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171 lines (166 loc) · 6.14 KB

File metadata and controls

171 lines (166 loc) · 6.14 KB

Installation Guide

Legacy computer

Copy from the previous computer before The Shutdown™:

  • Data not included in this repo:
    • ~/Library/Fonts
    • ~/.ssh
    • ~/.gnupg
    • ~/Code
  • Slack workspaces list
  • Copy Macos Keyboard shortcut preferences

New computer

  • Log in iCloud and Sync all Keychain passwords
  • Update MacOS
  • Paste the directories with data not included in this repo
  • chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh
  • chmod -R 700 ~/.gnupg
  • Execute the dotfiles installer:
    • bash <(curl -s
    • If any dialog appears regarding to not being able to install something, check in "System Preferences… > Security & Privacy" if you have to manually approve it.
    • If there's any error, and you want to execute again the cloned dotfiles:
      1. export DOTFILES_PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles"
      2. .dotfiles/bin/dot" self install
  • Give permission to Finder Quick Look plugins
    • open ~/Library/Quicklook/QLStephen.qlgenerator/Contents/MacOS/QLStephen
    • Go to Security settings and allow it
    • open ~/Library/QuickLook/QLColorCode.qlgenerator
    • Go to Security settings and allow it
  • Open Google Backup and Sync
    • Disable "USB Devices & SD Cards"
    • Open the settings and configure them as follows:
      • My Computer:
        • Disable the backup of any folder
        • Google Drive: Always remove both copies
        • Google Photos: Disable the upload of newly added photos
      • Google Drive:
        • Enable selective sync from Google Drive to the computer
      • Settings:
        • Disable "Show warning when you remove…"
  • Open Dropbox
    • Login
    • Open settings:
      • Import:
        • Disable camera uploads
      • Sync:
        • Choose folders to Sync => Disable unnecessary folders
    • Wait until syncing the 1Password Vault
  • Open 1Password
    • Sync with Dropbox
    • Choose File > ~/Dropbox/Apps/1Password/1Password.opvault
    • Main app menu > Install Browser Extensions…
  • Open JetBrains Toolbox
    • Login
    • Enable "Update all tools automatically"
    • Enable "Keep only the latest version"
    • Enable "generate shell scripts in ~/bin"
    • Install IntelliJ
  • Open IntelliJ
    • Import IntelliJ IDEA Settings From… > JetBrains Account
    • Click on sync settings and select "Sync Plugins Silently"
    • Execute dot intellij add_code_templates
    • Restart IDE
    • Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > CTV - Gruvbox Dark
  • Open Google Chrome
    • Login to the personal profile and sync
    • Add the work profile and sync
    • Authenticate all the extensions
    • For each profile: Go to History > Show Full History > Tabs from other devices > Open All
  • Open Magnet
    • Give permissions
    • Check Launch at login
    • Open Preferences and remove shortcuts for corner, third, and center positions
  • Open Rocket
    • Give permissions
    • Preferences > General
      • Start Rocket at Login
      • Trigger key: §
      • Remove all app exceptions
    • Preferences > Advanced
      • Remove all website exceptions
    • Configure license
      • Type anywhere something like "§blablabla"
      • Browse all emoji…
      • Enter activation number
  • Open Spotify
    • Disable automatic startup
    • Download some playlist
  • Open Authy and login
  • Open iTerm
    • Select load preferences from URL and use ~/.dotfiles/mac/iTerm. On the next prompt select "NOT copy"
    • Restart iTerm
  • Open Slack
    • Login to the same workspaces
  • Install Caret Beta
  • Open Contexts
    • Grant permissions
    • Configure as other pc
      • Apparence
        • Vibrant Dar
        • Text Size: Large
      • General
        • Enable "When using multiple displays, use switching workaround"
      • Sidebar
        • No display
      • Search
        • Disable "Search with"
        • "Fast Search with:"
          • Disable "Fn-"
          • Enable "Fast Search with: Right Command-"
      • Command-Tab
        • Shortcut
          • Command-Tab
            • Minimized windows: Show at bottom
            • Hidden windows: Show at bottom
            • Apps without windows: Do not show
          • Command-Backtip
            • Show windows of: Active App
            • Minimized windows: Show at bottom
            • Hidden windows: Show at bottom
            • Apps without windows: Do not show
        • Show: Neither
    • Open the license file in order to apply it
  • Check Energy Saver preferences and disable menu bar icon
  • Check Date and Time preferences and disable menu bar icon
  • Open iStats
    • File > Import Settings…
  • Open Monosnap
    • General:
      • Launch at login
    • Hotkeys:
      • Capture area: Cmd+Shift+Option+5
      • Capture frozen area: Cmd+Shift+Option+6
      • Capture area & Upload: Not set
      • Capture fullscreen: Cmd+Shift+Option+7
      • Fullscreen after 10s: Cmd+Shift+Option+8
      • Open last image: Cmd+Shift+Option+0
    • Account: Sign in
    • Try to take a capture in order to trigger the permissions dialog
  • Open Transmit
    • Apply license
    • Open Preferences > Sync > Login > Override all data in this mac with server data
  • Open Firefox & enable Sync
  • Open Karabiner
  • Open Skype
  • Open Docker
    • Set disk size depending on the machine disk capacity
  • Open Noti
    • Preferences > Enable "Start Noti on System startup"
  • Open Bartender
    • Apply license
    • Menu Items:
      • Set Spotlight and Notifications Center menu items in "Always Hide"
      • Set all the other items except for the iStat Menu ones in "Hide"
    • Hot Keys:
      • Show Hidden items: Cmd+Opt+]
      • Search menu bar items: Ctrl+Opt+]
      • Keyboard navigate: Ctrl+Opt+[
  • Open MacOS Today drawer (next to the Notifications one) and disable everything except Weather
  • Restart
  • Execute dot shell zsh reload_completions and then compinit
  • Stop mariadb service making it to not start on system start up: brew services stop mariadb
  • Once the Google Drive folder has been sync: ln -s ~/Pictures/Wallpapers ~/Google\ Drive/📸\ Photos/Wallpapers\ en\ uso/