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First Differences and Monte Carlo Simulations

Constanza F. Schibber 2020-10-1

1 Data: Voting Intentions in the 1988 Chilean Plebiscite

The Chile data frame has 2700 rows and 8 columns. The data are from a national survey conducted in April and May of 1988 by FLACSO/Chile. There are some missing data.

The survey wanted to capture Chileans attitudes and whether they would vote in favor/against the authoritarian regime during the Chilean plebiscite/referendum. In this referendum, all citizens would vote on whether Chile would continue as a military regime or it would transition to open and free elections towards democracy.

## Loading required package: carData
# help(Chile) # for more information on the dataset
## Please cite as:

##  Hlavac, Marek (2022). stargazer: Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables.

##  R package version 5.2.3.
stargazer(Chile, type = "text")
## =======================================================
## Statistic    N      Mean      St. Dev.    Min     Max  
## -------------------------------------------------------
## population 2,700 152,222.200 102,198.000 3,750  250,000
## age        2,699   38.549      14.756      18     70   
## income     2,602 33,875.860  39,502.870  2,500  200,000
## statusquo  2,683   -0.000       1.000    -1.803  2.049 
## -------------------------------------------------------
# Recode yes/no We recode 'undecided' and 'abstain' as NA
Chile$yes <- with(Chile, ifelse(vote == "Y", 1, ifelse(vote ==
    "N", 0, NA)))
##   A   N   U   Y 
## 187 889 588 868
##   0   1 
## 889 868

Then omit observations with missing data - Issue is that if you don’t omit missing the predicted values will have a different length than the data and it can cause problems. We will cover in a few weeks how to handle missing values using multiple imputation. Do not omit missing data in your own work!

Chile <- na.omit(Chile)

2 Model, Logit

Chile.out <- glm(yes ~ statusquo + age + income + sex, family = binomial(link = logit),
    data = Chile)

stargazer(Chile.out, type = "text")
## =============================================
##                       Dependent variable:    
##                   ---------------------------
##                               yes            
## ---------------------------------------------
## statusquo                  3.206***          
##                             (0.147)          
## age                          0.009           
##                             (0.007)          
## income                    -0.00001**         
##                            (0.00000)         
## sexM                       -0.619***         
##                             (0.201)          
## Constant                     0.436           
##                             (0.315)          
## ---------------------------------------------
## Observations                 1,703           
## Log Likelihood             -358.736          
## Akaike Inf. Crit.           727.473          
## =============================================
## Note:             *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

3 Using the sim function in the arm library

We simulate predictions for sex = Female and sex = Male. Remember that we are setting other covariates at their mean, but in a few weeks we will cover the observed value approach to produce better predictions.

## Loading required package: MASS

## Loading required package: Matrix

## Loading required package: lme4

## arm (Version 1.13-1, built: 2022-8-25)

## Working directory is /Users/connie/Generalized-Linear-Models/Labs/03.week

## Attaching package: 'arm'

## The following object is masked from 'package:car':
##     logit
## Attaching package: 'faraway'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:arm':
##     fround, logit, pfround

## The following objects are masked from 'package:car':
##     logit, vif
# new data for prediction
sex.F <- cbind(1, mean(na.omit(Chile$statusquo)), mean(na.omit(Chile$age)),
    mean(na.omit(Chile$income)), 0)  #0 for female
sex.M <- cbind(1, mean(na.omit(Chile$statusquo)), mean(na.omit(Chile$age)),
    mean(na.omit(Chile$income)), 1)  # 1 for male

# sim

sim.model <- coef(sim(Chile.out, 1000))

# use sim

predict.F <- ilogit(sex.F %*% t(sim.model))
predict.M <- ilogit(sex.M %*% t(sim.model))

We can now calculate first differences: P(vote|M) - P(vote|F)

# first difference P(vote|M)-P(vote|F)

first.difference <- predict.M - predict.F

FD.M.F <- quantile(first.difference, 0.5)

# w/quantile 0.05 and 0.95
CI.FD.M.F <- quantile(first.difference, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))

(c(CI.FD.M.F[1], FD.M.F, CI.FD.M.F[2]))
##        2.5%         50%       97.5% 
## -0.24242150 -0.15285521 -0.05949068

4 First Differences: Sex & SQ

Let’s add another dimension: we can calculate predictions varying two covariates – status quo and sex.

Below I am using the same figure and calculations like in the predicted probability figure. We have to specify “1” because we have a matrix in which the rows refer to each value of sq and the columns refer to simulated coefficient. Basically, we have a prediction for each coefficient for each sq. We need to do the calculations for each value of sq. We have to slice a distribution of predictions to get the median and the bounds for the confidence intervals.

# Here I will show an example when status quo varies

sq <- seq(min(Chile$statusquo), max(Chile$statusquo), length.out = 100)

sex.F.sq <- cbind(1, sq, mean(na.omit(Chile$age)), mean(na.omit(Chile$income)),
    0)  #0 for female
sex.M.sq <- cbind(1, sq, mean(na.omit(Chile$age)), mean(na.omit(Chile$income)),
    1)  # 1 for male

# sim

sim.model <- coef(sim(Chile.out, 1000))

# use sim

predict.F.sq <- ilogit(sex.F.sq %*% t(sim.model))
predict.M.sq <- ilogit(sex.M.sq %*% t(sim.model))

# first difference P(vote|F)-P(vote|M)

first.difference <- predict.F.sq - predict.M.sq

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(NULL, xlab = "Support for the Status Quo", ylab = "P(Vote in favor of the military regime)",
    main = "Predicted Probabilities", ylim = c(-0.01, 1), xlim = c(min(na.omit(Chile$statusquo)),
lines(sq, apply(predict.F.sq, 1, quantile, 0.5), lwd = 3)
lines(sq, apply(predict.F.sq, 1, quantile, 0.025), lty = 2)
lines(sq, apply(predict.F.sq, 1, quantile, 0.97), lty = 2)
lines(sq, apply(predict.M.sq, 1, quantile, 0.5), lwd = 3, col = "blue")
lines(sq, apply(predict.M.sq, 1, quantile, 0.025), lty = 2, col = "blue")
lines(sq, apply(predict.M.sq, 1, quantile, 0.97), lty = 2, col = "blue")
legend("bottomright", legend = c("Female", "Male"), col = c("black",
    "blue"), lty = c(1, 1), cex = 0.5)

plot(NULL, xlab = "Support for the Status Quo", ylab = "P(Vote|Female)-P(Vote|Male)",
    main = "First Differences", ylim = c(-0.01, 1), xlim = c(min(na.omit(Chile$statusquo)),
lines(sq, apply(first.difference, 1, quantile, 0.5), lwd = 3)
lines(sq, apply(first.difference, 1, quantile, 0.025), lty = 2)
lines(sq, apply(first.difference, 1, quantile, 0.97), lty = 2)
abline(h = 0, lty = 3)

Important for interpretation:

  • Overlapping CI for predictions DOES NOT mean there is no difference between the predictions. This is a very common error. You have to calculate first difference and the SE for the first difference! By doing simulation the calculation of the CI for the difference is trivial.

  • We see on the first difference plot that there is a difference between the probability of voting in favor of the Pinochet regime for men and women and it is different from zero for values of status quo from -1 to 1. Because the first difference is positive, it means women were more likely than men to support the Pinochet regime.

5 First Differences: Sex & Income

Now, we calculate predictions for another two varying covariates – income and sex.

# Here I will show an example when status quo varies

income <- seq(min(Chile$income), max(Chile$income), length.out = 100)

sex.F.income <- cbind(1, mean(na.omit(Chile$statusquo)), mean(na.omit(Chile$age)),
    income, 0)  #0 for female
sex.M.income <- cbind(1, mean(na.omit(Chile$statusquo)), mean(na.omit(Chile$age)),
    income, 1)  # 1 for male

# sim

sim.model <- coef(sim(Chile.out, 1000))

# use sim

predict.F.income <- ilogit(sex.F.income %*% t(sim.model))
predict.M.income <- ilogit(sex.M.income %*% t(sim.model))

# first difference P(vote|F)-P(vote|M)

first.difference <- predict.F.income - predict.M.income

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(NULL, xlab = "Income", ylab = "P(Vote in favor of the military regime)",
    main = "Predicted Probabilities", ylim = c(-0.01, 1), xlim = c(min(na.omit(Chile$income)),
lines(income, apply(predict.F.income, 1, quantile, 0.5), lwd = 3)
lines(income, apply(predict.F.income, 1, quantile, 0.025), lty = 2)
lines(income, apply(predict.F.income, 1, quantile, 0.97), lty = 2)
lines(income, apply(predict.M.income, 1, quantile, 0.5), lwd = 3,
    col = "blue")
lines(income, apply(predict.M.income, 1, quantile, 0.025), lty = 2,
    col = "blue")
lines(income, apply(predict.M.income, 1, quantile, 0.97), lty = 2,
    col = "blue")
legend("bottomright", legend = c("Female", "Male"), col = c("black",
    "blue"), lty = c(1, 1), cex = 0.5)

plot(NULL, xlab = "Income", ylab = "P(Vote|Female)-P(Vote|Male)",
    main = "First Differences", ylim = c(-0.01, 1), xlim = c(min(na.omit(Chile$income)),
lines(income, apply(first.difference, 1, quantile, 0.5), lwd = 3)
lines(income, apply(first.difference, 1, quantile, 0.025), lty = 2)
lines(income, apply(first.difference, 1, quantile, 0.97), lty = 2)
abline(h = 0, lty = 3)


  • Do we observe a difference between the vote choice of women and men?
  • Do we observe a difference between the voice choice of women and men as income increases? How would you calculate a second difference?
  • Do we observe a difference between the vote choice of women of lower income and women of high income? How would you calculate the first difference?
  • Do we observe a difference between the vote choice of women of lower income and men of lower income? How would you calculate the first difference?