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604 lines (470 loc) · 31 KB

File metadata and controls

604 lines (470 loc) · 31 KB

2.4.6 2024-03-08

  • Fix: Debug Log: Change log file location to log subfolder, with .htaccess and index.html protection
  • Fix: Debug Log: Mask email addresses, first names and signed subscriber IDs

2.4.5 2024-02-28

  • Added: Products: Block and Shortcode: Option to immediately load checkout step when button clicked, instead of Product image and description
  • Fix: Siteground Speed Optimizer: Display Forms when Siteground's Combine JavaScript Files option is enabled
  • Fix: LiteSpeed Cache: Don't output duplicate non-inline Forms when LiteSpeed Cache's Load JS Deferred option is enabled
  • Fix: Member Content: Improved UI on mobile devices

2.4.4 2024-02-19

  • Added: Remove jQuery as a dependency from Setup Wizard, Modals and Refresh buttons
  • Added: Forms: Automatically center inline forms on non-block Themes
  • Fix: Forms: Remove bottom margin on non-inline forms
  • Fix: Setup Wizard: Preview Form link for Pages would incorrectly display a Post
  • Fix: Landing Pages: Prevent WP Rocket caching and lazy loading images on Landing Pages, which would result in missing background images
  • Fix: Classic Editor: Modal window: Don't display vertical scrollbar on Safari
  • Fix: Member Content: Refresh button: Populate Tags and Products in applicable option groups
  • Fix: Member Content: Refresh button: Define correct option values on refresh, ensuring settings save successfully.
  • Fix: Member Content: Corrected grammar for member-only

2.4.3 2024-01-31

  • Added: Settings: Option to specify Default Form on public Custom Post Types
  • Added: Custom Posts: Option to specify Form and Tag on individual public Custom Post Types
  • Added: Member Content: Support for Member Content functionality on public Custom Post Types
  • Added: Removed jQuery as a dependency from Bulk Edit, Quick Edit and TinyMCE JS
  • Fix: Divi: Allow scrolling when editing using the Divi Builder in tablet or mobile view
  • Fix: Jetpack Boost: Prevent inline Forms from displaying in footer when added to a Page or Widget area when Jetpack Boost Plugin active
  • Fix: Settings: Remove whitespaces from API Key and Secret when saving
  • Fix: Broadcasts (Beta): Improve descriptions to make clear that only public Broadcasts are imported to WordPress

2.4.2 2024-01-22

  • Added: Member Content: Option to permit search engines to crawl Member Content at ConvertKit > Member Content > Permit Search Engine Crawlers
  • Added: Removed jQuery from frontend JS and as a dependency
  • Fix: Site Editor: Use enqueue_block_assets hook instead of enqueue_block_editor_assets hook
  • Updated: WordPress Libraries to 1.4.1

2.4.1 2024-01-08

  • Added: Broadcasts (Beta): Option to store ConvertKit Broadcast thumbnails as WordPress Post's Featured Image
  • Added: Products: Block and Shortcode: Option to include a discount code
  • Added: Products: Block and Shortcode: Option to disable modal on mobile. Recommended if the ConvertKit Product is a digital download (PDF) being purchased on mobile, to ensure the subscriber can immediately download the PDF once purchased.

2.4.0 2023-12-06

  • Fix: ConvertKit Error: Could not load Plugin class output when editing, quick or bulk editing a Post.

2.3.9 2023-12-04

  • Added: Settings: Display ConvertKit Form's format (inline, slide in, sticky bar, modal) where a select dropdown option is presented
  • Fix: Settings: Default Form (Site Wide): If defined, honor non-inline Form specified at Page, Post or Post Category level, to avoid two non-inline forms displaying
  • Fix: Settings: Moved Documentation tab to Help link in header, for compat. with smaller screen resolutions

2.3.8 2023-11-20

  • Added: Member Content: Display log in and authentication code forms in modal to better match ConvertKit
  • Added: Broadcasts (Beta): Define WordPress Post Author when importing ConvertKit Broadcasts
  • Fix: Broadcasts (Beta): Don't show next scheduled date and time immediately after clicking Import Now
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Use of deprecated FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING

2.3.7 2023-11-09

  • Added: Member Content: Output manual or generated excerpt if no read more tag present in the Post's content
  • Fix: Member Content: Force padding on buttons to prevent Themes overriding button layout
  • Fix: Member Content: Add required attribute on form fields

2.3.6 2023-11-02

  • Added: Member Content: Updated UI of gated content screens to better match ConvertKit
  • Added: Settings: Member Content: Separate text settings can be configured for display when restricting by ConvertKit Tag

2.3.5 2023-10-30

  • Added: Member Content: Improve UI of authentication code screen
  • Fix: Don't attempt to append ConvertKit Forms to unsupported Post Types

2.3.4 2023-10-24

  • Added: Broadcasts (Beta): Define WordPress Post status (Draft, Pending Review, Private or Published) when importing ConvertKit Broadcasts
  • Added: Settings: General: Option to display a site wide non-inline form
  • Updated: WordPress Libraries to 1.4.0

2.3.3 2023-10-18

  • Added: Broadcasts (Beta): Option to export WordPress Posts to draft ConvertKit Broadcasts
  • Added: Member Content: Wizard: Option to restrict content by ConvertKit Tag
  • Fix: Member Content: Check Product or Tag exists in ConvertKit before restricting content
  • Fix: Form Trigger Block: Add spacing to button on non-block themes
  • Fix: Form Trigger Block: Render button in Gutenberg to better match frontend output when changing background color
  • Fix: Product Block: Add spacing to button on non-block themes
  • Fix: Product Block: Render button in Gutenberg to better match frontend output when changing background color

2.3.2 2023-10-05

  • Added: Member Content: Option to restrict content by ConvertKit Tag, displaying a subscription form and subscribing the entered email address to the tag
  • Added: Member Content: Posts: Display Filter dropdown in Posts table
  • Fix: Member Content: Always enable Member Content options, ensuring imported Paid Broadcasts correctly show / hide content.
  • Fix: Prevent blank submenu entries displaying under Dashboard menu when using a third party admin menu editor Plugin
  • Updated: ConvertKit WordPress Libraries to 1.3.9

2.3.1 2023-09-14

  • Fix: Settings: Member Content: Added missingfor label attributes
  • Fix: Settings: Broadcasts: Added missingfor label attributes
  • Fix: Posts: Add / Edit Category: for label attribute now matches the field ID
  • Fix: Select2: Remove whitespace on tooltip hover
  • Fix: Blocks: Include editorScript in block.json

2.3.0 2023-09-12

  • Added: Forminator: Option to map Forminator Forms to ConvertKit Forms, to subscribe email addresses at Settings > ConvertKit > Forminator
  • Added: Forminator: Option to Enable Creator Network Recommendations modal on individual Forms at Settings > ConvertKit > Forminator
  • Added: Blocks: Register blocks using block.json
  • Fix: Landing Pages: Use WordPress Site Icon as favicon, if defined

2.2.9 2023-09-06

  • Added: Broadcasts (Beta): Automatically publish public ConvertKit Broadcasts as WordPress Posts. Head over to Settings > ConvertKit > Broadcasts to get started.
  • Updated: WordPress Coding Standards
  • Updated: ConvertKit WordPress Libraries to 1.3.8

2.2.8 2023-08-07

  • Fix: Use file_get_contents instead of WP_Filesystem for reading plugin files, to avoid fatal error on activation when file ownership/permission issues occur
  • Fix: Block Editor: Prevent block error in WordPress 6.0 and lower by checking if useAnchor is available

2.2.7 2023-07-24

  • Added: Contact Form 7: Option to Enable Creator Network Recommendations modal on individual Forms at Settings > ConvertKit > Contact Form 7

2.2.6 2023-07-18

  • Added: Form Trigger: Block: When no API Key specified, link to Setup Wizard in a popup window to complete setup
  • Added: Form: Block: When no API Key specified, link to Setup Wizard in a popup window to complete setup
  • Added: Product: Block: When no API Key specified, link to Setup Wizard in a popup window to complete setup
  • Updated: Member Content: Removed beta label

2.2.5 2023-06-21

  • Added: Broadcasts: Shortcode: Tabbed UI when adding broadcasts through the Classic or Text Editor
  • Added: Broadcasts: Block: Moved pagination settings to own sidebar panel
  • Fix: Classic Editor: Insert button would stop working when switching from Text Editor to Classic Editor
  • Fix: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ConvertKit_Resource_Forms::get_by()

2.2.4 2023-06-15

  • Added: Form Trigger: Block: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no non-inline Forms exist in ConvertKit
  • Added: Form Trigger: Shortcode: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no non-inline Forms exist in ConvertKit
  • Added: Forms: Shortcode: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no inline Forms exist in ConvertKit
  • Added: Products: Shortcode: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no Products exist in ConvertKit
  • Fix: Bulk & Quick Edit: Show contextual icons for Form, Tag and Member Content settings, instead of the default Form icon
  • Fix: Settings: Conditionally load CSS and JS depending on the section (General, Tools, Member Content)
  • Fix: Settings: Link to ConvertKit form creator when no Forms exist in ConvertKit
  • Fix: Use higher quality SVG icons for blocks, shortcodes and formatters
  • Updated: ConvertKit WordPress Libraries to 1.3.6

2.2.3 2023-06-06

  • Added: Broadcasts: Options to display grid, images, descriptions and/or read more link
  • Added: Broadcasts: Output as single column on smaller screen resolutions
  • Added: Forms: Block: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no Forms exist in ConvertKit
  • Added: Products: Block: Display message with link when no API Key specified, or no Products exist in ConvertKit
  • Fix: Settings: Disable CSS: Improve description of Disable CSS functionality, making it clearer what this setting does
  • Fix: Use esc_url instead of esc_attr for link href properties

2.2.2 2023-05-24

  • Added: Elementor: ConvertKit Form Trigger Block
  • Added: Member Content: Automatically configure WP Fastest Cache and WP-Optimize Plugins to not cache when the ck_subscriber_id cookie is present, to ensure Member Content correctly displays
  • Added: Member Content: Display a notice if Litespeed Cache, W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache Plugins are active and have not been configured to exclude caching when the ck_subscriber_id cookie is present
  • Fix: Elementor: ConvertKit Product: Button icon was missing
  • Fix: Block Editor: Don't display options to link text to display a non-inline form if no forms exist in ConvertKit
  • Fix: Block Editor: Don't display options to link text to display a Product or Tip Jar if no Product / Tip Jar exists in ConvertKit

2.2.1 2023-05-10

  • Fix: Settings: Escape tab links on output

2.2.0 2023-05-04

  • Added: ConvertKit Form Trigger Block, outputting a button which displays a non-inline form (modal, slide in, sticky bar) when pressed
  • Added: ConvertKit Form Trigger Shortcode, outputting a button which displays a non-inline form (modal, slide in, sticky bar) when pressed
  • Added: Block Editor: Link text to display a non-inline form (modal, slide in, sticky bar) when pressed
  • Added: Block Editor: Link text to display a ConvertKit Product or Tip Jar when pressed
  • Fix: Forms: Output non-inline scripts once per form, to avoid the same form displaying twice when embedded two or more times in a page
  • Fix: Forms: Output non-inline scripts using the wp_footer hook, ensuring modal overlays fill the screen
  • Fix: Member Content: Append ck-cache-bust query parameter after entering code, to prevent plugin / host caching showing stale data
  • Fix: Settings: Tools: Import / Export: Include Member Content settings in import and export configuration
  • Fix: Settings: Member Content: Display warning notice that web host caching / caching plugins must be configured to disable caching when the ck_subscriber_id cookie is present

2.1.3 2023-04-06

  • Fix: Improve UI compatibility for buttons in WordPress 5.x, using button-hero CSS class instead of custom padding
  • Updated: ConvertKit WordPress Libraries to 1.3.4

2.1.2 2023-03-30

  • Added: Link to Setup Wizard on Plugins screen
  • Added: Improved ConvertKit Icons in Classic Editor and block editor for Broadcasts, Forms, Products and Custom Content

2.1.1 2023-02-23

  • Fix: Post: Settings: PHP notices when settings are not an array
  • Fix: Landing Pages and Legacy Forms: Deprecated mb_convert_encoding() message in PHP 8.2

2.1.0 2023-02-15

  • Added: Member Content (Beta): Require subscribers to purchase a ConvertKit Product to access specific Pages on your WordPress site. Head over to Settings > ConvertKit > Member Content to get started.
  • Fix: Product: Block and Shortcode: Set stylesheet ID to convertkit-product-css, to match other blocks
  • Fix: Blocks: Use wp.serverSideRender instead of soon to be deprecated wp.components.ServerSideRender
  • Fix: Forms: Preview: Support for previewing and editing Legacy Forms
  • Fix: Improved performance in WordPress Admin when invalid API credentials specified on new installation
  • Fix: Display notice in WordPress Admin with link to settings screen when invalid API credentials specified

2.0.8 2023-02-02

  • Added: Settings: ConvertKit: Documentation tab
  • Added: Forms: Link to edit form in ConvertKit when previewing a Page, Post or Custom Post containing a ConvertKit form
  • Fix: Display Forms, Landing Pages, Products and Tags in alphabetical order when listed in a <select> dropdown
  • Fix: Form: Block and Shortcode: Check Forms exist in ConvertKit before outputting Block / Shortcode options
  • Fix: Form: Shortcode: Remove unused API Key output
  • Fix: Product: Block: Preview: Improved performance when previewing the Product block to determine if a ConvertKit Product was specified in the Block's settings
  • Fix: Product: Shortcode: Remove unused API Key and data-attributes output

2.0.7 2023-01-16

  • Fix: Elementor 3.9.0+ compatibility
  • Updated: ConvertKit WordPress Libraries to 1.3.0

2.0.6 2023-01-05

  • Fix: Honor "Add a tag" setting when enabled on a Page/Post
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent, when ?ck_subscriber_id included in request URI in some Page Builders (e.g. Elementor)
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

2.0.5 2022-12-15

  • Fix: Broadcasts: Strip slashes on output when pagination clicked and Broadcasts are reloaded
  • Fix: Broadcasts: Sanitize and escape HTML attributes on output
  • Fix: Forms: Escape HTML attributes on output
  • Fix: Products: Sanitize and escape HTML attributes on output

2.0.4 2022-12-13

  • Fix: Products: PHP warning when attempting to parse an invalid Product URL
  • Fix: Landing Pages: Catch and log when an error occurs fetching a Landing Page
  • Fix: Remove double forwardslash on product.css

2.0.3 2022-12-08

  • Added: Categories: Option to specify ConvertKit Form to display when adding a new Post Category
  • Fix: Bulk & Quick Edit: Improve layout of ConvertKit settings on desktop and mobile
  • Fix: Post: Improve layout of ConvertKit settings on desktop and mobile
  • Fix: Categories: Improve layout of ConvertKit settings on desktop and mobile
  • Fix: Products: Block: Display preview when adding new block

2.0.2 2022-11-21

  • Fixed: Removed argument count on in_admin_footer action calls

2.0.1 2022-11-01

  • Added: Broadcasts: Block: Display message in editor when no Broadcasts exist in ConvertKit
  • Fixed: Settings: Contact Form 7: Render screen correctly when no Forms in ConvertKit
  • Fixed: Settings: WishList Member: Render screen correctly when no Forms in ConvertKit

2.0.0 2022-10-24

  • Added: ConvertKit Products Block, to output a button linking to a ConvertKit Product or Tip Jar
  • Added: ConvertKit Products Shortcode, to output a button linking to a ConvertKit Product or Tip Jar
  • Added: Gutenberg: Option to link text or button to a ConvertKit Product or Tip Jar
  • Added: Classic Editor: Option to link text or button to a ConvertKit Product or Tip Jar
  • Added: Settings: Improved UI 2022-10-03

  • Added: Broadcasts: Shortcode: Options to specify background, text and link colors
  • Added: Broadcasts: Elementor: Options to specify background, text and link colors
  • Added: Settings: General: Links added to preview Default Form for each Post Type 2022-09-08

  • Added: Setup Wizard for new installations
  • Fix: Text Editor: Quicktag Buttons: Position and size modal window correctly to avoid scrollbars and whitespace
  • Fix: Widgets: Legacy Forms Widget: "The convertkit_form block was affected by errors and may not function properly" when attempting to add legacy form widget
  • Development: Moved /lib folder to managed repository 2022-08-19

  • Added: Settings: Tools: Use WordPress' Site Info to populate System Info section
  • Added: Refresh button: Show error notification when refreshing fails
  • Fix: Widgets: Broadcasts Block: JSON response error when attempting to save Broadcasts Block in a Widget area
  • Fix: Classic (Visual) and Text Editor: Insert shortcode into correct editor when multiple editor instances exist (e.g. WooCommerce Products) 2022-08-04

  • Fix: API: Show error notification when API returns HTTP 500 and 502 errors, instead of showing PHP warnings
  • Fix: Bulk and Quick Edit: for label attribute now matches the field ID 2022-07-18

  • Added: Refresh button for Form, Landing Page and Tag fields to fetch latest data from ConvertKit account
  • Fix: Bulk Edit: Don't display fields when no Pages / Posts exist 2022-07-14

  • Added: Bulk and Quick Edit Form and Tag when viewing list of Pages/Posts
  • Fix: Performance: Don't perform API requests on every WordPress Administration screen when no Forms, Tags or Landing Pages exist 2022-06-24

  • Fix: API: Prevent fatal error when API returns null instead of expected array 2022-06-23

  • Added: Elementor Page Builder: ConvertKit Broadcasts Widget
  • Fix: Integration: WishList Member: Unsubscribe email address from ConvertKit if 'unsubscribe' configured and member level removed
  • Fix: Remove double forwardslash on some enqueued scripts and styles 2022-06-09

  • Added: Broadcasts: Option to enable pagination on block/shortcode 2022-06-01

  • Added: ConvertKit Broadcasts Block when editing Widgets using the block editor in WordPress 5.8+
  • Added: ConvertKit Form Block when editing Widgets using the block editor in WordPress 5.8+
  • Fix: ConvertKit Broadcasts Block/Shortcode: Fetch all Broadcasts from ConvertKit, not just the first 50
  • Fix: Settings: Added label element for setting field names 2022-05-12

  • Fix: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information, caused by QuickTags modal template output
  • Fix: Text Editor: Quicktag Buttons: Block could not be found error when using a Quicktag 2022-05-04

  • Added: ConvertKit Broadcasts Block, to output a list of ConvertKit broadcasts
  • Added: ConvertKit Broadcasts Shortcode [convertkit_broadcasts], to output a list of ConvertKit broadcasts
  • Added: Settings: Tools: Import and Export configuration
  • Fix: Page/Post: If a specific Form is selected that no longer exists in ConvertKit, fallback to the Default Form setting 2022-04-04

  • Added: Elementor Page Builder: ConvertKit Form Widget
  • Fix: Default Form would not display on Posts assigned to Categories, where Categories were created prior to and site uses PHP 8.0 or greater
  • Fix: Categories: Improved wording of Form setting on per-Category level 2022-03-30

  • Fix: Default Form would not display on Posts due to regression in 2022-03-23

  • Fix: Default Form would not display on Posts due to regression in 2022-03-17

  • Fix: ConvertKit Form Block: Order Form names alphabetically
  • Fix: Prevent Select2 styling from applying to non-Plugin elements 2022-03-07

  • Added: ConvertKit Form Block: When editing, display the Form Name if a non-inline form has been selected, as non-inline forms cannot be previewed in the editor
  • Fix: Include email address in API request when attempting to fetch subscriber ID by email when ConvertKit Form is submitted with no email address 2022-02-18

  • Fix: Performance: Don't query API to fetch subscriber ID by email when ConvertKit Form is submitted with no email address 2022-02-14

  • Fix: Localization: Corrected path to load language files 2022-01-27

  • Fix: Plugin Activation: Parse error when using PHP 7.2 or below due to trailing comma in sprintf() call 2022-01-26

  • Added: ConvertKit Form Block for Gutenberg
  • Added: Select2 dropdown for Forms, Landing Pages and Tags with search functionality for improved UX.
  • Fix: Legacy Forms: Removed erronous , and tags from markup 2022-01-11

  • Fix: Render Legacy Form when shortcode is copied from for a Legacy Form
  • Fix: Don't check for Landing Page when viewing any non-Page public Post Type which doesn't support Landing Pages
  • Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined index landing_page when upgrading from 1.4.6 or earlier
  • Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined index tag when upgrading from 1.4.6 or earlier 2021-12-23

  • Fix: Render Legacy Landing Pages 2021-12-22

  • Fix: Render Form Shortcode when a new ConvertKit Form ID specified that does not yet exist in Plugin's cached Form Resources 2021-12-16

  • Fix: Character encoding issue on Landing Pages
  • Fix: Removed unused .scripts directory and .MD files

1.9.6 2021-12-15

  • Added: ConvertKit Form Shortcode Button for Classic Editor
  • Added: Text Editor: Quicktag Buttons for inserting ConvertKit Forms and Custom Content
  • Added: Settings: ConvertKit: Logo and branding header
  • Added: Option to specify ConvertKit API Key and Secret as constants CONVERTKIT_API_KEY and CONVERTKIT_API_SECRET in wp-config.php
  • Added: Settings: ConvertKit: General: Different Default Forms can be specified for Pages and Posts
  • Added: Settings: ConvertKit: General: Enabling Debug option will also output data to browser console and inline HTML comments
  • Added: Settings: ConvertKit: Tools: Option to Download Log to text file
  • Added: Settings: ConvertKit: Tools: Option to Download System Info to text file
  • Added: PHP 8.x compatibility
  • Added: Developers: Action and filter hooks. See
  • Fix: PHP warnings on new installations when adding/editing Pages or Posts where the plugin was not yet configured
  • Fix: PHP 8.x: PHP Deprecated warnings where required parameters wrongly followed optional parameters
  • Fix: gzinflate() data error
  • Fix: Deprecated edit_category_form_fields warning
  • Fix: Integration: WishList Member: Unsubscribe Action 'Unsubscribe from all' now honored when selected and saved
  • Fix: Ensure code meets WordPress Coding Standards
  • Fix: Use WP_Filesystem instead of PHP functions to read/write log file, per WordPress Coding Standards 2021-07-28

  • Fix: Fixed an issue where the ConvertKit shortcode would not function properly. 2021-07-27

  • Fix: Updated GitHub zip URL for build.

1.9.5 2021-07-21

  • Fix: Changed how API responses are logged.
  • Fix: Reduced Debug output to improve performance.

1.9.4 2021-02-22

  • New: Increase minimum supported WordPress version to 4.9 and maximum supported WordPress version to 5.6.2
  • Fix: Restore original plugin file name (wp-convertkit.php), which reverts the breaking file name change (plugin.php) released in 1.9.3
  • Fix: Fixed inconsistent refreshing of forms in the ConvertKit forms dropdown
  • Fix: Fixed occasional "undefined variable" notices regarding the API key and API secret
  • Tweak: Add ConvertKit plugin information to useragent of plugin API requests

1.9.3 2020-11-11

  • New: Increase minimum supported WordPress version to 4.8 and maximum supported WordPress version to 5.5.3
  • Fix: Fix occasional "undefined variable" notice when viewing ConvertKit forms dropdown
  • Fix: Only log transients from get_form() method when debugging is enabled
  • Tweak: Remove sslverify => false argument from main ConvertKit API call

1.9.2 2019-12-20

  • Fix issue that prevented Google fonts from loading on landing pages
  • Fix issue that resulted in multiple failed API calls for non-existent subscribers passed in via query parameter

1.9.1 2019-12-20

  • Fix bug that prevented "refresh forms" button on settings page from working

1.9.0 2019-12-17

  • Allow appending forms to WooCommerce products
  • Fix bug that prevented setting "none" for form on a post from overriding category setting
  • Add account name to settings page

1.8.1 2019-05-30

  • Fix bug that could result in fatal error with certain other plugins active
  • Add additional server debug info for tech support

1.8.0 2019-05-30

  • Displays tags/LPs/forms alphabetically
  • Several edge-case bug fixes
  • Removes confusing utf8 warning on settings page

1.7.5 2019-04-30

  • Fix false positive detection of character set issues related to using emojis in forms & landing pages
  • Don't show error on tools tab on first visit with logging turned on
  • Fix code conflict with some other plugins that resulted in PHP warnings being displayed

1.7.4 2019-03-27

  • Fixed problem with a library that was only compatible with PHP 7+

1.7.3 2019-03-26

  • Adds checks and notices for outdated character set (utf8 vs. utf8mb4) use
  • Add notice to metabox on blog archive page that our plugin does not do anything on this page
  • Update library to make plugin work with PHP 7.3 (previously, landing pages did not work)
  • Fix issue where global default form would never show for some categories
  • Fix include path for system status box on tools tab

1.7.2 2019-02-18

  • Fix bug that caused fatal error on upgrade

1.7.1 2019-02-18

  • Fix bug that caused fatal error on upgrade

1.7.0 2019-02-18

  • New: Significantly improve performance of plugin by only attempting to tag visitors if needed (not on every page)
  • New: Add option to disable javascript entirely (prevents tagging and custom content features from working)
  • Fix conflict with Yoast SEO plugin
  • Fix bug that prevented plugin from working with PHP 7.3
  • Fix bug that prevented changing a category default form back to None
  • Clarify that both API key and secret are required
  • Fix bug that stripped out URL query parameters unrelated to ConvertKit
  • Better handle refreshing list of forms in the connected ConvertKit account

1.6.4 2019-01-18

  • Added tools tab with debug log and system info boxes
  • Fixed a bug that would show a PHP notice in some cases
  • Fixed two bugs that would sometimes result in the custom content feature failing
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause WishList Member integration settings to not save

1.6.3 2019-01-07

  • Fixes issues with Contact Form 7 integration not saving form settings.
  • Adds button to refresh on settings page, to fetch new forms added to the connected ConvertKit account.

1.6.2 2018-07-12

  • Fix for this message when Landing Page is set to None: PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0
  • Fix for new form builder being used in shortcode with "form" attribute instead of "id"

1.6.1 2018-07-03

  • Fix for landing pages not showing in the admin area drop down
  • Fix for showing new landing pages on the front end of the site
  • Added jquery to landing pages as new landing page builder does not include it

1.6.0 2018-06-30

  • Add support for new form builder
  • Remove unnecessary API calls
  • Store form/landing page/tag data in WP Options
  • Add update routine for refreshing local convertkit data

1.5.5 2018-06-01

  • Fix for error in javascript added to landing pages.
  • Fix for applying tags based on page views on initial visit. This adds an ajax call to each visit which some customers expressed concern about. We will add a way to remove this in an upcoming version.

1.5.4 2018-05-19

  • Fix for adding ck_subscriber_id to cookie

1.5.3 2018-03-08

  • Added a default form setting for post categories
  • Clean up logging
  • Remove admin ajax calls from each page load
  • Remove api calls from the dashboard list posts page
  • Add dependency to javascript enqueue to fix javascript error on landing pages

1.5.2 2017-11-30

  • Fixed plugin settings link
  • Added javascript subscriber tagging to landing pages

1.5.1 2017-10-31

  • Fixed encoding of javascript.
  • Fixed localization of data.
  • Removing console.log from js.

1.5.0 2017-10-13

  • Added saving subscriber_id after visitor fills out ConvertKit form
  • Added saving subscriber_id when visitor lands on site from ConvertKit email link
  • Added "Add a tag" to Posts/Page metabox
  • Added convertkit_content shortcode to show content to subscribers who have a tag

1.4.10 2017-10-04

  • Removed transient for API calls.
  • Changed widget to use option setting instead of making API call.
  • Reduced number of API calls while the site is being browsed.
  • Updated contributors

1.4.9 2017-07-24

  • Fix _get_meta_defaults() because Posts and Pages set to Default were not showing forms.
  • Updated ConvertKit_API::_get_api_response() to inflate response body if necessary.

1.4.8 2017-07-13

  • Fixed API response not getting unzipped
  • Added check for multibyte string PHP extension
  • Fixed CF7 mapping not showing all forms
  • Changed log file to write locally instead of using WP_Filesystem

1.4.7 2017-06-01

  • Code refactor with WordPress Code Standards
  • Added ability to tag a customer when WishList Member membership lapses
  • Added WishList Member tag a customer
  • Removed curl and replaced with wp_remote_request

1.4.6 2017-03-29

  • Fix for landing pages not appearing.
  • Added code to API to not return status_code 404 content

1.4.5 2017-03-28

  • Uncommented logging around api calls.
  • Do not show 404 page content when shortcode is used with form ID that does not exist
  • If ConvertKit API is unavailable fail gracefully
  • Fix for Contact Form 7 message sending when no ConvertKit forms are mapped
  • Removed archived forms from the list of available forms in settings page


  • Added i18n support
  • Added Contact Form 7 integration. Site admins can now map CF7 name and email fields to CK subscription.
  • Verified functionality with latest version of WishlistMember


  • Add WP widget for form
  • Updates form version to v6
  • Add logger to help troubleshoot issues
  • Add link to CK account if no forms available
  • Add notice if can't connect to API


  • Fixed issue with WishlistMember integration where members were not being subscribed.


  • Add upgrade routine to change ID to form_id for API version 3.0


  • Update ConvertKit API to version 3.0


  • Fix WishList Member email sent to CK API when shopping cart used.


  • Fix crash when API response is slow


  • Avoid calling API endpoints when no forms need to be shown


  • Fixes issue with illegal offset showing warning message


  • Fix bug showing warning messages for some users


  • Fix bug showing error messages for some users


  • Updated for compatibility with WordPress 4.3


  • Another fix for a pesky bug causing syntax errors


  • Fixes a bug causing syntax error when getting options


  • Added WishList Member integration
  • Updated API methods


  • Fixed a warning that appeared sometimes when no forms were loaded.


  • Updated to use responsive forms


  • Initial release