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Workflow Integrations


DaVinci Resolve Studio now supports Workflow Integration Plugins to be loaded and communicate with Resolve. Resolve can run one or more Workflow Integration Plugins at the same time. Users can write their own Workflow Integration Plugin (an Electron app) which could be loaded into DaVinci Resolve Studio. To interact with Resolve, Resolve's JavaScript APIs can be used from the plugin.

Alternatively, a Python or Lua script can be invoked, with the option of a user interface built with Resolve's built-in Qt-based UIManager, or with an external GUI manager. See the "Sample Workflow Integration Script" section below for details.

Sample Workflow Integration Plugin

A sample Workflow Integration Plugin is available in the Examples/SamplePlugin directory. In order for Resolve to register this plugin, this directory needs to be copied to Workflow Integration Plugins root directory (mentioned in below section). Once a plugin is registered, plugin can be loaded from UI sub-menu under Workspace > Workflow Integrations. This will load the plugin and show the plugin HTML page in a separate window.

Sample plugin helps to understand how a plugin should be structured and how it works with Resolve. Please refer to the directory/file structure, manifest file info, plugin loading, JavaScript API usage examples, etc. This sample plugin and scripts demonstrates few basic scriptable JavaScript API usages to interact with Resolve.

Loading Workflow Integration Plugin

On startup, DaVinci Resolve Studio scans the Workflow Integration Plugins root directory and enumerates all plugin modules. For each valid plugin module, it creates a UI sub-menu entry under Workspace > Workflow Integrations menu. DaVinci Resolve Studio reads the basic details of the plugin from its manifest.xml file during load time. Once plugin is loaded, user can click on the Workflow Integrations sub-menu to load the corresponding plugin.

Workflow Integration Plugin directory structure

        <Node.js modules>
        <supporting js files>
        <css files containing styling info>
        <image files>

Workflow Integration Plugins root directory

User should place their Workflow Integration Plugin under the following directory:


  • /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Workflow Integration Plugins/


  • %PROGRAMDATA%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\Workflow Integration Plugins\

Supported platforms


  • Windows, macOS (not supported on Linux currently)


  • Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Using scriptable JavaScript API

Scriptable JavaScript API execution happens under HTML environment like any typical website. Once HTML page is loaded it can execute scriptable JavaScript API as needed (like clicking on a button, etc.)

This example JavaScript snippet creates a simple project in DaVinci Resolve Studio:

const WorkflowIntegration = require('./WorkflowIntegration.node');
isInitialized = WorkflowIntegration.Initialize('com.blackmagicdesign.resolve.sampleplugin');
if (isInitialized) {
    resolve = WorkflowIntegration.GetResolve();
    resolve.GetProjectManager().CreateProject("Hello World");

The resolve object is the fundamental starting point for scripting via Resolve. As a native object, it can be inspected for further scriptable properties and functions in JavaScript.

WorkflowIntegration module API

To interact with Resolve you need to use WorkflowIntegration.node Node.js module file in your plugin app. Below are the WorkflowIntegration (module) JavaScript API functions to communicate with Resolve.

  Initialize(<pluginId>)                          --> Bool               # Returns true if initialization is successful, false otherwise. <pluginId> is the unique plugin id string configured in the manifest.xml file.
  GetResolve()                                    --> Resolve            # Returns Resolve object.
  RegisterCallback(callbackName, callbackFunc)    --> Bool               # Returns true if input callback name/function is registered successfully, false otherwise.
                                                                         # 'callbackName' should be a valid supported callback string name (refer to the below section 'Supported callbacks').
                                                                         # 'callbackFunc' should be a valid JavaScript function without any arguments.
  DeregisterCallback(callbackName)                --> Bool               # Returns true if input callback name is deregistered successfully, false otherwise.
  CleanUp()                                       --> Bool               # Returns true if cleanup is successful, false otherwise. This should be called during plugin app quit.
  SetAPITimeout(valueInSecs)                      --> Bool               # By default, apis dont timeout. In order to enable timeout, set a non-zero positive integer value in the arg 'valueInSecs'.
                                                                         # Setting it to 0 will disable timeout. This function will return true if the timeout is set/reset successfully.

Supported callbacks

  • RenderStart
  • RenderStop

Please note that there is no console based support for JavaScript API.

Sample Workflow Integration Script

A sample Workflow Integration Python script is also available in the Examples directory. In order for Resolve to register this script, it needs to be copied to the Workflow Integration Plugins root directory (mentioned in the above section). Once a script is registered, it can be also loaded from the Workspace menu, under Workflow Integrations. This will invoke the script and show the sample UIManager window.

Workflow Integration scripts work similarly to other scripts in Resolve, and use the same scripting API. This example script provides a basic introduction into creating a popup Workflow application using a UIManager window, with simple layout of text fields and buttons, and event handlers to dispatch functions for integration with the user's facility. Alternatively, third-party UI managers such PyQt may be used instead, or no GUI at all.

When launched by Resolve, plugin scripts are automatically provided with resolve and project variables for immediate and easy access to Resolve's scripting API. Additional third-party modules may be imported for access to asset-management systems as desired.

UIManager Introduction

There are two main objects needed to manage a window, the UIManager that handles layout, and the UIDispatcher that manages interaction events, accessed as follows:

ui = fusion.UIManager()
dispatcher = bmd.UIDispatcher(ui)

Windows are created with the the UIDispatcher, passing a dictionary of attributes like ID and Text, with GUI elements in nested layouts all created with the UIManager.

UIDispatcher Functions

The UIDispatcher object has a few important functions to manage processing of events. The most important are:

AddWindow(props, children):	Accepts a dictionary of properties and a list of children, returns a Window object
AddDialog(props, children):	Accepts a dictionary of properties and a list of children, returns a Dialog object
int RunLoop():				Call when your window is ready to receive user clicks and other events
ExitLoop(int):				Terminates the event processing, and returns any supplied exit code from RunLoop()

Common usage is to create your window and set up any event handlers, including a Close handler for the window that calls ExitLoop(), then Show() your window and call RunLoop() to wait for user interaction:

ui = fusion.UIManager
dispatcher = bmd.UIDispatcher(ui)

win = dispatcher.AddWindow({ 'ID': 'myWindow' }, [ ui.Label({ 'Text': 'Hello World!' }) ])

def OnClose(ev):

win.On.myWindow.Close = OnClose


AddWindow() will also accept a single child without needing a list, or a single dictionary containing both proprties and child elements, for ease of use.

As well as constructing new child elements and layouts, the UIManager also offers a few useful functions:

FindWindow(ID):						Returns an element with matching ID
FindWindows(ID):					Returns a list of all elements with matching ID
QueueEvent(element, event, info):	Calls the element's event handler for 'event', passing it the dictionary 'info'

UIManager Elements

The element's ID is used to find, manage, and dispatch events for that element. GUI elements also support a set of common attributes including Enabled, Hidden, Visible, Font, WindowTitle, BackgroundColor, Geometry, ToolTip, StatusTip, StyleSheet, WindowOpacity, MinimumSize, MaximumSize, and FixedSize. Some other common GUI elements and their main attributes include:

Label:		Text, Alignment, FrameStyle, WordWrap, Indent, Margin
Button:		Text, Down, Checkable, Checked, Icon, IconSize, Flat
CheckBox:	Text, Down, Checkable, Checked, Tristate, CheckState
ComboBox:	ItemText, Editable, CurrentIndex, CurrentText, Count
SpinBox:	Value, Minimum, Maximum, SingleStep, Prefix, Suffix, Alignment, ReadOnly, Wrapping
Slider:		Value, Minimum, Maximum, SingleStep, PageStep, Orientation, Tracking, SliderPosition
LineEdit:	Text, PlaceholderText, Font, MaxLength, ReadOnly, Modified, ClearButtonEnabled
TextEdit:	Text, PlaceholderText, HTML, Font, Alignment, ReadOnly, TextColor, TextBackgroundColor, TabStopWidth, Lexer, LexerColors
ColorPicker: Text, Color, Tracking, DoAlpha
Font:		Family, StyleName, PointSize, PixelSize, Bold, Italic, Underline, Overline, StrikeOut, Kerning, Weight, Stretch, MonoSpaced
Icon: 		File
TabBar:		CurrentIndex, TabsClosable, Expanding, AutoHide, Movable, DrawBase, UsesScrollButtons, DocumentMode, ChangeCurrentOnDrag
Tree:		ColumnCount, SortingEnabled, ItemsExpandable, ExpandsOnDoubleClick, AutoExpandDelay, HeaderHidden, IconSize, RootIsDecorated,
            Animated, AllColumnsShowFocus, WordWrap, TreePosition, SelectionBehavior, SelectionMode, UniformRowHeights, Indentation,
            VerticalScrollMode, HorizontalScrollMode, AutoScroll, AutoScrollMargin, TabKeyNavigation, AlternatingRowColors,
            FrameStyle, LineWidth, MidLineWidth, FrameRect, FrameShape, FrameShadow
TreeItem:	Selected, Hidden, Expanded, Disabled, FirstColumnSpanned, Flags, ChildIndicatorPolicy

Some elements also have property arrays, indexed by item or column (zero-based), e.g. newItem.Text[2] = 'Third column text'

Combo:		ItemText[]
TabBar:		TabText[], TabToolTip[], TabWhatsThis[], TabTextColor[]
Tree:		ColumnWidth[]
Treeitem: 	Text[], StatusTip[], ToolTip[], WhatsThis[], SizeHint[], TextAlignment[], CheckState[], BackgroundColor[], TextColor[], Icon[], Font[]

Some elements like Label and Button will automatically recognise and render basic HTML in their Text attributes, and TextEdit is capable of displaying and returning HTML too. Element attributes can be specified when creating the element, or can be read or changed later:

win.Find('myButton').Text = "Processing..."

Most elements have functions that can be called from them as well:

Close()				Returns boolean
Find(ID)			Returns child element with matching ID
GetChildren()		Returns list
Size()				Returns size
Pos()				Returns position
HasFocus()			Returns boolean
SetFocus(reason)	Accepts string "MouseFocusReason", "TabFocusReason", "ActiveWindowFocusReason", "OtherFocusreason", etc
FocusWidget()		Returns element
IsActiveWindow()	Returns boolean
QueueEvent(name, info)  Accepts event name string and dictionary of event attributes
GetItems()			Returns dictionary of all child elements

Some elements have extra functions of their own:

Label:				SetSelection(int, int), bool HasSelection(), string SelectedText(), int SelectionStart()
Button:				Click(), Toggle(), AnimateClick()
CheckBox:			Click(), Toggle(), AnimateClick()
ComboBox:			AddItem(string), InsertItem(string), AddItems(list), InsertItems(int, list), InsertSeparator(int), RemoveItem(int), Clear(),
                    SetEditText(string), ClearEditText(), Count(), ShowPopup(), HidePopup()
SpinBox:			SetRange(int, int), StepBy(int), StepUp(), StepDown(), SelectAll(), Clear()
Slider:				SetRange(int, int), TriggerAction(string)
LineEdit:			SetSelection(int, int), bool HasSelectedText(), string SelectedText(), int SelectionStart(), SelectAll(), Clear(), Cut(), Copy(), Paste(),
                    Undo(), Redo(), Deselect(), Insert(string), Backspace(), Del(), Home(bool), End(bool), int CursorPositionAt(point)
TextEdit:			InsertPlainText(string), InsertHTML(string), Append(string), SelectAll(), Clear(), Cut(), Copy(), Paste(), Undo(), Redo(),
                    ScrollToAnchor(string), ZoomIn(int), ZoomOut(int), EnsureCursorVisible(), MoveCursor(moveOperation, moveMode), bool CanPaste(),
                    string AnchorAt(point), bool Find(string, findFlags)
TabBar:				int AddTab(strubg), int InsertTab(string), int Count(), RemoveTab(int), MoveTab(int, int)
Tree:				AddTopLevelItem(item), InsertTopLevelItem(item), SetHeaderLabel(string), int CurrentColumn(), int SortColumn(),
                    int TopLevelItemCount(), item CurrentItem(), item TopLevelItem(int), item TakeTopLevelItem(int), item InvisibleRootItem(),
                    item HeaderItem(), int IndexOfTopLevelItem(item), item ItemAbove(item), item ItemBelow(item), item ItemAt(point),
                    Clear(), rect VisualItemRect(item), SetHeaderLabels(list), SetHeaderItem(item), InsertTopLevelItems(list), AddTopLevelItems(list),
                    list SelectedItems(), list FindItems(string, flags), SortItems(int, order), ScrollToItem(item), ResetIndentation(),
                    SortByColumn(int, order), int FrameWidth()
TreeItem:			AddChild(item), InsertChild(item), RemoveChild(iitem), SortChildren(int, order), InsertChildren(int, list), AddChildren(list),
                    int IndexOfChild(item), item Clone(), tree TreeWidget(), item Parent(), item Child(int), item TakeChild(int),
                    int ChildCount(), int ColumnCount()
Window:				Show(), Hide(), RecalcLayout()
Dialog:				Exec(), IsRunning(), Done(), RecalcLayout()

Elements can be accessed by the window's FindWindow(id) function, or by assigning them to a variable for later usage, which is more efficient. The GetItems() function will return a dictionary of all child elements for ease of access.

UIManager Layout

Additionally, elements can be nested to define layout, using the HGroup and VGroup elements. As with Window and other elements, tou can pass a single dictionary or list with all properties and children, or separate them into a dict of properties and list of children, for convenience:

winLayout = ui.VGroup([
    ui.Label({ 'Text': "A 2x2 grid of buttons", 'Weight': 1 }),

    ui.HGroup({ 'Weight': 5 }, [
        ui.Button({ 'ID': "myButton1",  'Text': "Go" }),
        ui.Button({ 'ID': "myButton2",  'Text': "Stop" }),
    ui.HGroup({ 'Weight': 5 }, [
        ui.Button({ 'ID': "myButtonA",  'Text': "Begin" }),
        ui.Button({ 'ID': "myButtonB",  'Text': "End" }),
win = dispatcher.AddWindow({ 'ID': "myWindow" }, winLayout)

HGap and VGap elements can included for finer spacing control. Note also the Weight attribute, which can be applied to most elements to control how they adjust their relative sizes. A Weight of 0 will use the element's minimum size.

Event Handlers

Window objects will call user-defined event handler functions in response to various interaction events. Event handlers are managed using a window member called On. This has sub-members for each GUI element with an ID, and those have members for each available event. To set up an event handler, define a function for it, then assign the function to the window's On.ID.Event member as follows:

def OnClose(ev):

win.On.myWindow.Close = OnClose

Alternatively, if your object's ID is stored in a string variable called buttonID, you could use:

win.On[buttonID].Clicked = OnButtonClicked

Many objects have specific events that can be handled:

Button:				Clicked, Toggled, Pressed, Released
CheckBox:			Clicked, Toggled, Pressed, Released
ComboBox:			CurrentIndexChanged, CurrentTextChanged, TextEdited, EditTextChanged, EditingFinished, ReturnPressed, Activated
SpinBox:			ValueChanged, EditingFinished
Slider:				ValueChanged, SliderMoved, ActionTriggered, SliderPressed, SliderReleased, RangeChanged
LineEdit:			TextChanged, TextEdited, EditingFinished, ReturnPressed, SelectionChanged, CursorPositionChanged
TextEdit:			TextChanged, SelectionChanged, CursorPositionChanged
ColorPicker:		ColorChanged
TabBar:				CurrentChanged, CloseRequested, TabMoved, TabBarClicked, TabBarDoubleClicked
Tree:				CurrentItemChanged, ItemClicked, ItemPressed, ItemActivated, ItemDoubleClicked, ItemChanged, ItemEntered,
                    ItemExpanded, ItemCollapsed, CurrentItemChanged, ItemSelectionChanged
Window:				Close, Show, Hide, Resize, MousePress, MouseRelease, MouseDoubleClick, MouseMove, Wheel, KeyPress, KeyRelease,
                    FocusIn, FocusOut, ContextMenu, Enter, Leave

Event handler functions are called with a dictionary of related attributes such as who, what, when, sender, and modifiers. Common events and some additional attributes they receive include:

MousePress:			Pos, GlobalPos, Button, Buttons
MouseRelease:		Pos, GlobalPos, Button, Buttons
MouseDoubleClick:	Pos, GlobalPos, Button, Buttons
MouseMove:			Pos, GlobalPos, Button, Buttons
Wheel:				Pos, GlobalPos, Buttons, Delta, PixelDelta, AngleDelta, Orientiation, Phase
KeyPress:			Key, Text, IsAutoRepeat, Count
KeyRelease:			Key, Text, IsAutoRepeat, Count
ContextMenu:		Pos, GlobalPos
Move:				Pos, OldPos
FocusIn:			Reason
FocusOut:			Reason

Event handlers can be enabled or disabled for a given element by turning them on or off in the Events attribute:

ui.Slider({ 'ID': 'mySlider', 'Events': { 'SliderMoved': true } })

Some common events like Clicked or Close are enabled by default.

Basic Resolve API

Please refer to the Basic Resolve API section in /Developer/Scripting/README.txt file for the list of the functions that Resolve offers for scripted control. For plugin scripts, the resolve and project variables are automatically set up for you, and may be used to access any part of Resolve's API.

Further Information

This document provides a basic introduction only, and does not list all available UIManager elements and attributes. As UIManager is based on Qt, you can refer to the Qt documentation here for more information on element types and their attributes. There are also many third-party examples and discussions available on user forums for DaVinci Resolve and Fusion Studio.