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222 lines (157 loc) · 6.84 KB


File metadata and controls

222 lines (157 loc) · 6.84 KB


The file must be present in your project and contains (you guessed right!) settings for the framework. This is pretty much identical to Django.

When running your project with, the script will set the DEMOSYS_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable. This tells the framework where it can import its settings from. If the environment variable is not set, the framework cannot start.


Using these values you are sure it will run on all platforms. OS X only supports forward compatible core contexts. This will ensure deprecation older features.

We cannot guarantee that the framework will work properly for non-default values, and you should assume severe a performance hit.

    "version": (4, 1),  # 3.3 -> 4.1 is acceptable
    "profile": "core",
    "forward_compat": True,
  • version describes the major and minor version of the OpenGL context we are creating
  • profile should ideally always be core, but we leave it configurable for those who might want to include legacy OpenGL code permanently or temporary. Do note that not using core profile will exclude the project from working on certain setups and may have unexpected side effects.
    • any: glfw.OPENGL_ANY_PROFILE,
    • core: glfw.OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE,
    • compat: glfw.OPENGL_COMPAT_PROFILE,
  • forward_compat True, is required for the project to work on OS X

The default opengl version is 4.1. Some older systems might need that tuned down to 3.3, but generally 4.1 is widely supported. To make your project work on OS X you cannot move past version 4.1 (sadly). This doesn't mean we cannot move past 4.1, but as of right now we focus on implementing features up to 4.1.


Window properties. If you are using Retina display, be aware that these values refer to the virual size. The actual buffer size will be 2 x.

    "size": (1280, 768),
    "fullscreen": False,
    "resizable": False,
    "vsync": True,
    "title": "demosys-py",
    "cursor": False,
  • size: The window size to open. Note that on 4k displays and retina the actual frame buffer size will normally be twice as large. Internally we query glfw for the actual buffer size so the viewport can be correctly applied.
  • fullscreen: True if you want to create a context in fullscreen mode
  • resizable: If the window should be resizable. This only applies in windowed mode. Currently we constrain the window size to the aspect ratio of the resolution (needs improvement)
  • vsync: Only render one frame per screen refresh
  • title: The visible title on the window in windowed mode
  • cursor: Should the mouse cursor be visble on the screen? Disabling this is also useful in windowed mode when controlling the camera on some platforms as moving the mouse outside the window can cause issues.

The created window frame buffer will by default use:

  • RGBA8
  • 32 bit depth buffer were 24 bits is for depth and 8 bits for stencil
  • Double buffering
  • color, depth and stencil is cleared every frame


If MUSIC is defined, demosys will attempt to play. (We have only tried mp3 files!)


Getting audio to work requires additional setup.

PROJECT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
MUSIC = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'resources/music/tg2035.mp3')


This is the timer class that controls time in your project. This defaults to demosys.timers.Timer that is simply keeps track of system time using glfw.

TIMER = 'demosys.timers.Timer'

Other timers are:

  • demosys.timers.MusicTimer requires MUSIC to be defined and will use the current time in an mp3.
  • demosys.timers.RocketTimer is the same as the default timer, but uses uses the rocket library.
  • demosys.timers.RocketMusicTimer requires MUSIC and ROCKET to be configured.


Configuration of the pyrocket sync-tracker library.

  • rps: Number of rows per second
  • mode: The mode to run the rocket client
    • editor: Requires a rocket editor to run so the library can connect to it
    • project: Loads the project file created by the editor and plays it back
    • files: Loads the binary track files genrated by the client through remote export in the editor.
  • project_file: The absolute path to the project file
  • files: The absolute path to the directory containing binary track data
    "rps": 24,
    "mode": "editor",
    "files": None,
    "project_file": None,


Effect packages demosys will initialize and use (Same as apps in Django).



Effect mangers are pluggable classed that initialize and run effect. when only having a single effect we can run it using runeffect, but when having multiple effects we need something to decide what effect should be active.

The default effect manager is the SingleEffectManager that is also enforced when running ./ runeffect <name>. If we use the run sub-command, the first registered effect will run.

EFFECT_MANAGER = 'demosys.effects.managers.single.SingleEffectManager'

More effect managers will be added to framework soon. Read the detailed section about effect mangers for more info.


DIRS contains absolute paths the FileSystemFinder will look for shader while EffectDirectoriesFinder will look for shaders in all registered effects in the order they were added.

The FileSystemFinder will look in all paths specified in SHADER_DIRS. All paths must be absolute (just join on PROJECT_DIR). This is a good way to add project-global shaders used by multiple effecst.

    os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'resources/shaders'),



Same principle as SHADER_DIRS and SHADER_FINDERS.

# Hardcoded paths to shader dirs
    os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'resource/textures'),

# Finder classes


Absolute path to the directory screenshots will be saved. If not defined or the directory don't exist, the current working directory will be used.

SCREENSHOT_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'screenshots')