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executable file
352 lines (255 loc) · 8.31 KB


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PHP Wrapper around the IZBERG API

Get started

Create an account on IZBERG-Marketplace. Create an application to be able to use this API.


You can found our API documentation to help you.

Initialize the class

You can use your access token or our Single Sign On (SSO) system to identify:

IZBERG uses psr-0 convention for autoload

With Access token

    $izberg = new Izberg\Izberg(array(
      'appNamespace' => 'YOUR_APP_NAMESPACE',
      'accessToken'  => 'YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN',
      'username'   	 => 'YOUR_USERNAME',
      'apiSecret'    => 'YOUR_APP_SECRET'


With SSO

    $izberg = new Izberg\Izberg(array(
      'appNamespace' => 'YOUR_APP_NAMESPACE',
      'apiSecret'    => 'YOUR_APP_SECRET'

      "email"     => "YOUR_EMAIL",
      "firstName" => "YOUR_ACCOUNT_FIRST_NAME",
      "lastName"  => "YOUR_ACCOUNT_LAST_NAME"



To use our sandbox environment, just pass the param sandbox in options when you create your Izberg object:

$izberg = new Izberg\Izberg(array(
  'appNamespace' => 'YOUR_APP_NAMESPACE',
  'sandbox'      => true,

Note: It will request a none https URL.


By default, we authenticate the admin user with informations specified on initialization (email, firstname, lastname). If you want to authenticate a new user, you can do it using the setUser() function:

  "email"      => "",
  "first_name" => "seb",
  "last_name"  => "fie"

This is useful when you want to link your API calls to a user, you will need it during an order process.


Basically, all resources are handled the same way, using the 5 same generic methods

  • You have access to the following resources directly through the main Izberg object:
    • Address
    • Brand
    • Cart
    • ApplicationCategory (Categories of your application)
    • Category (Categories created by IZBERG)
    • Country
    • Feed
    • Webhook
    • Merchant
    • Order
    • OrderItem
    • Webhook
    • LocaleConfig
    • MerchantOrder
    • Payment
    • User
    • Review
    • Message

Instanciating resources

Get List

The get_list() method will return an array containing all the instanciated objects from the called resource.

public function get_list($resource, $params = null, $accept_type = "Accept: application/json")

The first parameter is the resource's name, the second one are optional parameters, the last one is the accept type, for most of the action, you will only need the $resource parameter.

For example, the following will return the list of all the merchants on your marketplace.

$merchant_list = $Izberg->get_list("merchant");


The get() method works like get_list(), but it returns only one object, you have to specify the object's id

public function get($resource, $id, $params = null, $accept_type = "Accept: application/json")

For example, the following will return the cart object with ID '963':

$my_cart = $Izberg->get("cart", 963);


The create() method will create a new element of the specified resource

public function create($resource, $params = null, $accept_type = "Accept: application/json")

$name is the resource's name and $params are the object you want to create ($params can be either an object or an array)

The following example will create a new address:

$my_adress = $Izberg->create(
  "address", array(
    "address" => "ADDRESS LINE 1",
    "address2" => "ADDRESS LINE 2",
    "city" => "CITY NAME",
    "company" => "COMPANY", // Optional
    "country" => "COUNTRY_ID",
    "default_billing" => true,
    "default_shipping" => true,
    "digicode" => null,
    "first_name" => "FIRST NAME",
    "floor" => null,
    "last_name" => "LAST NAME",
    "name" => "ADDRESS NAME",
    "phone" => "PHONE NUMBER",
    "state" => "STATE NAME", // Optional
    "status" => 10,
    "zipcode" => "ZIPCODE"


The update() method will update one element from a specified resource

public function update($resource, $id, $params = null, $accept_type = "Accept: application/json")

$name is the resource's name, $id is the object's id and $params are the fields you want to update.

The following example will update an existing merchant

$my_merchant = $Izberg->update("merchant", 15, array("description" => "An updated merchant"));

###Resources specific methods

Each object returned by the handling methods can use both the save and delete functions


Save the current object

$merchant = $Izberg->get("merchant", 15);
$merchant->description = "An Updated Merchant";


Deletes an element from a specific resource

$address = $izberg->get("address", 963)

Order Process

Simple Order

Creating an order on IZBERG is really easy, the only thing you need is the Item ID, and your customer's informations.

	$valid_array = array(
			'appNamespace' => 'YOUR_APP_NAMESPACE',
			'accessToken'  => 'YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN',
			'username'     => 'YOUR_USERNAME',
			'apiSecret'    => 'YOUR_APP_SECRET'

	$IzbergInstance = new Izberg\Izberg($valid_array);

				"email" => "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
				"first_name" => "FIRST_NAME",
				"last_name" => "LAST_NAME"

Now that we have set the User informations, we can add the offer to the cart.

$id_offer = "MY OFFER ID";
$quantity = "MY OFFER QUANTITY";

$my_cart = IzbergInstance->get('cart');
  'offer_id' => $id_offer,
  'quantity' => (int)$quantity,

You have to use Cart::addItem() for each different offer you want to add to your cart.

We need the country_id in in order to set the customer's address (Default value is "FR").

$country = $IzbergInstance->get('country');

Now we can set the Shipping and Billing addresses.

$address = $IzbergInstance->create('address', array(
  "address" => "ADDRESS LINE 1",
  "address2" => "ADDRESS LINE 2",
  "city" => "CITY NAME"
  "company" => "OPTIONNAL COMPANY NAME",
  "country" => "/v1/country/" . $country->id . "/",
  "default_billing" => true,
  "default_shipping" => true,
  "digicode" => null,
  "first_name" => "FIRST NAME",
  "floor" => null,
  "last_name" => "LAST NAME",
  "name" => "ADDRESS NAME",
  "phone" => "PHONE NUMBER",
  "state" => "OPTIONNAL STATE NAME",
  //STATUS | 0 : INACTIVE | 10 : ACTIVE | 90 : HIDDEN
  "status" => 10,
  "zipcode" => "ZIPCODE"


Now that both addresses are set, we can place the order.

$order = $my_cart->createOrder();



$params = array(
  'url' => "",
  'event' => 'merchant_order_confirmed',
$hook = $izberg->create("webhook", $params);

Get and Update

$webhook_id = 1046;
$hook = $izberg->get("webhook", $webhook_id);
$hook->url = "";
$hook = $hook->save();



$a = $this->getIzberg();
$locale = $a->get("localeConfig");

Update and reset using delete

$locale->update(array("languages" => ["fr","it"]));
$this->assertEquals($locale->languages, ["fr","it"]);



  $a = $this->getIzberg();
	$cart = $a->create("cart");
  $cart->discountCode("code1234","add"); // "add" (default) or "remove" action


To generate doc, we use apigen , with this command:

apigen generate --source lib --destination doc

Run tests

  • Install php unit :
  • cd /to/the/izberg/php/library/folder
  • run 'USERNAME1=sebfie TOKEN1=156d219e38f84953c159a857738119bc0c35de96 API_SECRET_KEY=6cb0c550-9686-41af-9b5e-5cf2dc2aa3d0 phpunit --debug tests'