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CraigRice edited this page Mar 15, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the BddPipe wiki!

About BddPipe

This library was created to describe and execute test steps.

You can connect steps to form a pipeline, which is a linear sequence of steps.

BddPipe has been developed to replace similar existing libraries as a more succinct and simpler to use alternative.


  • Let each step define and return to the next step all the state it needs to proceed.
  • Avoid declaring variables outside test step functions as a way to store/retreive data between steps.
  • Avoid having to set defaults for these declared variables before they are ready to be assigned.
  • Provide a way to reuse steps.
  • Have better control of output if desired - the outcome is detailed and the default console output can be captured or replaced.
  • The steps are documented in greater detail than regular tests due to the step type and title. Tests with documented steps can be easier to understand and maintain.