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183 lines (119 loc) · 7.38 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (119 loc) · 7.38 KB

Spotify iOS SDK Beta 4

What's New

  • Added support for the "Implicit Grant" authentication flow. This flow doesn't require a Token Swap Service, but sessions only last an hour and you'll have to re-authenticate the user via Safari.

  • Audio is now cached to storage during playback, improving the playback experience significantly. See the new SPTAudioStreamingController APIs for controlling the cache (Issue #68).

  • Added support for the "Your Music" feature with the following APIs on SPTRequest:

    • +savedTracksForUserInSession:callback: to get a user's saved tracks.
    • +saveTracks:forUserInSession:callback: to save new tracks.
    • +removeTracksFromSaved:forUserInSession:callback to un-save tracks.
    • +savedTracksContains:forUserInSession:callback to check if track(s) are saved without downloading the whole list.

    (Issue #5).

  • Added [SPTArtist -requestRelatedArtists:callback:] to request an artist's related artists.

  • Added [SPTPlaylistSnapshot -setTracksInPlaylist:withSession:callback:]

  • Added [SPTPlaylistSnapshot -changePlaylistDetails:withSession:callback:] (Issue #67).

Bugs Fixed

  • Bitrate constants are documented correctly (Issue #86).

  • Playback error codes are documented correctly (Issue #91).

  • Creating playlists now works correctly (Issue #90).

  • SPTListPage objects returned from search requests now return correct results when calling -requestNextPageWithSession:callback: (Issue #87).

  • [SPTAudioStreamingController -seekToOffset:callback:] now works correctly when called within the -playURI: callback block (Issue #70).

  • The library now works in the 64-bit iOS Simulator (Issue #11).

  • The [SPTAudioStreamingController -currentTrackMetadata] property now correctly returns metadata (Issue #101).

  • Scopes are now working properly (Issue #99).

Spotify iOS SDK Beta 3

What's New

  • SPTAuth and SPTSession has been completely rewritten to use the new Spotify authentication stack. This means that you need to re-do your auth code. Additionally, the Client ID and Client Secret provided with earlier betas will no longer work. See the main readme for more information (Issue #3).

    • The Basic Auth demo project has been rewritten to be much more friendly for new users to understand what's going on.

    • You'll need to update your Token Swap Service for the new auth flow. A new example is provided with the SDK.

  • Added SPTArtist convenience getters for albums and top lists: -requestAlbumsOfType:withSession:availableInTerritory:callback: and -requestTopTracksForTerritory:withSession:callback: (Issue #44, Issue #34).

  • Added ability to get the user's "Starred" playlist using SPTRequest's +starredListForUserInSession:callback: method (Issue #15).

  • Various API changes and additions to metadata objects. In particular, users may be interested in the availability of album art on SPTPartialAlbum and track count and owner properties on SPTPartialPlaylist (Issue #23).

  • SPTAudioStreamingController now has a customisable streaming bitrate.

  • Added ability to get detailed information about the logged-in user using SPTRequest's +userInformationForUserInSession:callback: method (Issue #40).

  • Added SPTListPage class to deal with potentially large lists in a sensible manner. Objects with potentially long lists (playlist and album tracks lists, search results, etc) now return an SPTListPage to allow you to paginate through the list.

Bugs Fixed

  • Core metadata classes now work properly (Issue #52 and a bunch of others).

  • Delegate methods are now marked @optional (Issue #41).

  • Playlists not owned by the current user can be requested as long as your application has permission to do so (Issue #10).

  • SPTAudioStreamingController now calls the audioStreaming:didChangeToTrack: delegate method with a nil track when track playback ends (Issue #21).

  • SPTAudioStreamingController is more aggressive at clearing internal audio buffers (Issue #46).

  • SPTAudioStreamingController no longer crashes on 64-bit devices when calling certain delegate methods (Issue #45).

  • SPTAuth no longer crashes when handling an auth callback URL triggered by the user pushing "Cancel" when being asked to log in (Issue #38).

  • Included .docset now correctly works with Xcode and Dash (Issue #12).

Spotify iOS SDK Beta 2

What's New

  • Special release for Music Hackday Paris. Hi, hackers!

  • SPTAudioStreamingController now allows initialization with a custom audio output controller (Issue #19).

  • SPTTrackPlayer now has an observable currentPlaybackPosition property (Issue #28).

  • Various API changes and additions to metadata objects. In particular, users may be interested in the availability of album art on SPTAlbum, artist images on SPTArtist and 30 second audio previews on SPTTrack (Issue #1).

  • The Simple Track Player example project now shows cover art in accordance with the above.

Bugs Fixed

  • SPTAudioStreamingController now more reliably updates its playback position when seeking (Issue #33).

  • SPTTrackPlayer now respects the index passed into -playTrackProvider:fromIndex: (Issue #14).

  • NSError objects caused by audio playback errors are now more descriptive (Issue #8).

Known Issues

  • Building for the 64-bit iOS Simulator doesn't work.

  • For other open issues, see the project's Issue Tracker.

Spotify iOS SDK Beta 1

What's New

  • Initial release.

Known Issues

  • No cover art APIs. (#1)

  • Cannot remove items from playlists. (#2)

  • Sessions will expire after one day, even if persisted to disk. At this point, you'll need to re-authenticate the user using SPAuth. (#3)