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To-do list

Since the site is still super early in development, it seems silly to use GitHub issues to track things that need to be fixed because, well, there are a lot of them, and I generally know about most of them. That said, if anyone spots a bug that isn't here, please submit a GitHub issue rather than making a pull request to edit this file. This is just like, my personal bug list I guess.


  • Scrollspy on commands.php doesn't update until user starts scrolling.
  • You can still access channel.php#boir via URL even when it's not supposed to be visible for a particular channel.
  • If someone tries to access channel.php with a channel name that exists, but they don't put the channel in all lowercase in the URL, they will get a messy error and end up redirected to the site's home page.
  • The refresh icon doesn't show up on chanlist.php while the Twitch stream status is loading.
  • Sometimes the Twitch API likes to just, not include all the details about someone's stream. On index.php, this isn't handled very gracefully; the user ends up seeing "undefined" as the stream status. Make failures less ugly.
  • If you access a specific hlstream on channel.php directly via URL, the page won't dim behind the hlstream modal.
  • If an hlstream on channel.php has enough highlights that the user has to scroll, the dimming behind the modal won't extend below the screen.
  • Emotes are pretty freaking broken Emotes are less broken than they used to be, but they still rely on a deprecated API that doesn't really do much good. Should pull emotes from CoeBot's list of available emotes rather than from channel-specific lists of emotes.
  • Synchronous HTTP requests are bad practice and now considered deprecated, should change everything that requires them to work differently.
  • The sidebar on commands.php extends way outside of the container for some reason.
  • Link buttons on channel.php#overview don't have any vertical padding, and thus look really dumb if they have to break onto two lines.
  • If the sidebar on channel.php is narrow enough, the tooltip for the Bitbucket link will get cut off by the edge. didn't fix but isn't relevant anymore becaused the sidebar is fixed width

Minor improvements

  • On channel.php, if filters are on but no filters are enabled, you end up with a dumb looking "Filter rules" title with nothing below it.
  • Someone just needs to go through commands.php and fix all the typos and inconsistent formatting.
  • Automatically converting URLs to links in triggers/quotes/etc on channel.php would parallel the way those things actually appear in Twitch chat, and would thus greatly improve consistency and UX. (edit: OOPS, only did this on the commands tab. also, needs nice hover formatting and needs to handle in-url PARAMETERS better)
  • When you log in/out, the site should probably send you back to the page that you logged in from.
  • When you log in, the site shouldn't leave you on twitchconnect.php -- no visible ".php" extensions ever!!
  • The Help page is woefully lacking in content.
  • It should be possible to link to specific questions in the FAQ on help.php by changing the hash on the URL.
  • The Commands page is the middle of a revision that I never finished...
  • Clicking the 'is live' indicator on chanlist.php/channel.php should force it to refresh.
  • The "you have been logged out" alert has butt-ugly margins.
  • The signed in indicator should have the dropdown separate from the channel link probably.
  • The sign in button looks silly being so far right on channel.php. Maybe put a max width on all the containers of like 1600px?
  • On channel.php, "Highlights" is a rather misleading title for the "highlight that" tab; maybe should be changed to "past broadcasts" or something?
  • Eliminate glyphicons from site entirely.
  • Concatenate JS files.
  • Add proper error pages for 404, 403, etc.
  • Channel name in title of channel.php is always lowercase.
  • Commands on channel.php#scheduled don't have the nice <kbd> formatting.
  • DataTables is gross. Switch to HubSpot's Sortable. ehhhh, maybe not

The stupid "who's live" carousel

  • Click names on the "who's live" list in index.php fast enough, and it'll glitch out and sort of have two channels selected at once.
  • The "who's live" carousel in index.php doesn't show the game currently being played or the number of viewers watching.
  • The "who's live" carousel in index.php never updates after page load.
  • If only one person is streaming, the "who's live" carousel on index.php probably shouldn't have left/right arrow keys? Or maybe just leave 'em be, I dunno.
  • If no one is live, the "who's live" carousel in index.php just hides itself. That's confusing to the user, should instead display some sort of "no one's live right now" message.
  • The text overlayed on the "who's live" carousel is often hard to read, needs a better background to give it proper contrast.
  • Maybe it'd be cool if the "who's live" list was in a random order instead of alphabetical so that everyone gets a bit of promotion. Or maybe just have the carousel start at a random point in the alphabetical list.
  • As the selected channel in the who's live list changes, the list should scroll so the active channel is visible.
  • The "who's live" carousel can get pretty overcrowded with text on small displays; maybe have the text appear below the image on XS viewport? nah, just got rid of the text altogether
  • If the "who's live" list in index.php gets long enough to need a scrollbar, that scrollbar is buttugly. Need to add in nanoScoller or something similar.
  • The "who's live" carousel doesn't have a height set, so it is very short for a brief moment before the first image loads in.

Major improvements

  • If commands.php offered some indication that you could change what command prefix to display, that'd be pretty nifty.
  • A nice airy parallax-esque homepage would really make CoeBot stand out.
  • Need to have channels tied to the bot instance that controls them.
  • Need to put more info into channel.php#chatrules; it's really half-baked at present.
  • SuperMCGamer's "Highlight That!" button still uses the old highlights site. Button needs to be ported over so that the old site can be taken down. is he still using it???
  • Highlights player is not responsive, and there are few options for people without Flash. Need to add HTML5 player support and links to timestamps on Twitch for each highlight.
  • chanlist.php should be a neato sortable table instead of just a static list (and a static list with alphabetization bugs at that).
  • Need a proper tutorial on how to join CoeBot; index.php just tells you to tweet @endsgamer, and the FAQ for joining isn't much better.
  • Channel owners should be able to hide/show any sidebar tab they please on channel.php.
  • Suggestions for common uses of CoeBot features when a channel owner is signed in seems like a solid idea (i.e. hug/throw commands, "hey chat" autoreplies.
  • BOIR build info page isn't finished.
  • Channels aren't loaded from database, and CoeBot doesn't have a way to automatically update channel data.

New features

  • Use HTTPS (and use it EVERYWHERE).
  • Eventually want subscriber alert/follower alert/on-stream chat available for use with OBS.
  • Need ability to reconfigure CoeBot from the website.
  • Add more bot instances.
  • Add support for users to run their own bot instances.
  • Ability to import settings from Nightbot/moobot? Or would that be too much work? (also, would this be considered overly hostile towards those bots?)
  • Need a login system.