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Using orbs in CircleCI configuration

The orbs stanza is available in configuration version 2.1 and later.

Orbs are packages of CircleCI configuration shared across projects. Orbs are made available for use in a configuration through the orbs key in the top level of your config.yml.

This document mostly covers the use of existing orbs in your configuration. See the docs on authoring and publishing orbs to learn more about making your own.

Importing a set of orbs might look like:

  rails: circleci/rails@1.13.3
  python: circleci/python@2.1
  heroku: circleci/heroku@volatile

The above would make three orbs available, one for each key in the map and named the same as the keys in the map.

You may also write inline orbs, which may be especially useful during development of a new orb. Because the values of the above keys under orbs are all scalar values they are assumed to be imports based on the orb URI format.

Certified orbs vs. 3rd party orbs

Certified orbs are those that CircleCI has built or has reviewed and approved as part of the features of the CircleCI platform. Any project may use certified orbs in configuration version 2.1 and higher.

3rd party orbs are those published by our customers and other members of our community. For you to publish orbs, or for your projects to use 3rd party orbs, your organization must opt-in under SECURITY within the Organization Settings page under the section "Orb Security Settings" where an organization administrator must agree to the terms for using 3rd party software (NOTE: if you do not yet see this feature under your organization settings you should in the next few weeks as we roll it out gradually). This setting can only be toggled by organization administrators.

Orb URI format

Orb URIs have the format:


Orb namespaces may have restrictions that prevent you from accessing orbs in those namespaces based on whether the build and the scope of the namespace are congruent.

Semantic versioning in orbs

Orbs are published with the standard 3-number semantic versioning system, major.minor.patch, and orb authors need to adhere to semantic versioning. Within config.yml, you may specify wildcard version ranges to resolve orbs. You may also use the special string volatile to pull in whatever the highest version number is at time your build runs. For instance, when mynamespace/some-orb@8.2.0 exists, and mynamespace/some-orb@8.1.24 and mynamespace/some-orb@8.0.56 are published after 8.2.0, volatile will still refer to mynamespace/some-orb@8.2.0 as the highest semver.

Examples of orb version declarations and their meaning:

  1. circleci/python@volatile - use the latest version of the Python orb in the registry at the time a build is triggered.
  2. circleci/python@2 - use the latest version of version 2.x.y of the Python orb .
  3. circleci/python@2.4 - use the latest version of version 2.4.x of the Python orb .
  4. circleci/python@3.1.4 - use exactly version 3.1.4 of the Python orb.

Using dev versions

While all production orbs must be published securely by organization admins, dev orbs allow your team broader latitude. See the Orb authoring and publishing doc for more information on how you can create your own dev orbs.

A dev version must be referenced entirely, like mynamespace/myorb@dev:mybranch. Whereas production orbs allow wildcard semver references, there are no shorthand conveniences for dev versions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Dev versions are mutable and expire: their contents can change, and they are subject to deletion after 90 days, so we strongly recommend you do not rely on a dev versions in any production software.