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CocoaPods is an Objective-C library package manager. It tries to take away all hard work of maintaining your dependencies, but in a lean and flexible way.

Its goal is to create a more centralized overview of open-source libraries and unify the way in which we deal with them.

CocoaPods will:

  • Calculate the right set of versions of all of your project’s dependencies.
  • Install dependencies.
  • Set them up to be build as part of a ‘dependency’ static library, which your project links against.

Installing CocoaPods

You’ll need MacRuby. CocoaPods itself installs through RubyGems, the Ruby package manager:

$ brew install macruby [TODO There's actually no MacRuby homebrew formula]
$ macgem install cocoa-pods
$ pod setup

Making a Pod

A manifest that describes the library and its dependencies is called a Pod. Consider you want to create a new library that retrieves the latest price of your favorite ice cream called IcePop.

$ pod spec create IcePop
$ cd IcePop
$ tree .
  - IcePop
  |- IcePop.podspec
  |\ Source
  | | - IcePop.h
  | | - IcePop.m
  |- Test

You can also initialize a Pod for an existing library, which will only create a .podspec file.

$ cd IcePop
$ pod spec init IcePop

Anatomy of a PodSpec manifest

class IcePop < Pod::Spec
  version    '1.0.0'                                                                  # 1
  summary    'A library that retrieves the current price of your favorite ice cream.' # 2
  author     'Eloy Durán' => ''                                # 3
  source     :git => ''                           # 4
  dependency 'AsyncSocket', '~> 0.6'                                                  # 5
  1. The version of this pod.
  2. A short summary of this pod’s description.
  3. The author of this pod and his/her email address.
  4. Where to retrieve this pod’s source.
  5. Defines a dependency of the library itself, with a version requirement of 0.6 trough 0.9.

See the example PodSpec manifest for a full list of the available attributes and more info.

Sharing a Pod

CocoaPod uses git repositories with .podspec files as its database. In order to share your pod, its .podspec file will have to be added to such a repo. CocoaPod provides commands to facilitate this:

$ pod repo add my-spec-repo
$ pod push my-spec-repo

This will:

  1. Validate the .podspec file.
  2. Update the clone of the local spec-repo called my-spec-repo.
  3. Add the .podspec file to the spec-repo, namespaced by name and version.
  4. Push the changes from the local spec-repo to its remote.

Share with everyone

CocoaPods, itself, has a [spec-repo][], called the ‘master’ spec-repo. This repo is meant as a central public place for any open-source pod. All installations of CocoaPods will have a local clone of this repo.

However, normally you will have read-only access only. Thus to get a PodSpec into the ‘master’ spec-repo you will have to push to your own fork and send a pull request.

Once your first PodSpec has been merged, you will be given push access to the ‘master’ spec-repo and are allowed to update and add .podspec files at your own leisure.

Once you receive push acces, you will have to change your master spec-repo’s remote URL with:

$ pod repo change master # TODO real URL

Commands overview


$ pod help setup

  pod setup
    Creates a directory at `~/.cocoa-pods` which will hold your spec-repos.
    In addition, it will create a clone of the public ‘master’ spec-repo.

Managing PodSpec files

$ pod help spec

  pod spec create NAME
    Creates a directory for your new pod, named `NAME', with a default
    directory structure and accompanying `NAME.podspec'.

  pod spec init NAME
    Creates a PodSpec, in the current working dir, called `NAME.podspec'.
    Use this for existing libraries.

  pod spec lint NAME
    Validates `NAME.podspec' from a local spec-repo. In case `NAME' is
    omitted, it defaults to the PodSpec in the current working dir.

  pod spec push REMOTE
    Validates `NAME.podspec' in the current working dir, copies it to the
    local clone of the `REMOTE' spec-repo, and pushes it to the `REMOTE'
    spec-repo. In case `REMOTE' is omitted, it defaults to `master'.

Managing spec-repos

$ pod help repo

  pod repo add NAME URL
    Clones `URL' in the local spec-repos directory at ~/.cocoa-pods. The
    remote can later be referred to by `NAME'.

  pod repo update NAME
    Updates the local clone of the spec-repo `NAME'.

  pod repo change NAME URL
    Changes the git remote of local spec-repo `NAME' to `URL'.

  pod repo cd NAME
    Changes the current working dir to the local spec-repo `NAME'.


Eloy Durán:


These works are available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.