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Getting Started

This getting started guide will provide a quick tour of some CloudBridge features. For more details on individual features, see the Using CloudBridge section or the API reference.


CloudBridge is available on PyPI so to install the latest available version, run:

pip install --upgrade cloudbridge

For common issues during setup, check the following section: Common Setup Issues <topics/troubleshooting.html>

Create a provider

To start, you will need to create a reference to a provider object. The provider object identifies the cloud you want to work with and supplies your credentials. Each provider instance is tied to a particular zone. Refer to the Setup page for more details information on provider configuration. Once a provider instance is created, the remainder of the code is the same for any provider.


from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

config = {'aws_access_key': 'AKIAJW2XCYO4AF55XFEQ',
          'aws_secret_key': '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',
          'aws_zone_name': 'us-east-1a'}
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AWS, config)
image_id = 'ami-0885b1f6bd170450c'  # Ubuntu 20.04 (HVM)

OpenStack (with Keystone authentication v2):

from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

config = {'os_username': 'username',
          'os_password': 'password',
          'os_auth_url': 'authentication URL',
          'os_region_name': 'region name',
          'os_project_name': 'project name',
          'os_zone_name': 'zone_name'}
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.OPENSTACK,
image_id = 'c1f4b7bc-a563-4feb-b439-a2e071d861aa'  # Ubuntu 14.04 @ NeCTAR

OpenStack (with Keystone authentication v3):

from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

config = {'os_username': 'username',
          'os_password': 'password',
          'os_auth_url': 'authentication URL',
          'os_project_name': 'project name',
          'os_project_domain_name': 'project domain name',
          'os_user_domain_name': 'domain name',
          'os_zone_name': 'zone_name'}
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.OPENSTACK,
image_id = '46794408-6a80-44b1-bf5a-405127753f43'  # Ubuntu 20.04@Jetstream


from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

config = {'azure_subscription_id': 'REPLACE WITH ACTUAL VALUE',
          'azure_client_id': 'REPLACE WITH ACTUAL VALUE',
          'azure_secret': 'REPLACE WITH ACTUAL VALUE',
          'azure_tenant': ' REPLACE WITH ACTUAL VALUE',
          'azure_zone_name': 'zone_name'}
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.AZURE, config)
image_id = 'Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04.0-LTS:latest'  # Ubuntu 16.04

Google Compute Cloud:

from cloudbridge.factory import CloudProviderFactory, ProviderList

config = {'gcp_project_name': 'project name',
          'gcp_service_creds_file': 'service_file.json',
          'gcp_region_name': 'us-east1',  # Use desired value
          'gcp_zone_name': 'us-east1-b'}  # Use desired value
provider = CloudProviderFactory().create_provider(ProviderList.GCP, config)
image_id = ''

List some resources

Once you have a reference to a provider, explore the cloud platform:

This will demonstrate the fact that the library was properly installed and your provider object is setup correctly. By itself, those commands are not very interesting so let's create a new instance we can ssh into using a key pair.

Create a key pair

We'll create a new key pair and save the private portion of the key to a file on disk as a read-only file.

import os
kp ='cb-keypair')
with open('cloudbridge_intro.pem', 'wb') as f:
os.chmod('cloudbridge_intro.pem', 0o400)

Create a network

A cloudbridge instance should be launched into a private subnet. We'll create a private network and subnet, and make sure it has internet connectivity, by attaching an internet gateway to the subnet via a router.

net = provider.networking.networks.create(cidr_block='',
sn = net.subnets.create(
    cidr_block='', label='cb-subnet')
router = provider.networking.routers.create(network=net, label='cb-router')
gateway = net.gateways.get_or_create()

Create a VM firewall

Next, we need to create a VM firewall (also commonly known as a security group) and add a rule to allow ssh access. A VM firewall needs to be associated with a private network.

from cloudbridge.interfaces.resources import TrafficDirection
fw =
    label='cb-firewall', description='A VM firewall used by
    CloudBridge', network=net)
fw.rules.create(TrafficDirection.INBOUND, 'tcp', 22, 22, '')

Launch an instance

We can now launch an instance using the created key pair and security group. We will launch an instance type that has at least 2 CPUs and 4GB RAM. We will also add the network interface as a launch argument.

img = provider.compute.images.get(image_id)
vm_type = sorted([t for t in provider.compute.vm_types
                  if t.vcpus >= 2 and t.ram >= 4],
                  key=lambda x: x.vcpus*x.ram)[0]
inst = provider.compute.instances.create(
    image=img, vm_type=vm_type, label='cb-instance',
    subnet=sn, key_pair=kp, vm_firewalls=[fw])
# Wait until ready
inst.wait_till_ready()  # This is a blocking call
# Show instance state
# 'running'

Assign a public IP address

To access the instance, let's assign a public IP address to the instance. For this step, we'll first need to allocate a floating IP address for our account and then associate it with the instance. Note that floating IPs are associated with an Internet Gateway so we allocate the IP under the gateway we dealt with earlier.

if not inst.public_ips:
    fip = gateway.floating_ips.create()
# [u'']

From the command prompt, you can now ssh into the instance ssh -i cloudbridge_intro.pem ubuntu@

Get a resource

When a resource already exists, a reference to it can be retrieved using either its ID, name, or label. It is important to note that while IDs and names are unique, multiple resources of the same type could use the same label, thus the find method always returns a list, while the get method returns a single object. While the methods are similar across resources, they are explicitly listed in order to help map each resource with the service that handles it. Note that labeled resources allow to find by label, while unlabeled resources find by name or their special properties (eg: public_ip for floating IPs). For more detailed information on the types of resources and their provider mappings, see topics/resource_types_and_mapping.

# Key Pair
kp ='keypair ID')
kp ='cb-keypair')[0]

# Floating IPs
fip = gateway.floating_ips.get('FloatingIP ID')
# Find using public IP address
fip_list = gateway.floating_ips.find(public_ip='IP address')
# Find using name (the behavior of the `name` property can be 
# cloud-dependent). More details can be found `here <topics/resource_types_and_mapping.html>`
fip_list = gateway.floating_ips.find(name='cb-fip')[0]

# Network
net = provider.networking.networks.get('network ID')
net_list = provider.networking.networks.find(label='my-network')
net = net_list[0]

# Subnet
sn = provider.networking.subnets.get('subnet ID')
# Unknown network
sn_list = provider.networking.subnets.find(label='cb-subnet')
# Known network
sn_list = provider.networking.subnets.find(,
sn = sn_list(0)

# Router
router = provider.networking.routers.get('router ID')
router_list = provider.networking.routers.find(label='cb-router')
router = router_list[0]

# Gateway
gateway = net.gateways.get_or_create()

# Firewall
fw ='firewall ID')
fw_list ='cb-firewall')
fw = fw_list[0]

# Instance
inst = provider.compute.instances.get('instance ID')
inst_list = provider.compute.instances.list(label='cb-instance')
inst = inst_list[0]


To wrap things up, let's clean up all the resources we have created

from cloudbridge.interfaces import InstanceState
inst.wait_for([InstanceState.DELETED, InstanceState.UNKNOWN],
               terminal_states=[InstanceState.ERROR])  # Blocking call

And that's it - a full circle in a few lines of code. You can now try the same with a different provider. All you will need to change is the cloud-specific data, namely the provider setup and the image ID.