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Week 9 Lab - Extreme Value Analysis

This repository contains the lab notebook for Week 9 of BEE 6940, Climate Risk Analysis.

If enrolled in the class, a PDF of the completed notebook, with all cells evaluated, should be submitted to Gradescope no later than Monday, March 27, at 1:00pm. 10% will be deducted for each day that the notebook is late.


  1. Install Julia before beginning this lab. This notebook was developed with version 1.8.2, but any 1.8.x should work (there could be some issues with other versions, depending on what's changed).
  2. If necessary, install git and create a GitHub account.
  3. Clone the repository. I recommend doing this in a dedicated BEE6940/ folder, which can also house homework assignment repositories and lecture notes. You can clone directly into the BEE6940/ folder. For Windows (or from another graphical interface), just create a BEE6940 folder, then a labs folder inside of that, then clone into that folder. Or to clone into a BEE6940/labs folder, from a command prompt:
    cd BEE4750/
    mkdir labs
    cd labs/
    git clone

Opening The Notebook

  1. To interact (view and run) the notebook, there are two options:
  • Install an integrated development environment, or IDE (I recommend VS Code with the Julia extension).
  • Use the IJulia.jl package. I've included this in the project environment (discussed below), so no further steps are needed.
  1. Opening the notebook will depend on what you decided to do in the previous step.
  • If you installed VS Code, you should be able to just open lab05.ipynb and everything should just work.
  • If you're using a different IDE, Google how to make sure that it is set up to run a Julia notebook.
  • If you want to use IJulia.jl, open a Julia prompt. You can do this by:
    • Using the Julia-1.8 or equivalent graphical program, type cd("BEE6940/labs") or whatever path points to your lab notebook folder;

    • Navigating to your BEE6940/labs/lab05 folder and typing julia to open the prompt.Then:

      import Pkg
      using IJulia

      and you can navigate to and open lab09.ipynb.

Learning Objectives

After completing this lab, students will be able to:

  • fit block maxima and peaks-over-thresholds models to extremes of environmental data;
  • compute and analyze posterior prediction intervals for return periods.


This notebook uses the following packages:

  • DataFrames.jl
  • DataFramesMeta.jl
  • CSV.jl
  • Plots.jl
  • StatsBase.jl
  • Optim.jl
  • Distributions.jl
  • StatsPlots.jl
  • Turing.jl
  • Dates.jl
  • Measures.jl


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