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YANG Development Kit (C++)

Table of Contents


The YANG Development Kit (YDK) is a Software Development Kit that provides API's that are modeled in YANG. The main goal of YDK is to reduce the learning curve of YANG data models by expressing the model semantics in an API and abstracting protocol/encoding details. YDK is composed of a core package that defines services and providers, plus one or more module bundles that are based on YANG models.

How to Install

You can install YDK-Cpp on MacOS or Linux. It is not currently supported on Windows.

System Requirements


Ubuntu (Debian-based)

The following packages must be present in your system before installing YDK-Cpp:

$ sudo apt-get install gdebi-core python3-dev python-dev libtool-bin
$ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libpcre3-dev libssh-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev cmake

Install gcc-5 for Xenial (Ubuntu 16.04.4):

$ # Upgrade compiler to gcc 5.*
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-5 g++-5 -y > /dev/null
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/g++-5 /usr/bin/g++
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/gcc-5 /usr/bin/gcc

Centos (Fedora-based)

The following packages must be present in your system before installing YDK-Cpp:

$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libssh-devel libtool gcc-c++ pcre-devel cmake

# Install gcc-5 and g++-5
$ yum install centos-release-scl -y > /dev/null
$ yum install devtoolset-4-gcc* -y > /dev/null
$ ln -sf /opt/rh/devtoolset-4/root/usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc
$ ln -sf /opt/rh/devtoolset-4/root/usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/g++

Mac OS

It is recommended to install homebrew and Xcode command line tools on your system before installing YDK-Cpp:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ brew install pkg-config libssh libxml2 xml2 curl pcre cmake
$ xcode-select --install

Libssh installation

Please note that libssh-0.8.0 does not support <>_ separate threading library, which is required for YDK. Therefore, if after installation of libssh package you find that the libssh_threads.a library is missing, please downgrade the installation of libssh to version 0.7.6, or upgrade to 0.8.1 or higher. Example:

$ wget
$ tar zxf libssh-0.7.6.tar.gz && rm -f libssh-0.7.6.tar.gz
$ mkdir libssh-0.7.6/build && cd libssh-0.7.6/build
$ cmake ..
$ sudo make install

gNMI Requirements

In order to enable YDK support for gNMI protocol, which is optional, the following third party software must be installed prior to gNMI YDK component installation.

Install protobuf and protoc

    cd protobuf-3.5.0
    make check
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig

Install gRPC

    git clone -b v1.9.1
    cd grpc
    git submodule update --init
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig
    cd -

Run-time environment

There is an open issue with gRPC on Centos/Fedora, which requires an extra step before running any YDK gNMI application. See this issue on GRPC GitHub <>_ for details. As a workaround, the YDK based application runtime environment must include setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PROTO/grpc/libs/opt:$PROTO/protobuf-3.5.0/src/.libs:/usr/local/lib64

Quick Install


Ubuntu (Debian-based)

You can install the latest YDK core package using prebuilt binaries for Xenial (Ubuntu 16.04.4) and Bionic (Ubuntu 18.04.1) distributions. For other Ubuntu distributions it is recommended to build core libraries from source.

For Xenial:

$ wget
$ sudo gdebi libydk-0.8.2-1.amd64.deb

For Bionic:

$ wget
$ sudo gdebi libydk-0.8.2-1.amd64.deb
Centos (Fedora-based)

You can install the latest YDK core package using prebuilt binaries:

$ sudo yum install


You can install the latest YDK core package using prebuilt binaries:

$ curl -O
$ sudo installer -pkg libydk-0.8.2-Darwin.pkg -target /

gNMI Service Installation

Install gNMI service library


For Ubuntu/Xenial:

$ wget
$ sudo gdebi libydk_gnmi_0.4.0-2_amd64.deb

For Ubuntu/Bionic:

$ wget
$ sudo gdebi libydk_gnmi_0.4.0-2_amd64.deb

For CentOS

   sudo yum install
$ curl -O
$ sudo installer -pkg libydk_gnmi-0.4.0-2_Darwin.pkg -target /

Installing from source

Building YDK

YDK uses cmake as the build system of choice. To install the core package, execute:

ydk-cpp$ cd core/ydk
core$ mkdir build && cd build
build$ cmake .. && make
build$ sudo make install

Once you have installed the core package, you can install one or more model bundles. Note that some bundles have dependencies on other bundles. Those dependencies are captured in the bundle packages used for quick installation. To install the ietf bundle, execute:

core$ cd ../../ietf
ietf$ mkdir build && cd build
build$ cmake .. && make
build$ sudo make install

To install the openconfig bundle, execute:

ietf$ cd ../openconfig
openconfig$ mkdir build && cd build
build$ cmake .. && make
build$ sudo make install

To install the cisco-ios-xr bundle, execute:

openconfig$ cd ../cisco-ios-xr
cisco-ios-xr$ mkdir build && cd build
build$ cmake .. && make
build$ sudo make install

To install the cisco-ios-xe bundle, execute:

openconfig$ cd ../cisco-ios-xe
cisco-ios-xe$ mkdir build && cd build
build$ cmake .. && make
build$ sudo make install

Documentation and Support

Release Notes

The current YDK release version is 0.8.2. YDK-Cpp is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.