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Setting up for development on CocoaPods

alloy edited this page Oct 23, 2011 · 27 revisions
  1. Install MacRuby version 0.10.

  2. Install the MacBacon gem, which is used to run the specs, and the Kicker gem which is used to run focussed tests:

     $ sudo macgem install mac_bacon
     $ sudo gem install kicker
  3. Create a clone of the CocoaPods source and update the git submodules that are used in the integration spec.

     $ git clone git://
     $ cd cocoapods
     $ git submodule update --init
  4. Verify that all specs pass. (See rake -T for other tasks.)

     $ rake spec
  5. Start kicker, which will run the specs relevant to the files you update:

     $ kicker -c
  6. Create your patch, verify all specs still pass, and create a pull request.


  • RVM is not supported by MacRuby. If, however, you do want to use that, then be sure to make use of rvm use system.
  • Use the system Ruby rake, not macrake.