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DiffusionSolverFE is new solver in 3.6.2 and is intended to fully replace FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE. It eliminates several limitations and inconveniences of FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE and provides new features such as GPU implementation or cell type dependent diffusion/decay coefficients. In addition it also eliminates the need to rescale diffusion/decay/secretion constants. It checks stability condition of the PDE and then rescales appropriately all coefficients and computes how many extra times per MCS the solver has to be called. It makes those extra calls automatically.


One of the key differences between FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE and DiffusionSolverFE is the way in which secretion is treated. In FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE all secretion amount is done once followed by possibly multiple diffusion calls to diffusion (to avoid numerical instabilities). In DiffusionSolverFE the default mode of operation is such that multiple secretion and diffusion calls are interleaved. This means that instead of secreting full amount for a given MCS and diffusing it, the DiffusionSolverFE secretes substance gradually so that there is equal amount of secretion before each call of the diffusion. One can change this behavior by adding <DoNotScaleSecretion/> to definition of the diffusion solver e.g.

<Steppable Type="DiffusionSolverFE">
    <DiffusionField Name="ATTR">


With such definition the DiffusionSolverFE will behave like FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE as far as computation.


DiffusionSolverFE autoscales diffusion discretization depending on the lattice so that <AutoscaleDiffusion/> we used in FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE is unnecessary. This may result in slow performance so users have to be aware that those extra calls to the solver may be the cause.

Typical syntax for the DiffusionSolverFE may look like example below:

<Steppable Type="DiffusionSolverFE">
    <DiffusionField Name="ATTR">
            <DiffusionCoefficient CellType="Red">0.0</DiffusionCoefficient>
            <Secretion Type="Bacterium">100</Secretion>
            <Plane Axis="X">
            <Plane Axis="Y">

The syntax resembles the syntax for FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE. We specify global diffusion constant by using <GlobalDiffusionConstant> tag. This specifies diffusion coefficient which applies to entire region of the simulation. We can override this specification for regions occupied by certain cell types by using the following syntax:

<DiffusionCoefficient CellType="Red">0.0</DiffusionCoefficient>

Similar principles apply to decay constant and we use <GlobalDecayConstant> tag to specify global decay coefficient and

<DecayCoefficient CellType="Red">0.0</DecayCoefficient>

to override global definition for regions occupied by Red cells.

We do not support <DeltaX>, <DeltaT> or <ExtraTimesPerMCS> tags.


DiffusionSolverFE autoscales diffusion discretization depending on the lattice so that <AutoscaleDiffusion/> we used in FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE is unnecessary.

Running DiffusionSolver on GPU

To run DiffusionSolverFE on GPU all we have to do (besides having OpenCL compatible GPU and correct drives installed) to replace first line of solver specification:

<Steppable Type="DiffusionSolverFE">


<Steppable Type="DiffusionSolverFE_OpenCL">


Depending on your computer hardware you may or may not be able to take advantage of GPU capabilities.