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Annotation Framework Design

Hint: We heavily use Destructuring assignment and spread operator to keep our syntax clean, so make sure you are comfortable with those JS language features.

The Crowdaq Annotation Framework (CAF) is a genreal framework for building annotation UI.

CAF has the following core components:

  1. Annotation Store
  2. Annotation Collector Component Collections

Annotation Store

The Annotation Store is a standard Vuex store, with the following getter.

getAnnotationGroupDefinition: {groupId} => Object;
getAnnotationCollectorDefinition: {groupId, collectorId} => Object;

// If condition is matched.
isCollectorEnabled: {groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId} => Boolean;

// If constrints is passed.
isCollectorConstrintPassed: {groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId} => Boolean;
getCollectorErrorMessage: {groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId} => List[String];

getCurrentAnnotationResults: {groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId} => Object;

getContext: {contextId} => Object;

And has the following mutations:

registerAnnotationGroup(state, {annotationGroup})
registerContexts(state, {contextsList})

deregisterAnnotationGroup(state, {annotationGroup})
deregisterContexts(state, {contextsList})

updateAnnotation (groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId)
addRepeatedAnnotationGroup (groupId, repeatedGroupId)
deleteRepeatedAnnotationGroup (groupId, repeatedGroupId)

Annotation Collector Component Collections

We have the following collector components implemented:

  • Span From Text
  • Multiple Choice
  • TODO: List them all.

Extend CrowdAQ Annotation Framework

Extend the CrowdAQ functionality is very easy. For most our readers, you may be interesting in adding functionality to one of the three:

  • Condition
  • Constraints
  • Annotation Component

Add new Condition type.

In order to add an Condition Type, you will need to add a handler function to ConditionHandlers in annotation_system.js. The handler will be called condition type matches the one you specified, and your handler function must return true when the condition is passed, and false if not. You handler function will be called with the store object and the condition definition along with annotation_group_id and annotation_id.

const repeatedSpanCountHandler = new ConditionHandler({
	on: "RepeatedSpanCount",
	dependOn: ({
		// This object is the parent collector of this condition, 
		// and the currently used handlers in case you need to evaluate this condition recursively.
		handlers, groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId
	}, {
		// This is your condition definition
		operator, count, other
	}) => {
		// This function need to return signatures of all annotation results that this condition depends on.
		return [
				groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId: other
	handle: ({
		// This object is the parent collector of this condition.
		groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId
	}, {
		// This is your condition definition
		operator, count, other
	}) => {
		const length = return getCurrentAnnotationResults(groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId).length;
		if (operator === '>'){
			return length > count
		}else if (operator === '='){
			return length === count;
		} // The rest of your implementation...


// Now we add this handler to handlers.

Your handler will be called if any of you dependencies' annotation updated, so it is important to implement dependOn chains correctly.

Add new Constraint type.

Adding an Constraint handler is similar to adding condition handler, but it is easier as constraint checking is local.

const regexHandler = new ConstraintHandler({
	on: "string-length",
	handle: ({
		// This object is the parent collector of this condition.
		groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId
	}, {
		// This is your condition definition
		min, max
	}) => {
		const text = return getCurrentAnnotationResults(groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId);
		if (text.length > max){
			return {
				pass: false,
				messages: [
					`String must not be longer than ${max}`
		}else if (text.length < min){
			return {
				pass: false,
				messages: [
					`String must not be shorter than ${max}`
			return {
				pass: true

// Now we add this handler to handlers.

Add new Collector

Adding a collector is also simple, since collector Component is just an simple Vue component that follows the following behaviour:

  1. It will take props definition which is collector definition.
  2. It will update the annotation store on worker input using store mutation updateAnnotation.
  3. It should listen for isCollectorConstrintPassed and display getCollectorErrorMessage when every possible.


        <div v-if="pass_constraint">
        	<div v-for="(msg, idx) in error_messages" :key='idx'>

export default {
    name: "TextCollector",
    props: {
        definition: {
            type: Object
    data: () => ({

    computed: {

    	pass_constraint: function(){
			const {
				groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId
			} = this.definition;

			this.$store.getters['isCollectorConstrintPassed'](groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId)

		error_messages: function(){
			const {
				groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId
			} = this.definition;

			this.$store.getters['getCollectorErrorMessage'](groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId)

		current_value: {
				const {
					groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId
				} = this.definition;

				this.$store.getters['getCurrentAnnotationResults'](groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId)

				const {
					groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId
				} = this.definition;
				this.$store.commit("annotation_store/updateAnnotation", {groupId, repeatedGroupId, collectorId})