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Topic modeling

Topic modeling performs some mathematical modeling of your input data as a (sparse) matrix of which documents contain which words, attempting to identify latent "topics". At the end of modeling, each document will have a mix of topics that it belongs to, each with a weight. Each topic in turn will have weights associated with the collection of words from all documents.

Currently, Topik provides interfaces to or implements two topic modeling algorithms, LDA (latent dirichlet allocation) and PLSA (probablistic latent semantic analysis). LDA and PLSA are closely related, with LDA being a slightly more recent development. The authoritative sources on LDA and PLSA are Blei, Ng, Jordan (2003), and Hoffman (1999), respectively.

Presently, all topic models require you to specify your desired number of topics as input to the modeling process. With too many topics, you will overfit your data, making your topics difficult to make sense of. With too few, you'll merge topics together, which may hide important differences. Make sure you play with the ntopics parameter to come up with the results that are best for your collection of data.

To perform topic modeling on your tokenized data, select a model class from the ~.registered_models dictionary, or simply import a model class directly, and instantiate this object with your corpus and the number of topics to model:

>>> from topik.models import registered_models, LDA
>>> model = registered_models["LDA"](tokenized_data, 4)
>>> model = LDA(tokenized_data, 4)

Presently, training the model is implicit in its instantiation. In other words, when you create an object using the code above, the data are loaded into the model, and the analysis to identify topics is performed immediately. That means that instantiating an object may take some time. Progress indicators are on our road map, but for now, please be patient and wait for your results.

Saving and loading results

The model object has a method. This method saves a JSON file that describes how to load the rest of the data for your model and for your corpus. The ~.load_model function will read that JSON file, and recreate the necessary corpus and model objects to leave you where you saved. Each model has its own binary representation, and each corpus type has its own storage backend. The JSON file saved here generally does not include corpus data nor model data, but rather is simply instructions on where to find those data. If you move files around on your hard disk, make sure to pick up everything with the JSON file.

>>> from topik.models import load_model
>>> model = load_model("test_data.json")
>>> model.get_top_words(10)