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File metadata and controls

27 lines (23 loc) · 3.04 KB



Name Type Description Notes
id String Workspace unique identifier generated by the API [optional] [readonly]
organizationId String Organization unique identifier under which the workspace resides [optional] [readonly]
key String technical key for resource name convention and version grouping. Must be unique
name String Workspace name. This name is display in the sample webApp
description String the Workspace description [optional]
linkedDatasetIdList [String] list of dataset linked to this dataset [optional]
version String the Workspace version MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. [optional]
tags [String] the list of tags [optional]
ownerId String the user id which own this workspace. set by the API from Authentification service receved id [optional] [readonly]
solution WorkspaceSolution
webApp WorkspaceWebApp [optional]
sendInputToDataWarehouse Boolean default setting for all Scenarios and Run Templates to set whether or not the Dataset values and the input parameters values are send to the DataWarehouse prior to the ScenarioRun [optional]
useDedicatedEventHubNamespace Boolean Set this property to true to use a dedicated Azure Event Hub Namespace for this Workspace. The Event Hub Namespace must be named \'<organization_id\>-<workspace_id\>\' (in lower case). This Namespace must also contain two Event Hubs named \'probesmeasures\' and \'scenariorun\'. [optional] [default to false]
dedicatedEventHubSasKeyName String the Dedicated Event Hub SAS key name, default to RootManageSharedAccessKey. Use the /secret endpoint to set the key value [optional]
dedicatedEventHubAuthenticationStrategy String the Event Hub authentication strategy, SHARED_ACCESS_POLICY or TENANT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS. Default to the one defined for the tenant. [optional]
sendScenarioRunToEventHub Boolean default setting for all Scenarios and Run Templates to set whether or not the ScenarioRun is send to the Event Hub [optional] [default to true]
sendScenarioMetadataToEventHub Boolean Set this property to false to not send scenario metada to Azure Event Hub Namespace for this Workspace. The Event Hub Namespace must be named \'<organization_id\>-<workspace_id\>\' (in lower case). This Namespace must also contain two Event Hubs named \'scenariometadata\' and \'scenariorunmetadata\'. [optional] [default to false]
datasetCopy Boolean Activate the copy of dataset on scenario creation, meaning that each scenario created in this workspace will make this copy. when false, scenario use directly the dataset specified. [optional] [default to true]
security WorkspaceSecurity [optional]