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executable file
109 lines (88 loc) · 2.9 KB


File metadata and controls

executable file
109 lines (88 loc) · 2.9 KB


ncdiff module has a class to compute diff of two versions of a model.

A common use case is having two folders of YANG files and comparing a model in them.

create ModelCompiler objects

Given a folder that holds all YANG files of a device, an instance of ModelCompiler can be instantiated:

>>> from ncdiff import Model, ModelCompiler, ModelDiff
>>> compiler1 = ModelCompiler('/version1/yang')
>>> compiler2 = ModelCompiler('/version2/yang')

create Model objects

>>> model1 = compiler1.compile('Cisco-IOS-XE-native')
>>> model2 = compiler2.compile('Cisco-IOS-XE-native')

create ModelDiff objects

Simply print out the ModelDiff object:

>>> diff = ModelDiff(model1, model2)
>>> bool(diff)
>>> print(diff)
module: Cisco-IOS-XE-native
    +--rw native
       +--rw hw-module
       |  +--rw switch*     deleted
       |  |  +--rw switch-number     deleted
       |  |  +--rw usbflash1         deleted
       |  |     +--rw security    deleted
       |  |        +--rw enable   deleted
       |  |           +--rw password?   deleted
       |  +--rw slot*       deleted
       |     +--rw name        deleted
       |     +--rw shutdown?   deleted
       +--rw parser
       |  +--rw view
       |     +--rw view-name-list*
       |     |  +--rw secret
       |     |     +--rw type?    modified

Attributes 'added', 'deleted' and 'modified' are string presentations of the diff for added, deleted and modified nodes respectively:

>>> print(diff.modified)
module: Cisco-IOS-XE-native
    +--rw native
       +--rw parser
       |  +--rw view
       |     +--rw view-name-list*
       |     |  +--rw secret
       |     |     +--rw type?    modified

From curiosity, one wants to see the difference of one node:

>>> print('//ios:native/ios:parser/ios:view/ios:view-name-list/ios:secret/ios:type'))
--------------------- XPATH ---------------------
-------------------- MODEL 1 --------------------
tag: '{}type'
text: None
  access = 'read-write'
  datatype = 'enumeration'
  type = 'leaf'
  values = '0|5'
-------------------- MODEL 2 --------------------
tag: '{}type'
text: None
  access = 'read-write'
  datatype = 'enumeration'
  type = 'leaf'
  values = '5'
.. sectionauthor:: Jonathan Yang