-CSharp.dll.
  ▐ Rename the existing .dll.backup to .dll in order to restore original.
  ▐ Pick another .dll file in the directory you'd like to try and launch your favorite terminal emulator.
  ▐ Execute: spindle.exe -s Centrifuge.dll -t TheChosenDll.dll

It is unnecessary to remove any .dev.dll files created, should you need them.
Launch the game and try again. If you're a GSL developer, you definitely want to provide an easy way for users to install that kinda stuff.


That's it. Centrifuge is now installed. If you encounter problems during the process, don't be afraid to hop on our Discord server and show us what's wrong. Ideas on how to improve the guide are also welcome. Hope to see you there.