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01 Commands & Systems

Murphy Sünnenwold edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 1 revision

Detailed overview over all the commands and systems available. Every entry has a short description. How to use the commands with the arguments should get clear from the slashcommand descriptions in Discord itself. We made those pretty detailed and they should be self-explanatory. If you still have some open questions check the code if you can or ask us in the Q&A Discussions.

In general: Follow the autocomplete! Jambo knows what it's doing... (Most of the time at least 🙃)

Table of Contents



To manage the activity-tracker-system and make fun statistics out of the activity data of all the users.

Commands Does
/activity-tracker list Lists the unique games and activities by criteria like the total playtime and number of logs.
/activity-tracker admin blacklist Add a game to the global Blacklist, this means nothing about this game will get logged again.
/activity-tracker admin look View the blacklist of a member.
/activity-tracker admin reset Reset the whole activity database, this means all logs and all blacklists get cleared.
/activity-tracker admin show See what is on the global blacklist.
/activity-tracker admin whitelist Remove a game from the blacklist so logging for this game is activated again.
/activity-tracker blacklist add Add a game to your personal blacklist so it won't get logged in the future.
/activity-tracker blacklist remove Remove a game from your blacklist so it will get logged again.
/activity-tracker blacklist show See what is on your blacklist.
/activity-tracker stats all Show some stats about every game across all users.
/activity-tracker stats game Show some stats about one game across all users.
/activity-tracker stats my Show some stats about the record time you played all or one game.


Set and edit your birthday and see if any birthdays are rolling up. Manages the birthday-system.

Commands Does
/birthday my See what your birthday is currently set to.
/birthday set Setup your birthday so you can get congratulated!
/birthday upcoming See which birthdays are coming up in the next 30 days.


Create, manage and evaluate polls and jams.

Commands Does
/coding-jams jam delete Delete an existing jam.
/coding-jams jam extend Extend the duration of a jam before it's over.
/coding-jams jam new Create a new jam.
/coding-jams jam view View the details of an existing jam.
/coding-jams list jams Lists all the jams.
/coding-jams list polls Lists all the polls.
/coding-jams poll delete Delete an existing poll.
/coding-jams poll extend Extend the duration of a poll before it's over.
/coding-jams poll new Create a new poll and manage the proposals.
/coding-jams poll view View the details of an existing jam.
/coding-jams poll votes View the votes for a poll.


Access and view the data of a country database.

Commands Does
/country-info overview Gives you an overview over a country with its most important infos.
/country-info random Gives you an overview over a randomly picked country.
/country-info specific Gives you a specific piece of data you want for a specified country.
/country-info query Lets you query the country data with lots of options.


Render beautiful text and mathematical content using LaTeX.

Commands Does
/latex equation Returns a single math equation. The input is the code that ends up in the block equation.
/latex mixed Lets you write mixed LaTeX code with text, inline equations ($x^2$) and block equations ($$x^2$$).


Basically a test command if you want to see if the bot is active.

Commands Does
/ping Ping the bot to see the latency between the bot and discords API.


Manage proposals for the polls.

Commands Does
/proposal add Adds a proposal to the database.
/proposal delete Deletes a proposal.
/proposal edit Lets you edit your proposals (mods can edit all).
/proposal list Lists all the proposals.


Remind yourself about something in relative or unix time, and on desire add someone to remind as well.

Commands Does
/reminder delete Delete a reminder with its id.
/reminder list Shows your list of active reminders.
/reminder set Set a new reminder.


Manage the roles.

Commands Does
/roles delete Delete all or certain roles created by a prompt.
/roles prompt timezones Create a timezone prompt.
/roles prompt colors Create a color prompt.
/roles prompt pronouns Create a pronoun prompt.
/roles prompt jam Create a prompt for a jam role.


Get information about a member.

Commands Does
/user-info Get an overview with a bunch of data from a member.



Sends a message to the system channel of the server to congratulate a member on its birthday. The birthdays are managed with the birthday commands.


The activity-tracker-system collects all the game activity data of the members and stores the time played, date when and name of the of all the played games. (You can always completely toggle this of in the config!) The data will be used and managed by the activity-tracker commands.


The poll-system is there to make announcements for a given poll. The polls are managed with the coding-jam commands. There will be an announcement one day before the poll starts announcing with the currently selected proposals for it and some other infos, an announcement when the poll opens with the prompt to vote and an announcement when the poll is closed with the winner and the top 10 proposals.


The jam-system has a few events to manage jams which are all indirectly managed with the coding-jam commands.

Event Name Time Does
createScheduledEvent 4 days before the start Creates a scheduled event on the server with the proposal and the date of the jam.
closeToStart 2 hours before start Makes an announcement as a reminder that the jam is about to start.
start start of the jam Announces that the jam has started.
halftime halfway between start and end Announces that half of the time of the jam has passed.
closeToEnd 2 hours before end Makes an announcement as a reminder that the jam is about to end.
end end of the jam Announces that the jam has ended.


The system keeps track of all the reminders created with the reminder command and sends a reminder message whenever it's time.


Sends a welcome message to the system channel welcoming a new member whenever someone joined the server.

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