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File metadata and controls

37 lines (33 loc) · 3.61 KB



Name Type Description Notes
locktime Number Represents the locktime on the transaction on the specific blockchain, i.e. the blockheight at which the transaction is valid.
size Number Represents the total size of this transaction.
vSize Number Represents the virtual size of this transaction.
version Number Defines the version of the transaction.
vin [ListConfirmedTransactionsByAddressRIBSZVinInner] Object Array representation of transaction inputs
vout [GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIBSZVoutInner] Object Array representation of transaction outputs
contract String Numeric representation of the transaction contract
gasLimit String Represents the amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone.
gasPrice ListConfirmedTransactionsByAddressRIBSBSCGasPrice
gasUsed String Represents the exact unit of gas that was used for the transaction.
inputData String Numeric representation of the transaction input
internalTransactionsCount Number Representation of the internal transactions count
nonce Number Represents the sequential running number for an address, starting from 0 for the first transaction. E.g., if the nonce of a transaction is 10, it would be the 11th transaction sent from the sender's address.
tokenTransfersCount Number Representation of the token transfers count
transactionStatus String Represents if the transaction is successfull or failed.
bindingSig String It is used to enforce balance of Spend and Output transfers, in order to prevent their replay across transactions.
expiryHeight Number Represents a block height after which the transaction will expire.
joinSplitPubKey String Represents an encoding of a JoinSplitSig public validating key.
joinSplitSig String Is used to sign transactions that contain at least one JoinSplit description.
overwintered Boolean "Overwinter" is the network upgrade for the Zcash blockchain.
vJoinSplit [ListConfirmedTransactionsByAddressRIBSZVJoinSplitInner] Represents a sequence of JoinSplit descriptions using BCTV14 proofs.
vShieldedOutput [GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIBSZVShieldedOutputInner] Object Array representation of transaction output descriptions
vShieldedSpend [GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDRIBSZVShieldedSpendInner] Object Array representation of transaction spend descriptions
valueBalance String Defines the transaction value balance.
versionGroupId String Represents the transaction version group ID.
bandwidthUsed String Numeric representation of the transaction used bandwidth
energyUsed String String representation of the transaction used energy
hasInternalTransactions Boolean Defines if there are internal transactions (true) or not (false)
hasTokenTransfers Boolean Defines if there are tokens transfers (true) or not (false)