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230 lines (147 loc) · 7.46 KB

File metadata and controls

230 lines (147 loc) · 7.46 KB

Build status codecov Requirements

Parking hub

Django-based REST API for processing parking data.


  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Python 3.10
  • PostgreSQL 14 + PostGIS 3.4

Preferred usage with Visual Studio Code

Install Remote Containers support in Visual Studio Code with these instructions:

After that this should be easy, if all that magic works:

  • Open the project folder in Visual Studio Code
  • It asks to reopen the folder in remote container
  • Accept
  • Wait a while for it to automatically build the environment for you

You are free to change the included VSCode settings locally for yourself but it is expected that you produce code which pass linters defined in the preferred settings.

In the debug panel you can run following with debugger enabled:

  • Django runserver in hot reload mode
  • Django shell
  • Django migrations
  • Generate new Django migrations for all Django apps

Happy hacking :)

Usage with docker-compose

Development environment can also be run directtly with docker-compose. For this to work -file needs to be created. Easiest way to do this is to copy template file to proper location.

cp -n

After this you can start docker compose environment

docker-compose --compatibility up

To run commands inside docker environment, execute shell process in runserver container. There are at least zsh and bash shells available.

docker-compose exec runserver /bin/zsh
# or with bash
docker-compose exec runserver /bin/bash

Vistual environment should be active by default in both shells. After this you can run migrations, collecstatic and other management commands inside container in ~/bew -directory.

Possible problems with environment

This container uses Python venv virtual environment. Command called from host system needs to use python executables from venv path ie. pytest needs to be run with fill path.

docker-compose exec runserver /home/bew/.venv/bin/pytest

This container has default user bew that expects your uid and git to be 1000 on host system to access files in docker volumes. In Ubuntu uid and gid 1000 is default for first user account created on system. This may lead to file permission problems.

To fix this, there is docker compose file docker-compose-root.yml that can be used instead of the default one. Because commands are run with root acces inside the container this may create files with root permissions on the host system.

Python requirements

Use pip-tools to install and maintain installed dependencies. This also needs build essentials and required development libraries installed.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libpq-dev
pip install pip-tools

Use pip-compile to update the requirements*.txt files.


Django configuration

Environment variables are used to customize base configuration in parkkihubi/ If you wish to override any settings, you can place them in a local .env file which will automatically be sourced when Django imports the settings file. This repository also uses settings module for more comprehensive configuration.

Create a basic file for development as follows

echo 'DEBUG=True' > .env

File will be copied from when VSCode enviroment is started. If you choose not to use the preferred environment, copy this file by hand before starting docker-compose environment.

Parkkihubi settings


Running tests

Run all tests


Run with coverage

py.test --cov-report html --cov .

Open htmlcov/index.html for the coverage report.

Importing parking areas

To import Helsinki parking areas run:

python import_parking_areas

Geojson importers

To import payment zones from geojson run:

python import_geojson_payment_zones --domain=HKI  <GEOJSON_FILE_PATH>

To import permit areas from geojson run:

python import_geojson_permit_areas --domain=HKI <GEOJSON_FILE_PATH>

Starting a development server

With VSCode environment, you can start development server from debug side-bar. You also need to run migrations and generate static files.

python migrate
python collectstatic --noinput

Operator API will be available at

Enforcement API will be available at

Public API will be available at

Generating API documentation

The API documentation conforms to Swagger Specification 2.0.

Three possible ways (out of many) to generate the documentation:

  • Run the documentation generating script:


    The output will be in docs/generated directory by default. If you want to generate to a different directory, give that directory as the first argument to the script.

  • bootprint-openapi

    Probably the recommended way.


    npm install -g bootprint
    npm install -g bootprint-openapi

    Running (in parkkihubi repository root):

    bootprint openapi docs/api/enforcement.yaml </output/path/enforcement/>
    bootprint openapi docs/api/operator.yaml </output/path/operator/>
  • swagger-codegen

    Due to a bug in swagger-codegen, we're using an unreleased version at the moment.

    To build swagger-codegen from source, you need Apache maven installed (you'll need java 7 runtime at a minimum):

      # Ubuntu
      sudo apt-get install maven

    Clone swagger-codegen master branch and build it:

      git clone
      cd swagger-codegen/
      mvn clean package  # Takes a few minutes

    The client will now be available at modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar.

    To build the docs, in parkkihubi repository root:

      cd docs/api
      java -jar /path/to/codegen/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate \
        -i enforcement.yaml -l html2 -c config.json \
        -o /output/path/enforcement/
      java -jar /path/to/codegen/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate \
        -i operator.yaml -l html2 -c config.json \
        -o /output/path/operator/



Parking hub and SCALE-UP

Parts of the Parkkihubi platform are being developed as part of European Union Horizon 2020 programme funded SCALE-UP project (grant agreement no. 955332).