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Development Guide

Topik has been designed to be extensible at each of the four steps of topic modeling:

  • data import
  • tokenization / vectorization
  • topic modeling
  • visualization

Each of these steps are designed using abstract interfaces to guide extension development and to make creation of pluggable user interfaces feasible. The general layout of topik is the following:

  • imports registered class dictionaries and functions from each folder
  • a folder (python package) for each step
    • base???.py
      • abstract interface to be implemented by any concrete classes
      • register function that is used as a decorator to register classes
      • dictionary of registered classes for this step (global variable)
    • any concrete implementations of the abstract classes, each in their own .py file
    • imports each of the concrete implementations, so that they are registered

External code can hook into the dictionary of registered methods using the appropriate register decorator function. This decorator will execute when the foreign code is first run, so make sure that you import your module before requesting the dictionary of registered classes for a given step.

For general command line usage, it is probably easier to directly import classes from the folder structure. The registered dictionary approach makes dynamic UI creation easier, but it hinders autocompletion. An intermediate approach would be to assign the results of dictionary access to a variable before instantiating the class. For example,

>>> # one-shot, but autocompletion of class arguments doesn't work
>>> model = registered_models["LDA"](tokenized_data, 5)
>>> model_class = registered_models["LDA"]
>>> # Autocompletion of class arguments should work here
>>> model = model_class(tokenized_data, 5)
>>> # import model implementation directly:
>>> from topik.models import LDA
>>> # Autocompletion of class arguments should work here
>>> model = LDA(tokenized_data, 5)