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Deploy Crowdaq

Application Architecture

CrowdAQ is a Single Page App, and server (in express.js) and static content (in Vue.js) are developed in seperated packages.

Deploy with Docker (Recommended)

The best way to deploy your own instance of Crowdaq is through Docker. Simply download our repo, and run

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up 

The standard compose file will give you three resource groups which includes:

  1. PostresQL Server
  2. Static assets server and reverse proxy (Nginx)
  3. Load balanced backend server groups.

And then you can access your own crowdaq at

If you are interested in more customized way to deploy crowdaq, please read the following guide.

Deploy Frontend

To correctly deploy frontend package, all you need to do is correctly configure the API endpoint in client_config.js. By default, the development mode use, and production endpoint is

Then run the command:

npm install
npm run build

You servable static content will be in the folder dist. Simply copy the folder to you nginx (or you favioute web server) static file root, and make sure the server will serve index.html on missing files since we rely on Vue Router's history mode feature to render the correct page.

Example NGINX config.

events {}
http {
	server {
	    listen 80;
		root /app;
		gzip on;
		gzip_types text/css application/javascript application/json image/svg+xml;
		gzip_comp_level 9;
		etag on;

	    location / {
	    	root /app;
	    	index index.html index.html;
		    include  /etc/nginx/mime.types;	    	
		    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

Backend Server

You need to run npm install to install all dependencies.


We require PostgresQL 10. You can find instruction of installation of Postgresql online on their official website. In development we use an simple postgres docker by this command:

docker run --name some-postgres -p 55432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=12345678 -e POSTGRES_DB=crowdaq-dev -d postgres:10.7

Which will create an postgres:10.7 instance at PORT=55432 and with User:Pass=postgres:12345678.

Configure Database Connection

To config database connection, you need to edit packages/backend/knexfile.js, the content should be self-explnanatory.

Init And Migration

In order to prepare crowdaq database, we simply run npx knex migrate:latest to create all Crowdaq Table and Indices.

npx knex migrate:latest

Start Backend Server

Simply run npm run start to start the backend server. Now you have both frontend and backend started.