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201 lines (131 loc) · 5.85 KB


Getting Involved

The reprise project welcomes help in the following ways:


  1. Fork this repository on Github. From here on we assume you successfully forked this repository to

  2. Get a local copy of your fork and install the package in 'development' mode, which will make changes in the source code active immediately, by running

    git clone
    cd reprise
    python develop --user
  3. Add code, tests or documentation.

  4. Test your changes locally by running within the root folder (reprise/)

    make checkstyle
    make test
  5. Add and commit your changes after tests run through without complaints.

    git add -u
    git commit -m 'fixes #42 by posing the question in the right way'

    You can reference relevant issues in commit messages (like #42) to make GitHub link issues and commits together, and with phrase like "fixes #42" you can even close relevant issues automatically.

  6. Push your local changes to your fork:

    git push
  7. Open the Pull Requests page at and click "New pull request" to submit your Pull Request to


If you want to develop reprise you should have installed:

pip install --user pylint pytest sphinx

Running tests

We use make and pytest to manage testing. You can run the tests by executing the following within the repository's root folder (reprise/):

make test

For manually checking coding guidelines run:

make checkstyle

The linting gives still a lot of complaints that need some decisions on how to fix them appropriately.

Building documentation

Building the documentation requires some extra dependencies. Therefore, run

pip install -e .[docs]

in the project root directory. This command will install all required dependencies. The projects documentation is stored in the reprise/doc/ folder and is created with sphinx. You can rebuild the documentation by either executing

make documentation

in the repository's root folder (reprise) or by executing

make html

in the documentation folder (reprise/doc/).


All contributions to this project are licensed under the MIT license. Exceptions are explicitly marked. All contributions will be made available under MIT license if no explicit request for another license is made and agreed on.

Release Process

  1. Ensure, that the version of the branch to be mered, is adequately increased see Versioning below.
  2. Merge Pull Requests with new features or bugfixes into reprise's' master branch.
  3. Create a new release on Github of the master branch of the form vX.Y.Z (where X, Y, and Z refer to the new version). Add a description of the new feature or bugfix. For details on the version number see Versioning below.
  4. Pull the repository and checkout the tag and create the distribution files using:
git pull
git checkout vX.Y.Z
python build
python sdist
  1. Create GPG signatures of the distribution files using:
gpg --detach-sign -a dist/reprise-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
  1. (maintainers only) Upload the distribution files to PyPI using twine.
twine upload -s dist/*
  1. (maintainers only) Check if the new version is on pypi (


We use a semvers versioning scheme. Assuming the current version is X.Y.Z then X refers to the major version, Y refers to the minor version and Z refers to a bugfix version.

Bugfix release

For a bugfix only merge, which does not add any new features and does not break any existing API increase the bugfix version by one (X.Y.Z -> X.Y.Z+1).

Minor release

If a merge adds new features or breaks with the existing API a deprecation warning has to be supplied which should keep the existing API. The minor version is increased by one (X.Y.Z -> X.Y+1.Z). Deprecation warnings should be kept until the next major version. They should warn the user that the old API is only usable in this major version and will not be available any more with the next major X+1.0.0 release onwards. The deprecation warning should give the exact version number when the API becomes unavailable and the way of achieving the same behaviour.

Major release

If enough changes are accumulated to justify a new major release, create a new pull request which only contains the following two changes:

  • the change of the version number from X.Y.Z to X+1.0.0
  • remove all the API with deprecation warning introduced in the current X.Y.Z release