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File metadata and controls

69 lines (45 loc) · 3.09 KB


You can use docker-compose.yml file to quickly install Bonsai for demo and development purposes. This requires that you have docker and docker-compose installed. Depending on your environment you might need to edit the :doc:`docker-compose <../docker-compose.yml>` file, :doc:`api config <./server/app/>`, and :doc:`web client config <./client/app/>` files.

To install Bonsai, first clone the repository and start the softwares.

# clone Bonsai
git clone
# navigate to project directory
cd cgviz
# start the bonsai software stack
docker-compose up -d

Use the Bonsai api command line interface to create the required database indexes.

docker-compose exec api bonsai_api index

Create an admin user with the CLI. There are three built in user roles (user, uploader, and admin). The user role has permission to retrieve data and comment on isolates and should be the default user role. Uploader has permission to create and modify data but cannot view isoaltes, this role is inteded for uploading data to the database. The admin has full permission to view, create, modify and delete data.

docker-compose exec api bonsai_api create-user -u admin -p admin -r admin

Use the :doc:` <../scripts/>` script to add analysis result and genome signature file to the database.

./scripts/                                        \
   --api localhost:8011                                           \
   --group <optional: group_id of group to associate sample with> \
   -u <username>                                                  \
   -p <password>                                                  \
   --input /path/to/input.json

Data persistance

The data is not persitant between docker container updates by default as all data is kept in the container. You have to mount the mongo database and the API genome signature database to the host OS to make the data persitant. The volume mounts can be configured in the docker-compose.yaml file. If you mount the databases to the host OS you have to ensure that they have correct permissions so the container have read and write access to these files.

Use the following command to get the user and group id of the user in the container.

$ docker-compose run --rm mongodb id
# uid=1000(worker) gid=1000(worker) groups=1000(worker)

Use chown -R /path/to/volume_dir 1000:1000 to change the permission of the folders you mount to the container.

The following are an example volume mount configuration. See the docker-compose documentation for more information on volume mounts.

         - "./volumes/mongodb:/data/db"

         - "./volumes/api/genome_signatures:/data/signature_db"