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Road stud lights are highly visible reflective devices that are strategically installed on road surfaces to ensure safety during nighttime driving. These stud lights serve the purpose of guiding vehicles to maintain their lane and effectively navigate the road. Typically placed along lane markings or in the centre of the road, stud lights play a vital role in assisting motorists, particularly in areas lacking street lighting or when visibility is impaired due to inclement weather conditions like rain or snow. These illuminating devices help improve visibility by reflecting light, allowing drivers to have a clear view of the road ahead. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of accidents and promotes overall road safety. Even though reflective type stud lights are ok for normal conditions, active stud lights are needed in harsh environments. Not only that stud lights with built in LED will provide much better visibility even in very dark areas. So, in this project we are going to build such a stud light. The main highlight is that it will be solar powered and doesn’t need any external power. During the daytime the inbuilt solar panel will charge up the internal battery and during night this stored energy will be used to illuminated built in LEDs.

Note: As this projects are very simple we are only providing the code, schemaitic, and a few essential images if you want to get the images or code explanations do check out the Circuit Digest website.


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