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Releasing Sirius

Tommy Barker edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 12 revisions

####1. Make a Release Branch

To indicate that you are doing a release, it is a good idea to create a separate branch for the release and create a pull request.

git branch release-x.x.x
git checkout release-x.x.x

Only two files should change in a release commit, pom.xml and build.sbt. Only the version number of the project should change in these files as well.

The commit message should contain every commit, which should be the output from

git log --pretty --oneline

The commits should be organized into three sections:

  • New Features
  • Bugfixes
  • Documentation/Project Maintenance

See 1bda7c9 for an example

####1. Increment Version and Tag ####2. Build and Deploy Scala Docs ####3. Deploy Scala Artifacts ####4. Increment Version to Next Snapshot