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Installation guide for Ubuntu

Install Git

sudo apt-get install git

Install JDK 8

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

Install postgreSQL

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Install postGIS

sudo apt-get install postgis

Install Gradle

sudo apt-get install gradle

Clone the repository

mkdir Tombolo
cd Tombolo
git clone
cd TomboloDigitalConnector

Start database Server

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start

Setup Database

Important: For a correct use of the DC both databases are mandatory

/* Main Database */
sudo -i -u postgres
createuser tombolo
createdb -O tombolo tombolo -E UTF8
psql -d tombolo -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d tombolo -c "SET NAMES 'UTF8';"
psql -d tombolo -U tombolo < src/main/resources/sql/create_database.sql

Incase of error "Peer authentication failed for tombolo". Please follow these steps:
1) Open new terminal window
2) cd /etc/postgresql/<Version>/main  
3) sudo nano pg_hba.conf
4) Look for line "local   all	postgres	peer"
5) Once found create new line under it and write the following under the same words "local   all   tombolo   trust"
6) Once done press ctrl + x to exit and then Y to save
7) sudo service postgresql restart
8) Rerun the last command before error

/* Test Database
 * NOTE: this database is not optional, if you do not have it your tests will fail.
sudo -i -u postgres
createuser tombolo_test
createdb -O tombolo_test tombolo_test -E UTF8
psql -d tombolo_test -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d tombolo_test -c "SET NAMES 'UTF8';"
psql -d tombolo_test -U tombolo_test < src/main/resources/sql/create_database.sql

Incase of error "Peer authentication failed for tombolo_test". Please follow these steps:
1) Open new terminal window
2) cd /etc/postgresql/<Version>/main 
3) sudo nano pg_hba.conf
4) Look for line "local   all	postgres	peer"
5) Once found create new line under it and write the following under the same words "local   all   tombolo_test   trust"
6) Once done press ctrl + x to exit and then Y to save
7) sudo service postgresql restart
8) Rerun the last command before error

Set password for database users

/* Test Database */
psql -d tombolo_test -U tombolo_test
alter user tombolo_test with password 'tombolo_test';
/* Main Database */
psql -d tombolo -U tombolo
alter user tombolo with password 'tombolo';

Rename project files


Build TomboloDigitalConnector

gradle clean build

Run an Example

gradle runExport -Precipe='src/main/resources/executions/examples/reaggregate-traffic-count-to-la.json' -Poutput='reaggregate-traffic-count-to-la_output.json'

View the output file

gedit reaggregate-traffic-count-to-la_output.json

View output file in a folder

nautilus .