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Getting started guide on Bluemix

  • Register your Github account

  • Fork this repository and remember the link of forked application

    Fork GitHub Forked result
  • Create application of Liberty for Java on Bluemix

    Create application Liberty For Java Liberty for Java
  • Connect Liberty for Java with Watson Conversation, Speech to Text and Text to Speech services

    Connect services Watson Conversation Watson Conversation Cancel Restage Connect new Speech to Text Speech to Text Cancel Restage Connect new Text to Speech Text to Speech Cancel Restage Connected services
  • Click on Conversation from the Connections tab and click on Launch tool to open the website of IBM Watson Conversation, then click on Login with IBM ID to signin

    Conversation launch tool Sign in conversation
  • Click on Upload icon to upload the training file, to locate the training file, go to /Chatbot-docker/trainings/conversation folder, find innovation-day.json file

    Conversation Upload popup Select training file Import (upload)
  • There will be one more panel named iChat

Bluemix DevOps guide

  • Register your Github account

  • Go to Overview of the Liberty for Java application, find Continuous Delivery panel, and click on Enable button

    Enable Continous Delivery Getting started Enable toolchains
  • Click on Create Toolchain from Template for the first time you enable the Toolchains, and click on Simple Cloud Foundry toolchain

    Toolchains are enabled Choose Toolchain Toolchain template
  • Click on GitHub button to Authorize the access to the GitHub, then you'll be navigated to GitHub website

    Authorize GitHub
  • On the GitHub, click on Authorize application button to grant the access from Bluemix DevOps service

    GitHub - Authroizing
  • Type Github password to confirm the operation

    GitHub - Authorizing
  • After authorization, select Existing as Repository type, and forked Github URL as Source repository URL, then click on Create button

    Create Toolchain Checking
  • Verify configurations to ensure the Pipeline deploys on right runtime with the correct application name

    Verify Pipeline Configuration Verify Pipeline Configuration Verify Pipeline Configuration
  • On this step, switch back to Watson Conversation website, copy Workspace ID from the created Workspace by clicking on the menu on the top right of the Workspace panel, then click on View details and copy the Workspace ID

    Conversation Workplace Conversation Workplace ID
  • Switch back to DevOps service and click on Eclipse Orion Web IDE, and select manifest.yml for editing. Change name to your app name then update CONVERSATION_WORKSPACE_ID to copied Workspace ID

    Edit manifest.yml
  • Click File menu and select Save

    Save yml file
  • Click on Git tab on the left, add commit comments and click on Commit button, after that click on Push button to update changes on the GitHub

    GitHub menu GitHub commit GitHub push
  • Go back to toolchain then click on Delivery Pipeline, if it does not automatically start, click Run Stage icon and wait for the build and deployment process

    Pipeline interface Pipeline interface pipeline deployed

Start chatting using text or microphone with your personal Chatbot and Enjoy!